The Collection of The End

Two thousand four hundred and ninety, North American Mythical War (341)

Remember [new] in one second! ——DC, darkness——

Universe 0.

After "changing the universe" again, Bruce habitually prepared to observe the surroundings to confirm the situation, but found that this time there was no "confirming the current situation" step and the feeling of being half asleep, and he was firmly sealed in a huge block of ice and unable to move.

Looking out from inside the "ice cube", one can only observe the light and shadow of Mumou Lake. It can be vaguely distinguished from the light and dark tones at the top and the rising and falling from time to time. This giant ice should be suspended in a wide range. In a small water area, more detailed information is not available.

As for the ice itself, it didn't cause Bruce any squeezing or suffocation. It seemed to be just a simple restraint. Although it was as cold as ordinary ice, this temperature was nothing to "Batman".

Recalling the extreme cold he felt when he first went to "other universes", Bruce suddenly realized that this was his original universe.

Although his previous experience allowed him to see many "Batmans" regard Gotham as their own back garden and not allow other superheroes to get involved, Bruce has never been able to empathize with them and achieve their goals. As long as the other party If you don't intend to settle permanently in Gotham, then there is no problem in using some external forces.

But at this moment, after the "field investigation", he understood those Batmans more or less - he was still comfortable staying in his own territory.

Not to mention other things, those universes that put "Batman" into life and death difficulties right from the start. After Bruce took over, he could only make temporary plans based on his equipment and the on-site environment, and could not get external support at all. If he could choose, he would be completely Don't want to go again.

As "Batman", when formulating a plan, if there are no one, two or three preparations, four, five, six back-ups, and seven or eighty-nine off-site support, it will not enter the execution stage at all.

This is because "Bruce Wayne" is essentially an ordinary person. If he has to enter a head-on confrontation that requires hard power, it will generally be the worst outcome, and the experiences in those different "Dark Universes" are also Proving this, almost every "Batman" is about to die as a result of losing a head-to-head duel.

No, it should be said that in the original history of those universes, their "Bruce Wayne" did die in these duels. At least the past experiences described by the "Batman Heroes" he summoned are consistent with it, and others are not. The experience of "Bruce Wayne" in the familiar world should be similar.

In fact, when traveling through various universes to save different Batmans, Bruce would rather see the past of the Batmans from the "Dark Knights" who had fought with him on the moon, although the two parties have resolved their misunderstandings and exchanged information. There is information about the "Court of Owls" and the "True Dark Knights" who have defected from their organization, but seeing that they are not very smart and may be controlled at any time, it is safer to prepare countermeasures in advance.

However, of course, not at all. According to the classification method of "The Dark Knight", all Batmans are roughly divided into three categories: "Bruce himself", "Bruce's approved successor" and "imposters who simply use a name" , the "Bruce Wayne" he saved along the way were all the types of "second and third-level Batman" who spawned after death, and the members of the "True Dark Knights" were "Bruce Wayne" himself Due to various reasons, he became black, and he never encountered any danger to his life. Naturally, there was no need to save him.

Well, think about it carefully. Although Ms. Bai Jingjing responded to the rules very quickly and did not hesitate to save Batman who was in a certain death situation during the whole process, but...does this really have no side effects?


The dull clang of ice interrupted Bruce's thoughts.

"..." Bruce rolled his eyes - unable to move his body - and looked towards the direction of the collision.

The scene on the outer layer of the ice became relatively clear from the mold lake, as if the frosted glass was stained with water, allowing Bruce to see more clearly the... grinning clown outside the ice.

He was sealed in another block of ice, maintaining the posture of running away, but his expression did not show much panic. If I had to use a metaphor... he looked like a kid who had just lit firecrackers and thrown them into the sewer, hoping to see a wonderful reaction. Damn boy.

Obviously, this Mr. Joe Cole was not at all frightened by the "weird rules" as he said and ran to Wayne Manor to seek help. Instead, he wanted him to be called "Bruce Wayne" instead of "Batman" ” identity comes into contact with those “rules”.

How should I put it? It’s not unexpected at all. If one day the clown will be honest and completely stop causing trouble, lying and making trouble, Bruce may have to wonder if the world is going to be destroyed.

Oh, it seems like he has saved a dozen or twenty worlds just now. He is skilled in business and fearless.


The sound of ice cubes colliding came again, and this time Bruce noticed that the clown seemed to be gritting his teeth and staring, maintaining his frozen posture and exerting force, and thus achieved some results - making the ice cubes that sealed the two of them lighten. A slight touch.

I see.

As "Bruce Wayne", he can go to other worlds to save "alien bodies" and thereby eliminate the influence of "rules", but the Joker obviously cannot. In my impression, even the most decisive "Batman" has never directly In addition to the "no killing principle", the main reason for killing the clown is that the clown is too weak.

In most worlds, although the Joker is very crazy, has powerful abilities to cause trouble, and can use a variety of strange inventions borrowed from different super criminals, he is essentially the same as Batman, an "ordinary person". people".

A "superhero" can have a hundred reasons to kill a "super criminal", but he can never kill an "ordinary person" who is simply mentally ill - he cannot even be called a criminal, because mental illness has immunity .

This means that Mr. Joe Cole has no chance to participate in this kind of trip to other parallel universes where "oneself was killed" and changed history. He has probably been fighting against the ice here since the aquarium was frozen.

Since he has returned for a long time now and nothing further has happened, it means that the status quo needs to be broken by himself.

Then... let's summon a "Batman Heroic Spirit" to finish it off.

Judging from the current environment that seems to be far away from the sea, "Super Bat" is very suitable. I hope he is not busy with other things.

"SHAZAM!" Bruce whispered in a speech that didn't move his lips.

Boom boom boom——

The sea surface suddenly rose near the two ice floes, revealing a huge "Bat Submarine". It stretched out two mechanical arms and clamped Bruce and the Joker into the cargo hold.


"Thank you, Alfred." Bruce walked out of the warehouse stepping on the ice debris and looked at the "old bat" who was waiting outside, still maintaining the air of a British aristocrat: "There is nothing wrong with Mr. Jones's zoo, right? And Why are you here in person? Super Bat is busy?"

"It was just a sewer explosion. It's not a big problem. The supernatural factors contained in it have also disappeared. The mood of the park workers and visitors is stable." The old bat handed a clean towel to Bruce: "But who is the 'Super Bat'?"

"Huh?" Bruce paused as he took the towel and wiped his hair: "That's a 'heroic spirit' summoned through the 'Batman Fragments', just like you."

"You have summoned a new 'heroic spirit' again? That's good," the old bat nodded: "Only 'Bat Dad', 'Bat Mom' and I can manage the entire Gotham and its supporting systems. Not caught."


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