The Collection of The End

Two thousand four hundred and ninety-one, North American Mythical War (342)

——? ? ? ——

The destroyed planet Kovad, the Anti-Monitor Tower.

"Your judgment is wrong, chair." Mobius tapped the armrest of the chair.

"I said, I am 'omniscient', not 'precognitive'," Mobius Chair replied: "Thanos' action of 'reshaping' the multiverse will in turn cause a large number of Batmans to disappear. This No one would have thought of it.】"

"He's Cable."

"He better be.]"

At the top of the giant tower, Mobius is observing the "multiverse quadrant" projected in the void. At this time, the third and fourth quadrants that were originally almost empty have become full, although the light of each universe is very bright. Faint, but at least it's there.

"I have carefully checked the list of personnel of the 'Dark Knights'," Mobius raised his hand and slid a piece of information: "'Batman's designated successor' and 'unrelated people who randomly bear the name of Batman' These two identities of 'Batman' have all disappeared. In the universe where they were originally located, those Bruce Waynes who were supposed to die in a certain incident are still alive and well. Of course, Batman's The reason for giving up the name."

"This incident was purely accidental," Mobius responded: "Thanos's act of 'reshaping the universe' was approved by 'Ms. Death', so as the cause of the destruction of these universes, 'Batman's The death incident will naturally be the first to be 'repaired' during the reshaping, and those 'Batmans who are not Bruce' recruited when these universes are about to be destroyed will of course return to their original identities after reshaping, and the result is In other words, they are 'not Batman', so there is no reason for us to recruit them.】"

"He is Cable," Mobius stopped sliding and looked at a piece of "Batman" intelligence that read "This is also part of my plan" in all the entries: "Unfortunately, those who were Whisper of the Void's bewitched traitors are all 'Bruce Wayne himself'."

"Even if it is not, it will have no impact. When the Laughing Bat and others can rely on their own power - even if it is borrowed - to travel through the multiverse, changes at the level of a single universe will no longer be able to affect them,]" Mobius Chair Answer: "But unfortunately, all the Batmans we have recruited so far were taken out of the single universe by the power of the 'Anti-Monitor'. After their 'origins' were changed, they can no longer maintain this world that does not belong to them." The identity then disappears.】"

"In this way, there are only three 'Nine Knights' left, tsk." Mobius shook his head: "I don't mean to look down on the other 'Batmans' who also 'must be Bruce Wayne himself', but their strength is really It's very weak - the upper limit of ordinary human abilities is there, and when it comes to wisdom, who can be stronger than the 'All-Knowing One'?"

"It's useless to praise me," the chair responded: "Those reshaped 'genuine Batman' have never experienced the invasion of the 'Court of Owls', and it is almost impossible to persuade them to join the 'Dark Knights' - —You know how suspicious ‘Batman’ is, and he might regard you as a big devil who wants to destroy the universe, and call on the superheroes they know to come and catch the turtle in a jar.]”

"Tsk..." Mobius did not intend to refute this hypothesis, because it was very likely to be true, and instead said: "We should obviously eliminate the 'influence of the evil god of subspace' and hunt down the comrades of 'Kang the Conqueror'. As a result, because of his action, my combat power was almost wiped out, and a counter-monitor who was not 'omniscient' would have probably fought with him."

"Guess how the original 'Monitor', 'Counter-Monitor' and 'Former of the World' started fighting among themselves, and then were brought under control by Barbatos?]" The chair transformed into an arrow, pointing to the desolate and ruined wasteland outside the window. scene.

"I asked, but you didn't tell." Mobius followed the arrow and looked out the window: "Like now, misunderstandings and conflicts arise because of different positions and you are unwilling to communicate with each other?"

"The overall difference is quite good, but it is not a misunderstanding. Communication with each other cannot solve it, it will only make the conflict deeper," the chair retracted the arrow, and his tone was a little emotional: "For example, now, those who use the 'non-Bruce Wayne' version of the Bat People who regard Xia as friends and relatives will definitely attribute their disappearance to the '■■■■' that Thanos brought out when he reshaped the world and caused chaos in their world.】"

"He's Cable," Mobius frowned, "What's that last word?"

"I mean, 'Ghost Stories'," Mobius Chair repeated: "Even if you tell him, what caused his friends to disappear was that he saved the 'original Batman' from certain death in those 'world fragments' If you save someone from a certain situation, he will also think that you are talking nonsense and shirking responsibility.】"

Following the words of the Möbius Chair, the quadrant picture in the void quickly zoomed in, pointing straight towards the "Universe 0" located at the origin of the four quadrant coordinates.

After the screen briefly faded, it showed Batman, no, Bruce Wayne, in the Batcave under Wayne Manor, having a serious conversation with several other Batmans with somewhat unreal silhouettes and different shapes.

In this picture, there is another guy who is incompatible with the overall serious atmosphere - the clown who is typing on the keyboard in front of the Batcomputer.

"...As expected of Universe 0, there are probably not many Batmans in the entire multiverse who would dare to give the Joker control of the Batcave computer," Mobius complained, then turned to observe those Batmans: "They seem to It's the same Batman who fought the 'Nine Knights', but why are they still around?"

"Because they have a close connection with our remaining 'Three Horsemen', 'Bat-Daddy' is the father of 'Captain America Bruce', 'Bat-Mama' is the mother of 'Spider-Man Bruce', and 'Old Bat' is The butler of 'Iron Man Bruce',]" Mobius Chair paused: "You may remember that 'The Three Caballeros' were composed of 'The Three Sages' from different 'Bruce Wayne's Death in Crime Alley' events Those who have been rescued, Thanos will not be able to affect them when he reshapes the universe - he cannot save the 'already rescued' people again - so their origins will remain the same.】"

"He is Cable," Mobius looked thoughtfully at the several Batmans on the screen who were gradually getting excited: "You say, if I claim that 'Kang the Conqueror' is the instigator of this incident , and then invited them to join the Dark Knights as victims, did you do anything to start it?"

"Uh-huh," the chair snorted: "How are you sure he is not the instigator?"


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