The Collection of The End

Two Thousand Five Hundred and Eight, Sherlock and the Deathly Hallows (4)

――? ? ? ―――


【YoU dIEd】


After the body was reshaped again next to the "Blessing" on the hillside, Sherlock stared at the shining golden feathers and began to doubt life.

Isn't this "big tree guard" too difficult to defeat? !

This is obviously the second blessing he has activated, but is that thing really a boSS that "novices" should encounter?

Previously, after activating the first "Blessing", some humanoid monsters called "living corpses" began to appear sporadically in the rugged cave. They were slow in movement and unresponsive, and there were also proverbs nearby to provide efficient kills. Teaching methods, including but not limited to shooting, heavy attack, jumping heavy attack, stealth backstab, block counterattack, bounce back, breaking momentum, etc., made Xia, who could only play games by judging the opponent's attack and defense direction on the ocean planet, Locke briefly experienced the feeling of being the God of War.

By the way, this teaching level does not teach wizards at all. It is obvious that they think that they only need to throw spells from a distance. This is discrimination! Even if what you say is true, it is discrimination!

Amid Melina's exaggerated praises like "so awesome", "awesome", "beautiful blow", "wow, a sharp archer", etc., Sherlock eliminated her like a chopping melon and a vegetable. Living corpses along the way, and pushed open a huge stone door at the end of the cave leading to "Nimgefu".

Outside the stone gate, there is a vast plain covered with green woods, jagged rocks and dilapidated ruins. On the "blessing" on the hillside in front of them, the fine golden light representing the "mission target" is pointing directly at the tree in the sky that may have to find Aspen. The giant golden tree for which Gad wants royalties.

The scenery is nice and the mission objectives are very clear. It seems that this mission will be easy.

Sherlock, who had such naive thoughts, had just walked down the hillside confidently when he was killed by a knight in shining armor who was galloping towards him.

Next, this "Teacher Big Tree" taught Sherlock to try to apply what he has learned through words and deeds: What you just learned is useless.

"..." Melina appeared next to Blessing with a worried look on her face, looking at Sherlock but she hesitated to speak.

Of course she didn't have anything to say, but she found that no matter how much she said, she couldn't change Sherlock's determination to fight with him, so she finally chose to remain silent.

Her previous statements include, but are not limited to:

"Please watch your surroundings carefully to avoid being attacked.", "The enemy's attack is very powerful, but there is a certain interval to avoid.", "If you encounter a strong enemy that cannot be defeated, you can try to avoid it.", "A gentleman's revenge, ten years It’s not too late.”, “Thirty years to the east of the river, thirty years to the west of the river.” “Keep the green hills here, so you don’t have to worry about running out of firewood.”

"Sorry for making you worry, I decided to give up attacking this 'big tree guard' for the time being." Sherlock said to Melina's worried eyes.

"Really? That's great. I believe Lord Faded One can defeat any enemy, but some of them may require you to gain a certain amount of growth first." Melina became energetic almost instantly: "You can find a building by walking in the other direction. There is the blessed chapel, and beyond that there is the ruined fortress of Gryk..."

"What I mean is," Sherlock waved his hand: "Physical time is over, now is magic time."

"Ah?" Melina blinked: "But..."

Sherlock stopped her from continuing.

However, the wizard's initial magic "Soul Missile" is not powerful enough. Even if all the elemental bottles are converted into mana supplements, it is not enough. Moreover, the chanting time is too long, and it is easy for that guy with a long sword and a fast horse to rush over and cut it in two, right?

Unfortunately, the magic taught by Hogwarts professors is basically very powerful, consumes almost no mana, and sings basically instantaneous magic. Because he intends to become familiar with the underlying laws of this world, he uses ordinary swords and shields to carry out the strategy. , otherwise the heavy iron shell can be completely removed in seconds as soon as you meet it.

However, what he just said was not about using "knowledge from another world" to cheat, at least not yet for this boss. He just planned to give up conventional fighting methods and use clever means to win.

Under Melina's curious gaze, Sherlock climbed to the top of a sloping stone ruin, stood in a position where the mount guarding the tree could never climb, and threw a string of arrows at the dazzling golden heavy cavalry from a distance. Lilac soul fragment.

Bang bang, the long red strip under the name "Big Tree Guard" had just been cut to an insignificant length, and the knight drove his war horse all the way to the bottom of the ruins like the wind, and then began to be in a daze, and in the process he fell into a daze. Got hit by two rounds of missiles.

Ten seconds later, the big tree guard, who had thought clearly about his situation, turned his horse around and charged up from the other side of the ruins on a gentler slope. When he was about to enter the attack range, he watched Sherlock jump lightly from the top of the ruins. Go down and throw a round of missiles at him.

"[What a clever tactic]." Melina, who followed in spirit form, praised with lack of confidence.

No, players who have played some action games will take advantage of the mistakes of the production team... Although it seems that this world only has the creator and not the production team?

Sherlock watched as the knight circled two-thirds of the way down and then climbed back to the top of the ruins.

After repeating the process of climbing, charging, jumping, and detouring for more than a dozen times, the knight in shining armor, who was extremely powerful and could kill Sherlock with one blow, fell down in frustration and turned into ashes.

Obviously, the reason why there are abundant melee attack types but are vague or even discriminatory about magic is that it is too difficult to restrict. , and it is easy to turn some carefully designed mechanical monsters into cannon fodder for the "glass cannon".

If nothing else, as a wizard, the next battle should be about both sides killing each other instantly.


Sherlock thought as he returned to sit next to the blessing on the hillside.

"You defeated an extremely powerful enemy and obtained a large number of runes, which can be used to 'upgrade' and 'strengthen'." Melina looked at Sherlock's eyes that became sparkling: "In addition, what you obtained All runes will be stored in the 'blessing' and will not be lost due to your, uh, defeat."

【】, Sherlock glanced at the originally empty lower right corner.

Get five-digit upgrade resources so easily? It seems that the cost of upgrading later will be astronomical.

"All the points are used for 'upgrading', and all points are added to 'life'." Sherlock said.


"You have output only when you are alive." Sherlock called up the character panel of "Stephen Strange" and looked at it: "Roughly speaking, the blessing will return after two hits. Even if there is only blood and skin left after one blow, it will still be blessed." It’s twice as good as dying in one hit.”

"It seems reasonable," Melina blinked and grabbed Sherlock's hand: "'Upgrading' may be a little itchy, please relax."


Sherlock agreed, and then he saw the "blessing" in front of him swaying like a real feather. At the same time, the palm of his hand held by Melina felt as subtle as a feather gently brushing against it. Itching sensation.

It seems that a senior guy who was in love once described the feeling of holding his girlfriend's hand.

So he is also a fader?

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