The Collection of The End

Chapter 251 Plans and Changes

My name is Akatosh,

I'm listening to the battle plan.

— 4E, 201, Hearthfire, 8th, 10:50 —

Although it was close to noon, because the castle of Filheimer was located in the valley between the two mountains and the sunlight could not be directly exposed to it, the interior still had to rely on torches and candles for lighting.

Perhaps General Philheimer didn't think about this at the time, and the vampires who occupied this place later naturally didn't care whether there was light or not. According to the records in the comrades group, they can use a kind of ability called "Dark Vision" at any time , although it looks like the world is gray, there are no shadows.

Outside a few stone houses that could barely be used as bedrooms was a living room lit with several torches, and members of the comrades who arrived at the castle last night were sitting around a stone table looking at a map laid out on it.

Gathered here are Arthur, Ella, Lydia, the three brothers Wilkas, and... Babas.

Although Sophie and Riya can be regarded as combat strength, they are only children after all, and they were left with the old man in Krakow to protect him with Cisco Yue. For this reason, the missions of the comrades-in-arms group have to be completed by those newcomers during this period of time. Tirma the Eagle seemed happy about it.

It's just a little strange that, except for Ayla, who only wears leather armor, and Lydia, whose armor is made of ebony, the three brothers and Arthur are all wearing casual clothes instead of the usual steel armor.

"I will repeat our plan for this trip again," Arthur said, pointing to the map and said, "Wilkas and your brothers will go to the 'Sgrammer's Tomb' to find the 'Ursrad's Handle', which is Reassemble the key items of the legendary weapon [Wusrad], and if you want to defeat an ancient vampire lord, you must rely on its power."

Arthur looked at the members of the comrade-in-arms group quietly listening to his explanation, and felt a little helpless. He was just a novice who had just joined the comrade-in-arms group. Although he had some strength, how did he become the commander of this major operation?

"And I, Ella, and Lydia went to Winterhold to visit the Mages Academy, and asked them to help find Silverhand's headquarters, 'Drifting Shadow Sanctuary'. There are rumors that the fortress can move freely like a shadow, but that is obviously not true. It is possible that those vampires probably used some kind of illusion to achieve this effect, and such a large-scale illusion cannot fail to attract the attention of the Mage Academy, and we will go to the tomb to meet you after we get specific information." Arthur pointed At the northern end of the map, the city marked with "Winterhold" said.

Although the ruins of Sgrammer's Admiration are located near Winterhold, due to the changes in the landform after the big collapse, if a traveler sets out from Winterhold to go there, he needs to make a big circle—unless he can fly.

"Then there is information from our enemy." Arthur paused: "What is certain is that there are two vampire lords, Hakon and Hestra, a vampire dragon with a summoning time limit, and a large number of middle and low-level Silver-handed vampires, among them may be born the kind of temporary maharajas seen at Triwa Tower."

"Wow! It sounds like you can't beat it at all." Barbas interjected.

For a group of ring members who can turn into wolves, a talking dog is nothing special, not to mention there is also a dragon who can turn into a dragon. Arthur picked up the fur on the back of its neck and threw it from the conference table down.

"Judging from the 'Wuslad Fragments' we found in Silverhand's strongholds in various places, Silverhand seems to have a way to sense them. If we judge our destination, it is likely to go to Sgrammer's Tomb first. So we have to carry the fragments and orbs separately to avoid being snatched at the same time." Arthur drew a circle on the location of Sgrammer's Love on the map.

"But if the other party sends heavy troops to intercept you, don't just retreat because we are still in this castle." Arthur pointed to his feet: "Mr. General's feat."

"I have a question,

Wells waved his hand towards the map and made a gesture of "huge range": "Even if we went straight to their headquarters and eliminated the bosses, those silver hands who hid themselves like the former Fairheimer Castle What about strongholds? If things like vampires are not suppressed by their superiors, they will soon go their own way and bring major disasters to the surrounding area. "

"This..." Arthur thought for a while, "This is the only way to warn the lords everywhere. Although the comrades-in-arms group has a good reputation in Skyrim Province, it still doesn't have enough influence outside Snowman."

"Aren't you stupid to think about victory before the fight starts?" Farkas shouldered his brother.

"This is called anticipating the enemy's opportunity and planning ahead. You idiot, don't you understand?" Wells pushed back unwillingly.

"The last question, how to distribute the fragments and orbs?" Wilkas pointed to the bulging package on the table.

