The Collection of The End

Two thousand five hundred and nine, Sherlock and the Deathly Hallows (5)

――? ? ? ―――


【YoU dIEd】



Because Melina's tone was too weird, Sherlock, who had just been accidentally beaten to death by "Greek's soldiers", even forgot about his annoyance.

"The meaning of this sentence should be, 'Everyone may encounter failure, but a hero will not be defeated.'" Melina, who was sitting on her knees by the campfire, scratched the collar of her robe a little nervously.

should? It seems that she heard it from elsewhere, and the proverb with this pronunciation is closely related to Bai Xing.

"No, the only one who was defeated was obsessive-compulsive disorder." Sherlock stood up and looked down at the red and green light armor on his body: "Maybe I really don't need to get the 'Grek Soldier' ​​suit."

After defeating the big tree guard, Sherlock and Melina followed the guidance of "Blessing" and passed by a ruins called "Grek Fortress Ruins".

There were only some living corpses named "Grek Soldiers" equipped with light armor, swords, shields or spears wandering around. Under the guidance of Melina, Sherlock quietly opened a few treasure boxes and prepared leave.

But before he left, the monster he kicked down with a back stab dropped "Grek Soldier's Greaves".

The equipment itself is insignificant and does not match the wizard's image at all, but its explanation is: [Grek Infantry (1\\/4)].

Although it did not have any additional attributes or set effects, after seeing these words, Sherlock had turned back and stabbed a soldier who was not blocking the road. , and then looked eagerly at the figures wandering in the ruins.

Until he failed to kill a trumpet-blowing scout in time, and was surrounded and beaten by a dozen ordinary soldiers he summoned, his health bar was empty and he was reborn. The final result of "refreshing equipment" was:

[Grek Infantry: 3\\/4]

【Grek Knight: 2\\/4】

[Grek Scout: 4\\/4]

In addition to these targets, there are also arrows, herbs, berries and other collection items that can be obtained around the ruins during the monster spawning process.

In addition, Sherlock also discovered the biggest difference between the junction and the ocean planet: although a piece of equipment equipped on the body is still limited by "strength" and "stamina", the "weight" and "backpack grid" are unlimited. In addition to finding the target, Things may take a while.

In addition, since the wizard's equipment does not increase spell power, spell casting speed or other functions that favor the caster, Sherlock pieced together what appeared to be a complete set of "Greek" after confirming that the equipment on his body would not affect his actions. Soldier" armor.

"...Lord Faded Ones, they are living corpses and will not be misled by the appearance of the equipment, even if you gather a complete set of equipment." Melina paused for a moment before commenting.

"No, this is for the sense of ceremony," Sherlock adjusted his helmet: "If nothing else happens, the first big boss I have to deal with is this person named 'Grek', right?"

"Yes," Melina nodded: "'Grek the Limb Receiver' is the 'Fragment King' in the Nimgofu area. He holds a 'Deathly Hallows Fragment', which is what you want to become the 'Supreme Mage'." One of the seven powerful enemies that must be defeated.”

"So, isn't it very ritualistic and ironic to defeat him wearing the equipment of his subordinates? At least it is more topical than 'the mysterious wizard passing by', isn't it?" Sherlock adjusted his shoulder pads again.

"Yes, yes...but why target him like this?" Melina looked confused.

"Because," Sherlock stepped away from Blessing: "His 'limb aristocrats' almost killed my witch."

"Oh... ah?" After a few seconds of habitual following, Melina understood the implication of Sherlock's words. She exclaimed and then raised her hand to close the hood, hiding her face. In the shadows.


【YoU dIEd】

"Hey, I still don't believe it." Sherlock recovered from the blessing next to an abandoned shack, picked up his sword and shield and rushed forward without saying a word.

"Please, please wait." Melina had just chased five or six steps, then turned around helplessly - Sherlock, who had just rushed out, had reappeared next to the blessing.

At the same time, time skips eight hours, switching from noon to dusk.

"..." Melina's eyes flashed, and she finally chose to follow him and sit down in front of the blessing without saying anything else.

"Well, they are indeed qualified to be the target of 'there is a strong enemy ahead'." Sherlock did not jump up suddenly this time. Instead, he leaned back slightly and leaned against the broken wall of the broken house: "Why does it lead to Stonewall?" Will there be seven wolves blocking the road that must pass through Ercheng?"

Although the damage of those beasts is average, they are extremely aggressive, especially their own "character" "Stephen Strange". After being attacked multiple times in a short period of time, his toughness will be "broken" and he will be in a state of wide open. Any enemy can "execute" him with huge damage. If things go well, these beasts can empty the health of "Stephen" in as little as 4 seconds - provided he doesn't use magic.

If "Wizard" magic is used, the whole process will be extended to about 10 seconds, but the ending will not change.

As for using "alien magic"... Come on, it's just a seven-headed beast.

If the "Half-Blood Prince" knew that he had killed a group of wolves with the Shadowless Blade... Tsk.

The key point in dealing with wolves at present is to strengthen "speed" and "defense" so that they cannot catch up or bite. This is basically half the battle. However, it is a pity that the primary spells given by the "Wizard" do not have similar effects at all.

If that doesn't work, you can also secretly use "armor protection" or "obstacles" to make ends meet.


Maybe Sherlock thought for too long, or maybe he reached a certain point after advancing time. The "dusk" that was still glowing with orange light in the sky instantly turned into darkness, and the "midnight" cast by only a few stars ".

However, these details are irrelevant. After the environment changes, the biggest difference from before is——

There is one more person.

It was a woman wearing a blue mage robe and a giant blue witch hat, with her hands folded in her sleeves, and she looked lazy and unmotivated.

In terms of appearance alone, she looks quite similar to the Vice Principal of Hogwarts.

She was sitting on the low wall of the shack that had not been completely destroyed, but she seemed as dignified and aloof as if she were in an elegant palace, and the look she cast was cold and indifferent in line with her external appearance.

It's completely different here. The vice-principal is down-to-earth and approachable.

"[It seems that you need a little help.]" The woman said, and her voice and tone were completely in line with Sherlock's impression and expectations of her.

Then, before Sherlock could think of a way to respond, two things appeared out of thin air in his skill and equipment slots.

[Soul-Calling Bell: Summon the corresponding soul through the ashes to help you fight. 】

[Ashes of stray wolves: Summon three adult, strong wargs to fight for you. 】

This is really a timely help...perhaps it should be called the icing on the cake?

When Sherlock was about to say thank you, the mysterious woman disappeared as quietly as she had appeared.

"Who is she?" Sherlock looked at his guide.

She can't really be the "White Queen".

"That's [Witch Lani]," Melina seemed a little angry: "Master Faded One, please don't be deceived by your beautiful big sister."

"That can't be done."

Probably not, right?

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