The Collection of The End

Two thousand four hundred and ninety-seven, North American Mythical War (348)

——? ? ? ——

Universe No. 4399.

The "Ace Joer" space station is falling into the atmosphere.

The face of the maniacally laughing clown wearing an owl mask that can be clearly seen even from the earth is gradually molding and falling apart amidst the raging fire and the continuous scattering of the physical structure of the space station.

In the main control room of the space station, the shape is almost the same as the space station spray painting, but the clown without the owl mask opened his eyes in shock and looked at the tall figure wearing a pitch-black pointed-eared hood in front of him.

"No, this is impossible!" He hissed: "I created you! Everything you experienced was arranged by me!"

"You're right, everything was arranged by you," the dark figure replied with a voice like throat cancer and a flat tone: "You control the entire Gotham and make it look like the eighteenth century. , and prevent any events that may lead to the continued development of technological levels, because you are worried that residents with relevant knowledge will discover your existence as their horizons expand.]”

A sudden explosion illuminated the main control room, and the tall figure's gray tights and the bat pattern on the chest came into view.

"Everything you experienced was designed by me!" The impending crisis made the clown hysterical: "You are just an 'actor' living in a 'fake city'! I took the same script as you and played the role of 'Batman' 'There are a total of 7 people!"

"Of course, I still remember that the 'personality' you arranged for 'Batman' appears to be a wealthy playboy, but in fact he is the 'Dark Knight' who carries out his own justice and secretly protects the entire Gotham," "The man in the bat suit replied: "When I found out that I was just a 'character' in the 'script', my whole person almost collapsed.】"

"So why do you want to destroy all this!" The clown glared: "Why can't you negotiate with me like your predecessors, choose to retire, and return to the real reality to live! Without me, this would have been the same as reality long ago. The world is derailed, and cities that maintain the production and living standards of centuries ago may be destroyed in an instant!”

"Maybe, after Gotham loses its 'controller', it will face many challenges in the 'new world', and it may even be directly destroyed like you said. Even if I try my best, I may not be able to stop it," the man's The black cloak rustled in the air waves generated by the explosion: "But I will not regret everything I did at this time, because...]"

"..." The clown's expression was still a little distorted at first, but as the man spoke, his expression became calmer, and the corners of his blood-red mouth began to tilt up uncontrollably.

"Because I am Batman.]" Batman said.

“Hehehe, hehehe—hehehe—hahahaha—!”

With crazy laughter, the wreckage of the space station, which had been burned red and whose structural strength had reached its limit, exploded.




When the clown regained consciousness, he felt as if he was falling on the cold floor, and what he heard in his ears was the howling of the cold wind and the crackling of the bonfire.

"You finally woke up," an inexplicably familiar voice said: "It seems that you are the least qualified among us."

"..." The clown opened his eyes, stood up, and looked in the direction of the sound in silence.

This is a half-collapsed stone building. Judging from the dilapidated doors, windows and wall shapes on all sides, it is roughly a medieval European style. In the middle of the building, there is a bonfire burning, and there is an inexplicable broken stick inserted in it. Spiral sword.

Around the bonfire, there were three people sitting or standing, dressed differently but with the same weird looks. The one closest to me and the one who had just spoken was wearing a blue tights and a hat with white letters "a" printed on it. " mask, holding a round shield with red and white circles and five stars in his hand.

The other person was wearing green tights and a black mask covering his eyes, and was rubbing the green ring on his hand as if to show off.

The last person was wearing a relatively ordinary suit and white shirt, like a white-collar worker seen everywhere, but what caught the clown's attention the most was the face - it was exactly the same face as himself without clown makeup.

"I am..." The clown stared at the face and said slowly: "Nathaniel Richards."

"Haha, it seems that no one is the same." The man in green snorted.

"I am 'Venom'!]" The ordinary white-collar worker was suddenly enveloped in a dark liquid that came from nowhere, and his head turned into a monster with big white eyes and a long red tongue, and he shouted loudly.

"What a wonderful self-introduction, but please don't start fighting again, 'Parallax Demon' and 'Spider Venom'." The man in blue with a shield looked at the clown: "I am 'Captain Hydra', and you? Where are you?" A clown?"

"I am...hehe..." The clown took out a mask and put it on his face: "'Owl Clown'."

"Very good, it seems that you have found the necessary information from your own mind, but I still repeat it," the Hydra captain nodded: "We are all 'Nathaniel Richards', that is The great ruler of the galaxy 'Kang the Conqueror' is 'self' in different timelines, different world lines and even different universes. Under normal circumstances, he will only provide necessary support when he has to deal with enemies in other timelines. Occasionally, he will Accept the call when he needs manpower, complete the tasks assigned, and get some rewards, I guess the current situation is the latter."

"Hehe... mission? What mission?" The owl clown laughed strangely: "If what I think is right, the three of you are already finished in your respective worlds, right? And it's the kind of 'long-term plan is completely shattered' degree of 'done'."

"Sure enough, the Joker can become an old enemy of Batman, and his intelligence, insight and logical analysis skills are not bad." The Hydra captain nodded in agreement with his guess, and then said with a slightly twisted expression: "Why would someone secretly steal The 'real Captain America' who has been sinking at the bottom of the sea for almost a hundred years is dug up and thawed? How in the world do I not look real?"

"You've been pretending to be someone for so long, it's normal for you to have flaws," the Parallax Demon snorted: "The non-existent 'Hal Jordan' suddenly appeared on my side and accused me of being a fake, and then he really took away all the Green light energy, it’s just weird.”

After the two of them finished speaking, they both turned to look at Spider Venom.

"Gu...]" The black monster retracted into the body of the white collar without saying a word. The white collar looked at the atmosphere and explained with a little helplessness: "I acted too arrogantly and was noticed by the 'God of Symbiote', so I sent an agent. He came to capture him, but he was finally stuffed into a rocket and shot into the sky, exploding."

"Ahem, in short, let's meet up with Lord Kang the Conqueror as soon as possible." The Hydra captain cleared his throat and changed the subject: "Maybe he has a way to solve the crisis we encountered, such as resetting the timeline or adjusting the world line. .”

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