The Collection of The End

Chapter 250 The Princess and the Attendant

My name is Akatosh,

Don't let me go three times, hey!

——4E, 201, Hearthfire, 7th, 18:09——

Windhelm City, Highrim Villa.

As one of the many meeting places for "Shawl Blonde", there are often ladies and young girls with bright blond hair coming in and out here, so Xiao Fan's behavior of pushing the door openly is ignored by the patrolling guards nearby—even if they feel that a certain woman For those who are unfamiliar, one has to consider whether the other party is a family member of a noble family who lives reclusively, and with the strength of the Shattered Shield family, it is naturally impossible for any unscrupulous thieves to come to patronize.

"We didn't catch 'Lin Wei', and he ran away with [Azura Star], but we have already taken this mission from Ms. Azura, so he won't trouble you." Go After entering the living room of the villa, Xiaofan saw Jodi Kuhai spinning around in circles. In order to prevent her from rushing over to ask if there was anything, Xiaofan immediately said the most important thing in advance.

Hmm... From her expression and complexion, one can clearly see what it means to be surprised and delighted, mixed with surprises, and happy instead of surprised.

"Then... that batch of jewels?" After the surprise, Joti began to look up and down Xiaofan, and his face turned pale again: "Is it your companion named Amir who brought it?"

"...I'm here." Kacha, Amir took a crisp bite of the candied fruit feast while appearing on a chair.

Xiao Fan looked at Jodi who started to have water in his eyes, and spread his hands with a helpless expression.

"Wow——" Jodi burst into tears: "Sister Frigga will eat me——"

"Huh? It's been a long time, did you add to Frigg's recipe?" Xiao Fan teased.

"Wuuuuuuuu..." Jodi ignored her.

"Hehe, haven't you noticed yet? Little Annoyance, it's because you put on a show with her when you first met to scare you on purpose." Although the tone was not high and the tone was relatively gentle, a confident female voice sounded.

Xiaofan turned around and saw Frigga Shattered Shield, whom he hadn't seen for a few years. The girl who had to grit her teeth to resist the pressure because of her status as the eldest daughter of the family, although she was strong, she could still feel that she was strong in the outside world, was gone. , at this time, her whole body exudes a confident aura, and her once slightly green face has become a very aggressive and beautiful appearance. Although she is wearing a skirt made of exquisite materials, there are mid-length trousers that are easy to move underneath , and a strange long sword with a slight curvature pinned to his waist.

"Miss Frigg—" "Hey!" The little boy wearing the leather armor of the master of the Thieves Guild intended to raise his skirt symbolically, but was hugged directly by the other party.

Although he didn't intend to hide, but it's another matter if he couldn't avoid it at all. Xiaofan stared at this friend whom he hadn't seen for a long time with slightly sharp eyes.

"Tsk tsk, little trouble, you haven't grown up at all." "Stop rambling, you cow."

The interaction between Xiao Fan and Frigga surprised Jodi so much that he forgot to cry.

"Stop making trouble, return those jewels to Jodi, the place has been cleaned up so clean, how could it be done by 'Lin Wei'?" Frigga let go of the little fan, and patted her on the shoulder.

"Well, the bigger Jyoti is, the less fun it gets," Xiao Fan turned to the girl who was picking up a green apple: "Emir? You can keep a few you like and don't return them to her."

"...I don't like it at all." With the voice, a cloud of dense black mist appeared in the conference room out of thin air, it slowly fell to the floor and dissipated in an instant, and then a large number of neatly stacked jewelry appeared on the its landing position.

"Wow!" Joti, who was the only one present who was interested in them, rushed over immediately, while Xiao Fan and Fliga had already started discussing the next step of cooperation.

"Then, we, Shawl Blonde, will provide shelter for the Thieves Guild's operations in Windhelm City—by the way, you really don't plan to come back?" Frigga said.


You know, Wu... After 'that person' raised the flag of rebellion, there is no room for reconciliation between us," Xiaofan shook his head slightly: "I am Xiaofan now, and I am just Xiaofan. "

"Okay, if you insist," Friga paused, and changed the subject: "A mage friend of mine may know something about the escape method of 'Lin Wei', she is a 'Hino Scholar', I have stayed in the Mage Academy in Winterhold for a long time, although I don’t know if it is still there, but you and your companions can go to her and have a try.”


"Jeanne, Jeanne Darc."


Rift Valley City, Blackthorn family villa.

"About Sabujon, you have handled it very well," Marwen Blackthorn was checking the color of her long nails against the bright candlelight: "No one can not pay the price after messing with the Blackthorn family .”

