The Collection of The End

Two thousand five hundred and ten, Sherlock and the Deathly Hallows (6)

――? ? ? ―――

The junction, Morn City.

【YoU dEAd】

"..." "..."

Returning to Sherlock who had recently been blessed with a resurrection, Melina stared at Melina who was teleported back because she was too far away.

"This is an accident," Sherlock tried to quibble: "There are a few jellyfish on the beach leading to the ruins of the castle where the 'Lion Hybrid' is, and the sea water covers the bottomless sea further away. Yuan, so when I took a detour... after all, the terrain there was too dangerous."

"...Lord Faded One, why are you jumping around with a 'hound pace'?" Melina looked at the "Hound Tusk" carried on Sherlock's shoulder.

"Because he is handsome." Sherlock replied confidently.

"..." Melina was silent for two seconds, looking up and down at Sherlock, who was wearing the light armor of a Greg soldier and holding a strange-shaped sword: "I remember that your 'initial occupation' was 'Wizard'."

"That's right." Sherlock raised his hand and summoned a light ball that floated and followed, illuminating the dark underground prison: "The wizard's spells are quite useful."

"I am just a witch who guides Lord Faded One, and I will not interfere with how you strengthen yourself, but..." Melina said in an incomprehensible tone: "You will only strengthen when you cannot install some equipment that is not suitable for wizards. Strength and agility, the rest of the runes are all enhanced to life, I think that is not the wizard's way of enhancement."

"This is exactly how a wizard adds points," Sherlock replied: "A 'real wizard' does not need to add intelligence."

What he meant was the wizards of "Hogwarts". In the "Duel Club", some guys with obvious lack of intelligence - such as Moriarty's followers - can cast spells even faster than some top students. It's fast, but if the overwhelming offensive fails to work at the beginning, it will almost certainly lose to improvisation after entering a tug-of-war.

"Understood, I will include the 'physics wizard' in the intelligence database." Melina nodded.

This doesn't... it actually works. Sherlock originally planned to stop it, but gave up after thinking about it. Anyway, there won't be a second faded person here. Even if it does, the possibility of becoming a "physics wizard" can be ignored.

"Now, it is better to recapture the heirloom sword of the Lord of Morn City as soon as possible," Sherlock said instead, "It is not safe for Irena to stay in the wild, even if she has servants to take care of her."

"Yeah." Melina patted her skirt and stood up.

To become the "Supreme Mage", you need to defeat seven "Fragment Kings" to collect "Deathly Hallows Fragments", and the nearest one is "The Limb-Repairer" Greg, the city lord of "Stonewell City" in the north.

Maybe he was a good city lord before the Deathly Hallows was broken, but now he is just a lunatic who takes advantage of the "immortality" characteristics that are all over the border and is obsessed with replanting severed limbs.

Cut off other people's limbs and plant them on yourself. Those "limb aristocrats" are the product of this kind of experiment.

This novice village boss with all kinds of death-seeking elements should be killed first by the resentful and angry Faded One, but Sherlock can't beat him - the "Son of Omen", the guard at the city gate.

Excluding the big tree guards, there were a total of three "elite monsters" that would drop runes on the way to Stonewell City, and Sherlock also added them to his life according to the original plan, and then discovered... If There is no way to kill the enemy, and simply being durable is useless - and it doesn't seem to be very durable either.

After consulting Melina, Sherlock confirmed that there are several "elite monsters" that drop runes wandering in the territory of each "Fragment King". As long as you find these monsters and kill them, you can use runes. By strengthening yourself, you can defeat the boSS blocking the road more easily.

And this is the reason why he appeared in Moren City on the southern peninsula of Stonewell City.

As for the "Hound's Tusk", it is a reward obtained after killing dangerous prisoners in an arcane prison on the way here.

Finding the heirloom sword was a task given by the local city lord. When he was attacked by a short, ugly "demi-human" with animal characteristics, he asked his reliable entourage to escort his daughter Irena to escape, while he defended the castle.

After a bitter battle, he struggled to defend a corner of the castle, but the family sword was taken away by the demihuman leader "Lion Hybrid", so he asked Sherlock, who was just here to confirm his safety for his daughter, to help retrieve it.

For Sherlock, as long as there is Rune, everything is easy.


"Thank you, Faded One, this is the sword that our Moen family has passed down from generation to generation. If I lose it, I will not have the face to see my ancestors after my death," the breathless Moen City Lord took the sword with an emotional expression.

The main reason is that the attributes of this sword are too bad, the equipment requirements are high, and the feel is not good. Otherwise, it is not impossible to just leave this task alone.

Of course, it could also be that Taicai, a lion hybrid, was almost killed by the three ghost wolves he summoned.

"So, can you pick up your daughter Miss Irena now?" Sherlock glanced at the newly arrived ten thousand runes due to the completion of the task, and continued to ask.

"Not yet, Moren City has suffered major damage, and I need to take charge of the repair work. I can only ask you to make another trip to pick her up. Wait a minute, I will write a letter to her, so that she will not doubt your trustworthiness. Trust me." Lord Morn began to fumble around for pen and paper.

By the way, does he really not know that his daughter is blind?


While Sherlock was bored waiting for the Lord of Morn City to write a letter and listening to Melina whispering about the history of Morn City, a slight mist gathered and dispersed.

The figure of "Witch Lani" sitting sideways on the broom appeared in the void outside the castle wall, and paused for a few seconds, as if she wanted Sherlock to see clearly. Then after a brief pause, the broom suddenly started, taking the The "witch" galloped towards the entrance of the peninsula.


Because the timing of the appearance, movements and gestures were so obvious, Sherlock could come to the conclusion that Irena was in danger without much reasoning.

If you wait for this semi-literate person to finish writing the letter and then give you some advice, it will definitely be too late.

"There is no need for a letter. We were originally entrusted by her to find you. She will not doubt us." Sherlock said as he turned over and jumped off the city wall, landing lightly towards the nearest blessing.

Well, this time the Feather Falling Technique worked.

When Sherlock rushed to the natural tunnel near the entrance of the peninsula, he happened to see a group of demihumans surrounding Irena and several followers who were protecting her.

At the same time, the phantom of the witch Lani was hovering in the air, and golden threads invisible to ordinary people gradually connected the two.

Obviously, this witch is only interested in Irena. She does not even look at her followers who are also in danger. If she fails to arrive in time, this small evacuation team will eventually be wiped out. , and Irena will gain inheritance at the critical moment and become a new "witch".

No, there is no such thing as that if.

Sherlock paused, picked up the "Hound's Tusk", activated the "Hound's Step", and his whole body turned into a bright moonlight and broke into the core area of ​​the mob:

"Let that girl go!"

"Lord Faded One, the hero saves the beauty and handsomeness!"

Too much force! It's like singing a double act!

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