The Collection of The End

Two thousand five hundred and sixteen, Sherlock and the Sanctuary of Death (3)

——? ? ? ——

Round table hall.

"[Congratulations on successfully defeating Greg,]" Se Lian, a bald and yellow-robed magician sitting cross-legged in a guest room on the first floor, said in an ethereal voice: "[Now you must have many things to ask before heading to the next 'Fragment King' Before I rule the area, I will try to answer it as best I can - as long as I know.]"

In other words, if you set foot on a new "map", these "NPCs" will go to different locations due to the development of the main story, and then get stuck due to various things until you go to those locations to help Can they settle that little thing before they can return to the "Round Table Hall"?

It used to look like an "NPC", but now it looks more like one.

"After Greg disappears, who will rule Stonewell City and Nimgefu?" Sherlock casually asked a question that he was not really interested in, and he even guessed it, just as a warm-up.

"[There will be almost no changes overall,]" Se Lian replied: "[Most of the Grek soldiers have been consuming their memories for a long time, and eventually became living corpses that mechanically repeated their actions in life. Losing a nominal supreme ruler means nothing to their rigid repetitive actions.]”

"Most of it." Sherlock repeated a key word in these words.

"[What will change is that only 'Stonewell City' is directly ruled by Greg. Captain-level figures under his command who go to various places to capture immortals for 'limb replacement' experiments will try to occupy Stonewell City, and clashed with other captains. If you return later, you will find that the distribution of monsters in the city is completely different from your impression.]" Se Lian paused for a moment: "[However, as someone who personally defeated Grek, if you want Support one side and the other side will dominate until your influence fades.]"

"For example, the former city lord who is looking at the gate." Melina interjected.

"...Who?" Sherlock found that he had no impression of this person.

"Ah? It's the gatekeeper who advised you not to rush in through the front entrance, but to go around the side wall," Melina blinked: "But you completely ignored it and went all the way in from the front entrance. It's really cool~"

Uh... That should have been before the "washing point". Now this "glass cannon" with full intelligence can't kill through the fire from those piles of ballistae.

"Where do you think I should go next?" Shylock, who was slightly distracted, retracted his thoughts and continued to ask Se Lian: "'Lienia' in the northwest or 'Gelide' in the east?"

"[In terms of possible enemy threats, Lienia is more suitable to go to first,]" Se Lian said in a strange tone: "[However, there is a 'Magic Academy' where I was exiled and imprisoned. By then, I may be interested in They seek revenge and may not be able to teach you new magic in time.]"

"What about Galid?" Sherlock continued to ask.

"[There is a state of war there,]" Se Lian said: "[A group of fighting madmen in the 'Red Lion City', in order to allow themselves to fight, allowed corrupt monsters that could be easily eliminated to wreak havoc everywhere, causing the original influence not to be great. But the magical town 'Selia' that can protect the locals from harm has become a climate, and it can even compete with the 'Dragon Grave'.】"

"It sounds like you recommend going there first?" Sherlock guessed: "Is there some kind of magic there that you admire very much?"

"[Yes, there is the 'Destruction Meteor', one of the two major origin magics," Se Lian said with a bit of yearning in her tone: "[Before being exiled and imprisoned, I only had time to research the general location and have not yet gone to actually search for it. .】"

She had already spoken about banishment and imprisonment twice, and she seemed to mind it quite a lot.

"Speaking of which, I have never asked, teacher, what is your research project? Why were you exiled?" Sherlock asked with genuine curiosity.

"[It's nothing big,]" Se Lian replied: "[It's just some small research on the 'root of the world', 'immortality' and 'time travel'."



Even with Sherlock's knowledge, he can't help but be stunned. After all, these "realities" that are everywhere in the world of demons are high-end magic that no one can touch - it can even be said to be a miracle.

"Huh? Wait, wait, wait," Melina reacted: "These are all studies that can easily destroy the 'Boundary'. Could it be that the 'Deathly Hallows' was broken because of you?"

"[Use your head, girl,]" Se Lian raised his hand and drew two circles on his bald head: "[If I had completed any of these studies, how could I be punished by those who were afraid of paying the price in the research? The cowards are exiled? Not to mention affecting the 'Deathly Hallows', but you. This 'conversion of soul and matter' has been lost for a long time because it has no practical significance. It only has a similar function here in the 'Round Table Hall'. You Where did you learn it from?]"

"Hmph, this is a must-have ability for every witch who serves Lord Faded One!" Melina said with a proud face.

"Ah, by the way, teacher, I was attacked in the Round Table Hall just now. What happened?" Sherlock hurriedly changed the subject.

It might be bad if they continue to discuss it. It's hard to imagine what will happen after an NPC discovers that he is an NPC.

"[Did you not listen at all just now?]" Se Lian said with dissatisfaction: "['Conversion of soul and matter', it not only allows you to summon the spirit body of your companions to assist in fighting, but also allows you to turn into a spirit body to fight against Others launch attacks, but the former only requires the 'agree' of the summoned, while the latter needs to consume something if it wants to penetrate the 'rejection' of the attacked, but I can't remember what it is specifically - put down that danger s things!】"

"Don't be excited, I just got it from defeating an 'intruder', I won't use it." Sherlock put a "pale knuckle" on the table in the guest room calmly: "He came in a close combat." A wizard who invades will be kited to death no matter what he thinks."

"[Don't underestimate the enemy. Observe carefully before launching an attack. It will be dangerous if you happen to encounter a guy who specializes in breaking magic.]" Se Lian carefully wrapped the knuckle with soul crystal and put it away: "[They may rebound. Spells or appear behind you instantly.】"

"Yeah." Sherlock responded casually, while thinking about other issues.

It was because I obtained the "Deathly Hallows Fragment" of the "Sword (Saber)" that I was "invaded" by sword-wielding samurai, so this kind of thing would happen six or five times in the future.

By analogy, after obtaining the fragments of Galede, you will encounter an invasion by physical professions, while after obtaining the fragments of Lienia, you will almost certainly be invaded by wizards.

This kind of "invasion" mainly catches people off guard, but if it is known in advance, it is the time to "lock the door and beat the dog" or "catch the turtle in the urn".

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