The current Patriarch of the Blackthorn family looks to be only about thirty years old, with almost no wrinkles on her face, and the luxurious aristocratic dress on her body makes her barely able to be praised as "bright and charming".

It's just that her eldest son, Heimying Blackthorn, who is obviously over thirty and never leaves her, and her youngest son, Sybi Blackthorn, who is around twenty and always causes trouble, have raised the lower limit of outsiders' guesses about her age. .

Parathos didn't know if she knew it was the bard he had encouraged Brand-Xie to take away, but since she didn't mention it, let's just pretend not to know.

"It's an honor to serve you, ma'am," Captain Sharp-Eyed Hawk, who has seen many noble women from the royal family, naturally has nothing to fear when facing an ordinary nobleman in Skyrim Province: "It's just that no one knows that he offended Blackthorn. Unlucky."

"The reason for a single incident is not important, Mr. Parry," Marwen continued to stare at her nails: "The important thing is to maintain the fact that 'all people and forces who offend Blackthorn will be unlucky'."

Talking to scheming people is really tiring. Parasus couldn't be sure if Marwen knew that the Thieves Guild was dissatisfied with the status quo of being controlled and made a small move. Maybe her words were just a habitual threat.

In short, remember and pass on all these words, and then let those guild masters have a headache.

Delwin was always thinking about Little Trouble, if it wasn't for fear of being beaten equally by Sapphire, Parathos would also like to express his miss for Princess Emilia—although it wasn't a subjective factor, but he did let the princess act on her own again. After the eldest sister found out, she was afraid that she would use a giant sword to take pictures of herself as a mural on the wall.

"The enemy will suffer misfortune, but our friends will naturally get help." Mawen put down her hand, took a letter from Heimying's hand and opened it.

"A friend of the Blackthorn family, a baron who lives in Solitary City, asked us for help," she scanned the contents of the letter, picking out the contents and said to Parasus: "A captain who can make money refused He accepted his request for investment and share participation, so he decided to use some means to force the other party to agree."

It's that fellow Erikour, right? It must be him! After the princess left, he wanted to do something again, right?

"However, because the person or organization that can do this kind of thing near Solitary City is stared to death by the sharp-eyed eagle, he can't do it, and he can't hold it in the city-'Dark Ritual'," Parasos noted. Ma Wen paused slightly, and raised her eyebrows: "So he sent a messenger to ask the Blackthorn family for help."

"So, what do you want me to do?" Paraisos put on an expression of obeying orders at any time.

"Look, that's what I like about Mr. Parry, talk less and do more." Ma Wen said to He Muying, and the big Nord smiled dryly and nodded.

"People from the Thieves Guild must have been blacklisted by Sharp-Eyed Eagle, so they cannot be sent in this operation," Mawen said, "But you are different. As an adventurer, the Baron of Rift Valley City, you have never joined They have absolutely no reason for you, Stormcloak."

First, there is no such list, and second, they have a good reason to clean up "Mr. Parry" - if I really go back without hiding anything, Parasos would really like to pout.

"I'll give you the name of the ship, the name of the captain, and the most important 'stove'." Ma Wen took a potion bag commonly used by alchemists from Heimying: "This is a potion that is stronger than Skuma's." Ten times more 'Blue Balmora' has not yet been put on the market. Even if it is caught, it will not be discovered unless it is checked by a senior alchemist, but as long as it appears in the captain's warehouse, our That noble friend naturally has a way to get what he wants."

So she really was behind the previous Skooma case? Paraisos put on an expression of entanglement and fear.

The executor has no idea which nobleman he is working for, even if he fails, it will have no effect, and the enforcers of Solitary City are beyond the reach of the Blackthorn family in Rift Valley City. Reporting, there is no key evidence - that thing has not been listed yet, and the best alchemist in Rift Valley City himself has an apprentice from the Blackthorn family.

Parathos took the package with a confused expression, but his hand sank suddenly, and there was a clanging sound of gold coins colliding inside. According to experience, there were at least a thousand pieces.

"Since the captain can earn a lot of money, naturally he won't wait on the pier. The money is for you to live in Solitary City and make contacts before you find an opportunity. You can do whatever you want except to find out the identity of your employer." Marvin Satisfied to see the shocked and moved expression of Paraisos, he smiled and said.

If I was really an adventurer who became a baron by luck, I'm afraid I would obey Ma Wenyan from now on... These things that require brains are really not suitable for me.

Marwen seemed to be very satisfied with her kindness, and she chatted casually and sent "Baron Parry" away.

In short, according to the current status, report to the guild first, and then go out to find the princess.

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