"It's up to you to take the fragments. As long as they are reassembled and connected to the handle, they are a powerful weapon. Judging from the last time Silver Hand ventured into Xueman to grab the orb, its importance is much greater and more important. It is easy to attract interceptors, and it is easy for our group to escape." Arthur opened the package and flipped through it, took out the orb that Kraco had been keeping, and put it in his backpack when it was about to send out the illusion again .

"Wow woof! woof!" Babas barked, barking even though he could talk, which meant that an "outsider" was approaching, but everyone was not talking about anything too confidential.

"Then, this is our route to Winterhold." Arthur stroked his hand on the map: "After saying goodbye to Mr. Staleo, we can leave."

"Everyone in the comrade-in-arms group," a servant knocked on the door outside the living room: "Master Staleo invites you to go to the banquet hall for lunch."


Due to the relatively remote location of the castle and the sudden arrival of the members of the comrade-in-arms group, most of the ingredients for lunch are salted fish, dried meat, dried vegetables, cheese and fruits that are easy to preserve, but none of the "people" present will go Picky eaters ended their lunch like a storm.

"If I were twenty years younger, I would definitely go with you to teach those bloody vampires a lesson," Mr. Camry Staleo, who was sitting in the main seat and hadn't seen him for a few weeks, was still very angry when he mentioned vampires : "If you need manpower, just raise it, the defense of this castle is still sufficient."

"Well, I can tell." Arthur responded.

Looking out from the window of the banquet hall, one can see that the loose defense in the hands of vampires has become extremely tight, with roadblocks, traps, patrolling guards, etc. all available, it is very difficult for any enemy to sneak in quietly or directly rush in. It was already late at night when the comrades-in-arms group arrived last night, but they were still discovered by the guards and quickly organized a group of guards.

It seems that after the old gentleman took control of the castle, he made the castle's defenses impenetrable before mining or making silverware.

"However, it is enough that you can silver-plate our armor, and we are actually operating secretly, so we don't need to trouble your guards." Ella continued, at least when facing the elderly, she still More polite.

"Oh, secret operations, I understand, I understand." Staleo, who was rescued by a "secret operation" himself, nodded in understanding, and then raised his voice: "Bring up the armor of these warriors."

Several servants carried the armors of the three Farkas brothers and Arthur into the dining room. Those originally dull and gray armors had become gleaming, even people like Wilkas who didn't care much about equipment could see their eyes shine.

"The old man is ashamed," Staleo said, "The boys under him are shaking after digging for too long. This batch of armor has only been strengthened to the level of 'exquisite', which is not far from 'excellent'."

"No, it's enough." Arthur watched the three brothers walk over to check the armor, so he had to thank them: "If we can successfully overthrow the Silver Hand stronghold this time, you will have a lot to do."

He did not tell the truth to Staleo, naturally not because he had any doubts about him, but because he was worried about the servants in this castle.

If Silverhand has been paying attention to the actions of the comrades-in-arms group, then you should have heard that Arthur and his party went out and cleared a vampire camp, and then it is very possible to judge that he obtained another Silverhand stronghold from there, after all No one would have imagined that there would be a demon god who didn't play cards according to common sense and would directly flip the table.

In fact, even the ordinary members of the comrades-in-arms group don't quite know what these elites are going to do at the same time, and those silver hands naturally don't know that not only their leader's name has been leaked, but even their address has been sold—— Satya sold a mere piece of information about "White Landlord, Drifting Shadow Shelter" for a high price of 1,000 gold coins.

Filheimer Castle is a stronghold controlled by vampires all the year round. Are all Staleo's men really loyal? Can he guarantee that none of his subordinates have succumbed to the silver-handed vampire, but have not been transformed and temporarily lurked?

Therefore, the excuse for Arthur and the others to come here was to discover a new Silverhand stronghold, stay overnight and ask the silversmiths to plate a layer of silver against vampires on the armor.

Those "possibly exposed" strongholds will probably hide in the stronghold tremblingly after receiving this news for fear of being discovered. If the comrades-in-arms group pass by there and ignore them, they will probably not think of tracking them down after being relieved. .

By the time they realized something was wrong or finally received the order to intercept, Arthur and the others probably had already left.

"Thank you for your hospitality," Arthur said goodbye to Staleo after several people put on brand-new armors: "We're leaving now."

"Be careful to protect yourself, don't be brave in everything." The old man patted Arthur's shoulder armor, moved a little closer and lowered his voice: "I have caught the servants who tried to escape in the middle of the night. You can act with confidence."

"...Ha, thank you." Arthur twitched the corner of his mouth.

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