The Collection of The End

Two thousand five hundred and eighteen, Sherlock and the Sanctuary of Death (5)

——? ? ? ——


What kind of enemy is the most difficult for a mage to deal with?

Another mage with stronger attack, higher defense, faster speed, more methods, and better preparation.

This is one of the mottos of Hogwarts.

It shows the mage's pride in his identity and his confidence that he can deal with any enemy well-prepared.

There is nothing wrong with this statement, but you can add another one at the end:

The second most difficult thing is to deal with a behemoth that is rolling and slashing in a limited space and is not affected by any control magic.

He even throws rock balls! The number summoned at one time is twice as many as one's own!

Sherlock said this as he hid behind a hillside and tried to attack General Shattered Star with rock balls, but was driven away by the opponent throwing out a larger pile of stone balls with lightning.

After this period of experience at the junction, Sherlock can confidently say that even if he faces the "big tree guard" again, he will be able to kill him with the long sword in his hand without using tricks or magic. Because no matter how difficult the enemy is, there are only a few attack methods in total. Once you have a thorough understanding, you can prescribe the right medicine.

...but "General Shattered Star" cannot.

Every time Latarn rolls, draws a knife, or uses magic, there is a huge gap, but these gaps are all made up by its huge size. Every time a flaw is exposed, the body has rolled dozens of meters, even if it is caught Opportunity rushed over, and before he could slash, he had already repositioned himself.

At present, it seems that the correct way to fight is other than constantly beating the crowd and using magic to kill them before the blue bottle is finished drinking, the only way is to always stick to their feet, avoid every attack accurately, and not miss every attack. Counterattack opportunities only belong to the style of melee masters - "Werewolf" Blaze's style of play.

After a whole day of fierce fighting, it was already dark. Under the starry sky, the battle had become fierce. Except for the rough-skinned and thick-bodied Warrior Pot and the agile and agile Blaze, the average number of challengers had been killed. After two times, it was all up to Sherlock to wander around the outside. In addition to sneak attacks with rock balls from time to time, he would run to click on the shaking golden summoning talisman wherever he saw it refreshed, and he would continue to replenish his troops so that he could continue to hold on.

So the city lord said that the fight can last for several months... Sure enough, there is someone specifically responsible for shaking people, right?

Sherlock threw a bunch of rock balls again and ran towards the next golden rune, but helplessly watched it go out before his eyes.

Um? give up? No, that's not right.

Boom boom boom——

When the golden runes went out, the chaotic sound of battle on the main battlefield also disappeared. When Sherlock turned to look, he saw the huge body of "General Broken Star" frozen in place, constantly turning into The ashes disappeared, and the other warriors who participated in the battle in spirit form made congratulatory movements to each other, and then turned into golden light points and disappeared one by one.

After a while, the only ones left there were the dilapidated "Warrior Pot" and "White Wolf" Blaze, who was completely uninjured except for some explosive hair.

Almost at the same time, the golden red and black "Red Lion Armor" worn by General Broken Star and the pair of "Broken Star Swords" that looked like stone sculptures appeared in Sherlock's backpack. In addition, a golden, looking like A small sculpture that looked like a rider riding something appeared in front of him.

[Fragments of the Deathly Hallows (Rider)]

[The holder may gain the power of control. 】

Control what? Stars?

"[Oh? Is this the source of power of the 'Fragment King'?]" Blaze appeared beside Sherlock and glanced at the chess piece: "[Put it away, this thing has extremely strong effects on the residents of the border area. Appeal.】"

Are you not a resident of the border area?

Sherlock blinked and put the chess piece into his backpack.


There was only one item in the backpack, but there were two more items in the backpack. Sherlock glanced at the inventory:

【Lingma Whistle】

[After use, you can summon a pony named 'Carrot'. 】

"[Lord Faded One, this is a part of the spirit body that remained after the defeat of 'General Broken Star'. It does not belong to him. I intercepted it before it disappeared.]" Melina said as if she was taking credit.

That's right, how can a "rider" not have a mount? But if he wanted to match that guy's size, he would have to go to the Dragon Tomb to catch a dragon and ride it.

Sherlock tries to use the whistle in his inventory.


A reddish-brown pony, slightly shorter than Sherlock, appeared out of thin air. It seemed confused for a while, and finally seemed to understand something, then turned around and nuzzled Sherlock with its head.

"['Carrot'?]" Blaze didn't look surprised at all: "[I thought Latarn had absorbed it when he turned into this kind of monster, but now it seems that he still has some humanity.]"

You guys actually know each's not surprising.

"Hmm... what should we do next? How to get to the 'underground' you mentioned?" Sherlock tried to ride on the pony and circled it twice. The control was very smooth. Except for some delays in accepting instructions, it was completely smooth. It can be said to be "like an arm using a finger".

"[Wait,]" Blaze raised his head and looked at the starry sky: "[Guess, what does the 'Broken Star' in his title mean?]"

In the words of the vice-principal, "There are only wrong names, not wrong nicknames." So if this title does not mean that he is an exaggerated description of his strength enough to break stars, it means...has he really broken stars?

"How is that possible?"

The stars look small, but that's because they are too far away. Each "star" is essentially a star. Even if his move of transforming into a bolide is very cool, he may not even hit the "prominence" at all. Continuously - although prominences should be disembodied.

"[Heh,]" Blaze remained motionless in his original posture: "[Did the little girl over there who turned into a spirit and followed you tell you that the 'starry sky' at the junction is false?"

Phew——Melina's figure appeared.

"Isn't that common sense? As a 'place where the worlds intersect ()', how can it be a normal starry sky?" Melina looked at Sherlock's expression, lowered her head and pointed at her fingers: "I...didn't I say that?"

Hmm... For a witch who was almost killed by the "Extended Body Noble", it is simply unrealistic to ask her to cover everything.

Sherlock shrugged: "Sorry, I was the first to think of it, so what is this starry sky?"

"[That is the 'fate' that befell everyone at the junction,]" A smile appeared on Blaze's wolf face: "[Now, the wheel of fate has begun to turn again.]"

Click, click——

Following his words, the endless starry sky suddenly "cracked", as if a "glass cover" that had always shrouded the sky was damaged, and then, the "stars" originally hanging in the sky began to fall like meteors.

Most of the stars have always maintained their original size and made no movement even if they disappeared from the horizon. But one of them was different. It continued to grow bigger as it fell, even surpassing the meteor that General Broken Star once incarnated. Finally, it was in the west, It was probably somewhere in Nimgefu that crashed, and at the same time as the violent explosion sounded, it even sparked a burst of blazing white light that even obscured the light of the golden tree.

"[Are you ready to go to the 'Eternal City of Noklon'?]" After the white light gradually faded, Blaze turned to look at Sherlock and Melina: "[However, it has another more appropriate one. name--】"

"[Death Sanctuary]."

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