The Collection of The End

Two thousand four hundred and ninety-eight, North American Mythical War (349)

——? ? ? ——

The Rock of Eternity.

After several consecutive "increase of observation objects", "select key observations" and "increase of observation objects again", at this time, countless "doors" above the huge stone theater once again entered a chaotic state of demons, and countless similar and different universes appeared repeatedly. Then it disappeared suddenly, looking like a starry sky that was constantly twinkling.

On the throne below, the "gods" who are strong-minded and energetic, such as the yellow-robed Hercules holding his chin in his hands and the white-haired Zeus who is eating popcorn, are still observing carefully, while others The "gods" either have their eyes turned into mosquito coils and are staggering in a daze, or they put their faces on the armrests and snore. As for the ones who sit upright and look straight ahead... they are just appearances, and their true bodies have long since disappeared.

"Well... the 'Dark Batman' and the 'Dark Knights', under the influence of six closely related 'Mutant Batman's, temporarily formed an alliance and began to search for clues about 'Kang the Conqueror' throughout the multiverse. But they all have their own little ideas and want to use each other's hands to achieve their own goals." Hercules said while looking at the light and shadow in the sky: "And the 'Reincarnation Golden Crystal', in order to complete the 'Lord God Mission', also By revising them on each of the sets of 'Rules and Monsters', the trajectories of the two will eventually intersect, but it's still early."

"Squeaks ... As for all the originists of this ... squeak ..." Zeus looked at the light and shadow of another ceiling, dripping the popcorn in his mouth and gurgling. When the single universe was destroyed by the 'Court of Owls', it did not restore all the forces of 'Batman who is not Bruce' in the universe where 'Bruce is not Batman'. He chose to recruit and accept them and refused to accept recruitment. The members of the Dark Order just allowed them to be 'reset' back to their original identities. This behavior eventually led to half of the population of these single universes disappearing out of thin air without anyone noticing - and you still say you are not Thanos?"

"After rescuing people, you took half of them away, but you said you killed the other half, right?" Mercury, with short pink hair, tilted his head and looked over: "Besides, he is Cable."

"Ha, whatever," Zeus threw another popcorn casually: "I just think Deadpool's catchphrase is quite interesting to use, and not only does Mr. Cable's action trajectory coincide with that of the original Thanos, but There’s even an adopted daughter.”

"There are no Chitauri in Chitauri Invasion, there is no Ultron in Age of Ultron, so of course there is no Thanos in Infinity War," Mercury adjusted her red-rimmed glasses: "As expected, it should be 'Conqueror' Kang' tops this position."

"He? Maybe he is stronger than Thanos, and he can indeed destroy a single universe, but if he doesn't even have an 'Infinity Stone', how can the big event qualify as an 'Infinity War'?" Zeus waved. Waving hands to express disagreement.

"..." Mercury stared at Zeus without saying a word.

"What...what? Did I say that right?" Zeus blinked, looking confused.

"It's just to save some face for the Master," Mercury said: "Although she often makes mistakes, she is still quick to pick up the slack."

"Isn't that natural? If 'we' are all the same as 'she'..." Zeus paused mid-sentence: "Wait a minute, were you just roundabout and calling me stupid?"

"No." Mercury turned his gaze.

"Don't try to trick me!" Zeus glared at her: "I'm not stupid enough not to notice that others are calling me stupid!"

"There are no turns," Mercury continued.

"Isn't this good..." Zeus turned back with satisfaction, and then realized something seemed wrong, "...huh?"

"Well, I think that's the case?" Hercules tried to interject, successfully attracting the attention of the two "gods": "This 'infinity' actually does not refer to the 'infinite gems', but to 'infinite space'? "

"Huh?" Zeus was temporarily distracted and no longer thought about whether he was stupid or not: "It seems... it can indeed be explained this way."

"According to the original setting, 'Kang the Conqueror' has a base 'Star of Time' that transcends all time, where there are passages to all time nodes." Mercury gave up the original topic and turned to Several protagonists are "Richards" who pull the door in front of the throne: "He will secretly guide himself in different timelines to grow, so that their abilities or characters meet certain needs of his own, and then appear in front of them to recruit, and Due to the trust in 'self', this kind of recruitment will almost never fail - the currently known individual who refuses to recruit and resolutely opposes him is the 'remaining person', the director of the 'Time Variation Administration'."

"This doesn't sound like it has anything to do with 'infinite space'?" Zeus looked at the "Richards" with different abilities and forms: "This kind of behavior of leaving avatars everywhere is more like what 'she' likes to do."

"..." Mercury seemed to want to refute but couldn't find a reason, so he continued: "In addition to 'himself', 'Kang the Conqueror' will also throw some indigenous people to other world lines just out of interest. or timeline, and issue tasks and rewards to them through various methods. When the game is almost done, these 'reincarnators' will be thrown back to their original worlds, and before that, they will try to recruit the best of them to themselves. of subordinates - the casualty rate and the rate of refusal to accept recruitment are very high."

"The more I talk about it, the more it sounds like, infinite space and the Lord God," Zeus touched his chin: "'Infinite War'... Is this why he was able to obtain the authority of 'The End of Reincarnation' around 3000? That guy is now where?"

"I don't know. We can only observe the 'self' he used to gain the authority of the 'Four Vendors', but we cannot locate his own location." Mercury shook his head: "As expected, it should be the 'Time' The prototype of the Star in the current time period, the personality of that place is at least the same as that of the Rock of Eternity."

"Well..." Zeus looked at those doors. The "Owl Clown" who controlled Gotham, the "Hydra Captain" who had replaced the entire Avengers Alliance, the "Paralax Demon" who was so paranoid that he must protect Beach City, and the wanton The "Spider Venom" that evolved at will then asked: "So, do you plan to track 'Kang the Conqueror' in reverse by monitoring them? 'Sit back and wait'?"

"I'm more inclined to 'play the long game to catch the big fish'," Mercury shook his head slightly: "Since he thinks that having the power of the 'Four Vendors' can be upgraded to the 'End of Samsara', he will definitely not give up on these people. Once he shows up..."


At this moment, the situations of several "Richards" in the picture suddenly changed dramatically.

"Because I'm Batman.]"

"I can fight you all day long!]"

"If you go beyond the rules and regulations, go to court and swear an oath before me, the supreme divine light!]"

"Venom! You are under arrest!]"

"..." Mercury fell silent for a moment as he looked at "Richards" disappearing from the screen and Katcha's shattered door.

"Is this just called 'Air Force'?" Hercules scratched his head.

"Shut up!" x2

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