The Collection of The End

Two thousand five hundred and one, North American Mythical War (352)

Asgard, the golden woods of Lothlorien.

Since Odin has clearly announced that he has given up his ownership of the nine kingdoms, and also stated that he will trigger the legendary "Twilight of the Gods" in the near future, where he will fight countless powerful enemies, all Asgard warriors are either trying to find ways to go to the battlefield. Taking the time to exercise, those who were weak or fully combat-ready crowded into the "sanctuary" battleship to watch the live broadcast of the event.

Compared with the group of judges who are always ready to witness history, I have no expectations after being accidentally spoiled. When the event is on track and there is no need for multiple contacts for the time being, "Scarlet Witch" ran to the gold medal. It was normal for Shulin to discuss the competition rules and rewards of the special competition area with Hela.

It was never intended to be a lightbulb for Gandalf and Galadriel, who also had no interest in the game.

"There are no conditions for 'Dragon Slaying' and 'Treasure Hunting' to be implemented." In the elf palace in the forest, Hela, who had black hair and black eyes, a black and green tight-fitting leather jacket, a sharp and aura-like appearance, held the tea cup with two fingers: "Any The living beings who enter the 'Haim Underworld' are its residents. The conflicts and battles between them can be ignored, but as the manager of the country, there is absolutely no reason to let the residents hunt 'one of their own'; as for 'treasure hunting', All the treasures in the underworld of Helm belong to me. Even if I am willing to spill them out and use them as props, the 'power of the goddess of death' contained in them is extremely conspicuous in the eyes of the 'dead' and cannot achieve the effect of 'seeking' at all. .”

How should I put it? After close observation and contact, we can conclude that apart from the common feature of "black hair and black eyes", whether it is facial features, conversation, posture or temperament, Hela and Rachel Fisk are very different. How did Er and Atreus admit their mistake?

[Maybe it’s the oppressive feeling of controlling life and death? Theoretically, she can kill any resident of the Eight Kingdoms directly through touch. 】Silly System said.

‘Rachel doesn’t have that ability. ’

[As a direct incarnation, it just depends on whether you want to use it or not. 】

Since these words were relatively logical and not funny, the wand I had originally taken out and prepared to tap anywhere ended up just spinning around in my palm.

"Oh, is that the 'magic wand' made of the branches of the World Tree and my hair? Yes, it is also considered 'my treasure', but I don't mind if it is placed with you temporarily," Hela turned her gaze He threw himself at the little stick with nothing fancy for a moment, then turned to Gandalf on the other side of the coffee table: "According to your 'Hogwarts' statement, it has excellent adaptability to the magic of the 'Life' and 'Death' factions, So in theory, it’s easy to control the souls and minds of Midgardians, right?”

"It's just a theory. As the 'center of the universe', human beings' 'belief' is very important. If Ms. Rachel believes in the Lord of the Ocean Dimension, White Star, who can influence human minds at will, it will definitely not be accepted by other demons." The steward of the earth." Gandalf cheerfully answered what had long been a consensus, but there were some suspicious stumbles in the middle.

‘Could it be that, although Gandalf knows everything, Galadriel, who comes from the same world as him, doesn’t actually know the fact that Rachel, Scarlet Witch and White Star are a trinity? ’

[Actually, the confidentiality of this matter is quite high. The status, strength or connections are not high enough. Even if there is such a guess, they will subconsciously deny themselves.] The stupid system replied: [Especially 'Rachel' was During the spicy chicken backstabbing, the 'soul' fell into the underworld belonging to Hela, which proved that 'Rachel Fisk' did not actually believe in the 'White Star' wholeheartedly, otherwise she should have entered the 'Earth's Inner Sea' 'That's right. 】

‘So, in the eyes of a high-ranking boss, what is the logic of that kind of action? ’

[It is easy to deduce that it is because it is not convenient for the 'Lord of the Ocean Dimension' to take action on the souls of people on earth, so he found excuses to quietly infiltrate the underworld of Heim and want to get his hands on the undead of the eight kingdoms. 】

‘…What a wonderful reasoning. ’

[And now, you remain silent when 'Professor 】

‘…What a beautiful conclusion. ’

"...So, what form should this 'Race of the Dead' take? Miss Scarlet Witch, do you have any suggestions?" At this time, Hela turned the topic back again, and while asking, she and Gandalf turned their attention to My side.

Judging from their expressions, one is looking forward to it, while the other is slightly helpless.

"If you ask me, since the 'top speed' achieved by each dead person through their own abilities is so different, why not ban the use of their own abilities," I flipped through the "chat history" and said, "Each contestant All must drive vehicles whose parameters are within the prescribed range, regardless of sea, land or air.”

"Oh?" Hela thought seriously for a few seconds and nodded slightly: "It seems feasible. The 'Light Elf Academy' has developed a machine that can be activated in the underworld. Instead of letting them use it as a weapon, it is better to join the competition first."

When I passed by, I felt that the underworld she managed was really a mess, but since it was her own territory, I didn't say much.

[Looking at the current situation of ‘Ocean Planet’, are you qualified to criticize others? 】

‘It’s so noisy! ’

"...But this only limits their speed. What if the players attack each other while driving vehicles?" Gandalf asked: "Although the strength can still be limited, there are many threats in the underworld of Helm. In the game, It will be troublesome if you are attacked by someone other than a player and cannot fight back. "

"No, that's not necessary. What we want to achieve is to 'forbid contestants to directly attack other contestants', not to 'limit the strength of contestants during the competition.' This will cause people who have enemies to not dare to participate," I Tap your wand on the coffee table: "Just add one simple rule."

"No attacking each other?" Gandalf stroked his beard.

"When any of my own abilities affects other players, I will automatically enter the 'Spell Card Duel'." I transformed the card faces of Dream Born, Blue Eyes White Dragon, Spades Tip, Thousand Arrows and Deathwing in the air: "The card game No time is taken up, and the loser’s speed will directly become 0.”

"..." "..."

[They couldn’t understand it, but they were shocked]

‘I actually don’t understand why you have to play cards while racing, but that’s it for being handsome. ’

When Hela looked incomprehensible and wanted to say something, the "monitoring" I left behind at the Hogwarts family and friends group suddenly switched to an exaggerated smiling face wearing a spiked eye patch:

"[Hey~ why are you so serious?]"

Oh, it’s laughter. It’s not surprising at all. The only major event in my memory that is on the same level as “Infinity War” is “Metal”.

So the next step should be...

[Tip: The big event ‘Twilight of the Gods’ has started. 】

[Tip: The additional events ‘Death Metal’, ‘Flashpoint’, and ‘Whitest Day’ have been opened. 】


[Tip: The big event ‘Avengers 3: Infinity War’ has started. 】

[Tip: The additional events ‘Secret Empire’, ‘Secret Invasion’, and ‘Secret War’ have been opened. 】

… My whole being is “secret”.

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