The Collection of The End

Two thousand five hundred and seventeen, Sherlock and the Sanctuary of Death (4)

——? ? ? ——

The junction, Red Lion City.

At dusk, this solid castle, which was covered with traces of damage from sieges and defenses, and where the flames and smoke had just dissipated, was bathed in the blood-red sunset light.

A large number of warriors with different appearances and races were gathered under the inner city wall to listen to the speech of the Lord of Red Lion City, either in person or as phantoms.

"[...I announce the grand 'Broken Star' battle festival——]" At the top of the inner city fortress, the city lord named Jie Lian shouted hoarsely: "[Start now!]"

Hmm... Do you want to change to a set of equipment that is more like a physics profession? Sherlock looked at the soldiers entering the city crowded like a school of sardines in front of him, feeling a little out of place.

Before, after repeatedly asking Teacher Serian about the differences between the next two destinations, Sherlock chose the corrupt land of Galid as his next stop.

Of course, this is mainly to help the teacher find the legendary origin of magic. There may be some upright people here who are easily fooled by magic and have nothing to do with the warrior profession.

At that time, Teacher Serian and Melina introduced the situation of Galid in detail:

There is no ruler here in the conventional sense. The "Shattered Star General Rattan" who obtained the "Deathly Hallows Fragment" is just the most powerful one in Galid.

The Red Lion City, the magical town of Selia, the Warrior Pot Arena, the Dragon Tomb, and the ruins around the Corrupt Swamp. You can see warriors undergoing training almost everywhere. If they accidentally look at each other, it will be a heated battle. duel.

The reason why they continue to improve themselves is to participate in the "Battle Festival", a crusade against "General Broken Star" organized by the Lord of Red Lion City.

This is not because the city lord himself wants to defeat his superiors or any other similar reason, but simply because... "General Broken Star" has gone crazy.

Different from "Extender" Greg, the "Deathly Hallows Fragment" obtained by "Shattered Star General" Latarn is more domineering. It will absorb the enemies defeated by the holder and become the holder's own power.

This sounds very strong, but the problem is that after the Deathly Hallows was shattered, the "life" in the junction has lost the ability to "die". When they are defeated and absorbed, the remaining memories and minds will not disappear. , but will continue to scour "General Shattered Star".

Due to being too noisy, General Broken Star could hardly respond to the outside world. He would only continue to attack everything around him indiscriminately based on instinct. He was eventually defeated and exiled by the original Lord of Red Lion City.

And this kind of exile was carried out without sufficient preparation. Every once in a while, "General Shattered Star" would come to Galid again, setting off a bloody storm.

After several awkward responses in a cycle, the various forces finally thought of uniting, selecting their own strong men, and letting them gather in the Red Lion City in the name of holding a "battle festival." When Latarn returned to Galede again, Give it a head-on blow to get it exiled again.

Since this process worked so well, no one wanted to make changes, and it has been running normally until now.


"[Hello, mage, I am Blaze.]"

Sherlock stood on the tower of the city wall, watching a group of warriors take the elevator to the large wasteland behind the inner city. While he was wondering whether the slow descent technique would work, a strong and deep voice sounded behind him.

"Oh, hello, uh..." Sherlock turned around, then paused.

What appeared in front of him was not the heavily armored warrior he expected, but a... werewolf?

He looked to be over two and a half meters tall, wearing thick gray-white leather armor, a large fluffy cloak over his shoulders, and his head was a slightly human-shaped white wolf head.

The white wolf paid no attention to Sherlock's daze and just waited silently for his response.

"Ah, oh... I'm 'Stephen Strange', nice to meet you." Sherlock reluctantly announced his name, or game ID.

"[I noticed that you have summoned wolves in several previous battles, but only used them as cannon fodder.]" Werewolf Blaze said.

"No, that, that's because they are too brittle..." How to use the ashes is obviously his own business, but facing Blaze, who is also a wolf, Sherlock feels inexplicably guilty.

During the exploration of the junction area, although he found some other types of summoned ashes when searching the dungeon, they were not very useful. They were not as good as the jellyfish and wolves that Roderica had upgraded.

"[It is true, but the treasure given to you by Lady Lani should not only summon these little things,]" Blaze did not care about this, and raised his head slightly to look in the direction of the wilderness: "[After defeating 'General Broken Star', I I hope you can explore the underground with me, there will be a treasure there that is very suitable for the 'Soul Summoning Bell'.】"

Lady Lani? After defeating "General Shattered Star"? Underground treasure?

After hearing this familiar name, Sherlock belatedly remembered that it seemed that after entering the Galede area, he had never seen the witch lady flying around on a broom to fish for people. She was clearly fighting here. Fighting to death is also very intense, isn't it?

It now seemed that she had sent her subordinate, the werewolf Blaze, to perform the mission, but because he kept a low profile, he had not noticed what he had done during this time.

And the purpose of his coming to her seemed to be to invite him to explore the underground with him, and promised that he would get a very useful treasure?

"Let me think about it," Sherlock replied: "Also, are you sure that General Broken Star will be defeated soon? According to the city lord, it is possible that the 'battle festival' will last for several days or even months."

"[Humility is a virtue,]" Blazer looked at him: "[But excessive modesty is not.]"

Hmm... He obviously knew that he had obtained the magical "Destruction Meteor" located in the cave near the magical town of Celia, and had enough attribute points to learn and use it.

But he must have never imagined that even without using that spell, he could easily destroy Shai——

Boom boom boom! !

The next moment, there was a loud noise that resounded across the sky from the direction of the wasteland where many warriors had gathered. Then, a flaming meteor almost as big as the castle under Sherlock's feet fell from the sky and hit the dense crowd. A small part of it was turned into ashes on the spot. The remaining ones who were lucky enough not to die hurriedly took out bottles and drank wildly.

After that, the raging flames dissipated, and a strong man in black armor who was twice as tall as the zombie giant that Sherlock usually saw walking around on the roadside walked out of it. He was holding two huge stone knives and looked majestic.

Let’s withdraw our previous thoughts.

"[He can't use the second 'Meteor Destruction' for the time being, let's go.]" Blaze said as he put one hand on the city wall and jumped off without waiting for the elevator.

It seems that I can jump directly... Sherlock thought as he used the slow fall technique on himself.

"[Don't be fooled by the handsome Uncle Wolf.]" Melina, who had transformed into a spirit, said quietly.

"That can't be done." Sherlock turned over and jumped off the city wall, gliding towards the wasteland.

However, I am really curious, what kind of subordinates does the witch lady have?

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