The Collection of The End

Two thousand four hundred and ninety-nine, North American Mythical War (350)

——? ? ? ——

"Is that...the Statue of Liberty?"

"Your Statue of Liberty is stuck on the pyramid?"

"I know the pyramids, but what is the Statue of Liberty?"

"Hehehe, things are getting interesting."

When the temporarily formed "Richards Team" began to explore the surrounding environment, they discovered that "reuniting with Kang the Conqueror" was still somewhat difficult.

Outside the medieval building that they appeared out of thin air was a scene that could only appear in bizarre and irregular dreams:

Castles, streets, shops, city walls, watch towers, these ancient medieval-style buildings are haphazardly pieced together. This refers not only to the chaotic planning, but also to their posture.

For example, half of the sentry tower poked into a tavern in an upside-down posture, and a section of the city wall extended out from the second-floor window of the tavern. The end of this section of the city wall connected like a road to the main entrance of a barracks lying on the ground. .

This was just the initial area. When they explored the outer layer, they encountered an even weirder environment. Familiar cities such as Gotham, New York, Beach City, and Los Angeles began to appear around them. Similarly, they were twisted, patchwork, and randomly stacked. It was only then that the four members of the team discovered that their perceptions of "Earth", "Country" and "City" were very different from each other.

In this strange environment, the only consolation is that no matter how weird the combination of scenes is, there will always be one or two "routes" that guide them through these cities that are randomly assembled like building blocks.

However, no matter how long they marched and how many random cities they passed through, the surrounding environment did not change at all. "Spider Venom" even started to yell why there couldn't be some monsters to fight him.

Theoretically speaking, at this time, we should not just move forward like a headless fly, but find a way to reach higher places, first decide where we want to go and then find a route. However, no one in the team seems to have similar abilities.

"Owl Clown" and "Hydra Captain" are just ordinary people with immortality or enhanced physical fitness. They cannot fly without external force. "Paralax Demon" and "Spider Venom" could have taken off or jumped very fast. High, but before reaching this strange place, all of them were drained or suppressed by their opponents. They were just more durable than the other two.

"Hehehe, have you discovered it? There is a direction that we have not explored." When the teammates started to comment on the Statue of Liberty, the owl clown suddenly said.

"..." Although the people present had different experiences, their basic IQs were still online. After hearing this, they looked at each other and made eye contact for a moment, then looked up to the "sky" in unison.

The "sky" in this world is pure black, with only a ring of flames floating at the zenith that looks like a total solar eclipse providing illumination. This situation is too weird even for them, and they rarely look up when they are on their way. .

And once you start to pay attention, you will quickly find something abnormal: the sky...seems like you can climb up?

Take the Statue of Liberty, which is stuck on the pyramid not far away, as an example. There is a school bus floating on the top of the torch that it holds, and a dozen floating desks fall out of the school bus. At the end of the desks is a mere There is a flat basketball court, and at the other end of the basketball court are compasses, rulers and protractors that have been enlarged many times. Above that are equally huge test papers, answer sheets and computers...

"It seems to be something that teenagers generally hate." The Hydra captain commented.

"Already working adults don't like thank yous either," interjected the possessor of spider venom.

When looking at other "blocks" at this time, it is easy to find that on the tops of tall buildings and solid structures, there are climbing structures with no end in sight, built with various weird gadgets. "Stairs to the sky", but because they were not very conspicuous in the dark sky, the team members who did not look up very much did not notice them at all.

"Suddenly it occurred to me..." Owl Clown looked around at the other three people: "Everyone here seems to be the 'unable to fall' type."


Plop, bang, croak.

After several hours of climbing and falling, the four "Richards" finally reached the "top of the sky" or, in other words, the real "ground".

After finally reaching the highest point, behind a black disc that looked like a record, the disc flipped over completely, shooting the four of them directly towards the "Ring of Flame" that was still some distance away. Then the gravity flipped 180 degrees, causing everything to disappear. All three people except Spider Venom, who could change forms and fall slowly, fell solidly.

However, after falling for several hours, this drop is nothing to them - at least not compared to the anticipation of the new area.

At this time, the "Ring of Fire" under their feet was as big as dozens of football fields. It was composed of rough brown rocks. The ground was pitted with various weapons scattered or poked vertically. Many areas were without The flames, either pale or red, burned with kindling and fuel.

And now when we look at the "sky", we can see that it is a "roof" that covers the sky and is composed of a densely packed and twisted and weird city that can't be seen to the end, as if it is about to fall at any time. The degree of spiritual pollution is enough to make the mind People who are not determined will go crazy.

"Is this the residence of Lord Kang the Conqueror?" Spider Venom spit out his long tongue and shook it in a circle: "It doesn't seem very livable."

"Be careful with your words and actions." The Hydra captain warned seriously: "It's as easy as eating and drinking to kill us."

"How do you know that you don't want to kill us?" Parallax Demon said as if to argue, and then pointed behind the Hydra captain: "Or, can you explain what that is?"

"..." The Hydra captain, who wanted to argue something, turned around, and then saw a giant flaming man.

It was a tall man who was three meters tall, with a body made of red flames, wearing armor made of white flames, and holding a giant sword made of black flames, with a face that resembled a lake.

It walked towards a few people, its huge sword dragging a chasm on the ground that kept flying sparks. Although it did not express its attitude, its posture did not look like it was here to have a friendly conversation with them.

"This may be some kind of test for adults..."


Before the Hydra captain could finish speaking, the giant flaming man suddenly swung his sword in the direction of the four of them. Layers of waves of flames rushed towards them with the momentum of swallowing up everything. Almost at the same time, his name and The long red bar below appeared in front of the eyes of "Richards":

The incarnation of salary kings】

"This is an encounter! Everyone, meet the enemy!" The Hydra captain raised his shield: "Avengers, gather - cough, long live Hydra!"

"Don't order me, idiot.]"

"Huh, is that the only level?"

"Hehehe, things are getting interesting."

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