The Collection of The End

Two Thousand Five Hundred and Two, North American Mythical War (353)

"'Twilight of the Gods' has begun." Hela rubbed the black ring on her hand and then said.

"Oh?" Gandalf raised his arm to form a "two structure" to inquire.

"I don't think there's anything wrong..."

I also pretended to open my "second structure" to observe for a moment, and then looked left and right:

"Because of these golden trees?"

There is no doubt that the information that prompts my sister is the fastest, but she seems to only prompt after something has actually happened, and vague "omens" are generally not included. This time, the gods can be clearly informed. The countdown to dusk is, of course, because Odin himself sets an "alarm clock" that rings at a specific time.

For example, the "Golden Forest" itself suddenly dimmed just now.

The lighting and shading of the palace built by Hela in Asgard itself took into account the factors of the golden trees that continue to shine outside. Their light suddenly weakens, which is as conspicuous as the sun on a sunny day on earth suddenly being blocked by dark clouds.

And the reason for the weakening of the light...

"They are the 'Three Goddesses of Norn'," Hela looked in the direction of the World Tree: "Perhaps you have heard that they live next to the 'Fountain of Urd' at the bottom of the World Tree, and their daily tasks include watering the world. Beyond the tree, destiny is woven through the 'Loom of Destiny', in which Urd controls the past, Verdandi controls the present, and Skuld controls the future."

‘Beludante? ’

[Please show your goddess license. 】

‘I’m actually more interested in how the loom was stolen by the League of Assassins. ’

"I heard that since they are in charge of time-related authority..." Gandalf seemed to glance at me: "They must be very powerful goddesses."

‘Hey, who are you mocking, old man? Be careful, I let your "World of Ice and Fire" TV series go straight to Season 8. ’

[The city gate caught fire, affecting the fish in the pond. 】

"The strength is not clear. No one has seen them fighting. Judging by their power alone, they are not very strong." Hela thought for a while: "The so-called 'controlling the past' means that she can check at will what has happened." And will never change' history, and 'in charge of the present' means that she can designate the 'events that are happening' to lead to a specific ending, and 'in charge of the future' is a certain way of thinking about someone or something. ‘Prophecies’ are made about the future, but the prophecies themselves are obscure and almost impossible to parse.”

‘Isn’t this just... character cards, dice and the DM himself? ’

[Not all DMs are Riddlers. 】

‘But it’s more fun to be the Riddler, and it’s easier to eat books and change settings. ’

[What you said makes so much sense that I am speechless. 】

"In other words," Gandalf stroked his beard: "Odin used their hands to achieve the result of 'causing Ragnarok in advance'?"

"It's ridiculous that he still wants to keep it secret." Hela waved her hand and showed the black light ring: "'The past that has happened and will not change' is highly coincident with 'death'. After the three of them received the order, When we discussed how to use the Loom of Destiny to make it happen, I heard it clearly, and that was..."

"Wait, is this something we 'outsiders' can listen to?" I waved my hand in a hurry to stop her from starting. Otherwise, by the time she finished speaking, the goddess who is closely related to death and the loom of fate might be mine. .

"Hmm... This is something I didn't think about." Hela looked at me and then at Gandalf, who looked slightly weird. She gave up revealing the inside story and instead summarized: "In short, through some kind of operation, they successfully made the World Tree' It was dark for a moment, so now the Nine Realms have officially entered the state of 'Twilight of the Gods'."

"Hogwarts must have a plan to deal with this situation, right, Mr. Principal?" I turned to look at Gandalf.

"..." Gandalf hesitated for half a second, and then said: "Of course."

‘Isn’t this obvious? ’

[As the saying goes, it’s good to enjoy the shade under a big tree. 】

'Scarlet Witch's identity as a 'White Star Familiar', because she needs to pay attention to her 'polite' as a messenger, the upper limit of the power she can use is very low, unless Asgard completely collapses, and most of the Aesir are scattered into the universe. , can the self-respect be lifted, otherwise this vest will be just a weak woman. ’

[A weak woman with double A in strength and speed? 】

‘It refers to the kind of weakness that cannot cope with Ragnarok! ’

"We need to return to the station as soon as possible to prepare for the arrangements for the contestants and their relatives and friends to return to Earth." Gandalf turned to look at Hela: "If you already know the specific time of 'Twilight of the Gods', you must have done a lot. Make arrangements and we won’t bother you.”

"Ah, of course," Hela picked up the tea cup: "I have set up a back-up plan at the entrance to the underworld of Heim, the 'Kingdom of Fog', Niflheim. It depends on which guy with short eyes dares to break into the place that does not belong to the Nine." The ‘underworld’ of the great kingdom.”

"I hope Asgard can get through this difficulty smoothly." Gandalf checked the relevant information after "Twilight of the Gods" on the second structure again, but there was still no important information, so he stood up and left.

"Yes, I won't give it away." Hela put down the teacup and nodded.

Hey, these two are really interesting.

Although they were all pulled from the set of "Lord of the Rings" to the set of "Avengers" because "the actors are the same", they have very different views on the nature of the world.

Hela, or Galadriel, seems to think that this place is parallel to her original world. As the "Goddess of Death", she has done many things in the style of "Elven Queen", regards Gandalf as a traveler, and values ​​​​the "key" characters", but towards other "insignificant indigenous people", he always maintains an arrogance that makes it obvious that he is saying "it is your honor to treat you as an equal".

Gandalf, on the other hand, seemed to be shocked by the fact that I "conquered the country personally", and because of my actions of building Hogwarts and recruiting students, he paid special attention to the ordinary people at the bottom, especially children.

In the end, the two people with such different concepts became close friends because they were both "travelers" and aborigines of the "Lord of the Rings". It was really interesting.

The most interesting part of the whole thing is that due to the misjudgment of my "identity" between the two people, this tea party often has situations where someone suddenly changes his words when he realizes that the other person doesn't seem to know about it.

Since the number of these behaviors has reached a certain level, I have begun to look forward to her expression when she finally learns my identity.

When I followed Gandalf out of the golden forest, I took another look at the situation on the field. Except for "Sherlock" who was replaced by a maniacally laughing man who was unknown to me at some time and was fighting a battle of wits with Kyle Rayner, the other fields were still as they were a day ago. In the state of a big fight, there was obviously no time to make any preparations.

【Have you made any preparations? 】

Uh-huh... The best plan is to have no plan. The soldiers will block it, and the water will cover it~

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