The Collection of The End

Two thousand five hundred and twenty-eight, Sherlock and the Supreme Mage (6)

——? ? ? ——

Junction, Magic Academy.

"Don't fight anymore~"

After obtaining the weapon, Melina seemed to be a lot more courageous. When there was a fight nearby, she no longer remained in spirit form, but tried to break up the fight from a distance - of course, this was also related to the fact that the target of both parties was not her.

You can't kill someone by beating like this~

Well, Sherlock silently swallowed the words that came to his lips - this was mainly due to the influence of the vice-principal, and he himself was not keen on watching others have fun.

The two sides currently at war are Mr. Jie Lian, the lord of the Red Lion City, who has white beard and hair, old armor, and a big gun in his hand, and a monk in khaki robes with a shiny head who prefers using bare hands to using magic. The fighting magician Ms. Serian.

The former provided many conveniences during Sherlock's exploration of Galede and had a good relationship with him, while the latter was Sherlock's most important teacher in the border area. Without her, he might still be fighting with the limb recipients now.

The reason why Jie Lian would attack Teacher Serian is very simple: the magical town Serlia, which created a large lake of corruption in the middle of Galede, often boasts that their research concepts are inherited from Serian's research project, which is the same as that of Galede. When other forces went to war, many people were infected, so they regarded Teacher Serian as the "source of evil".

But seriously, do you call those things that look like black asphalt and the "lobster men" who make the asphalt "the magical work of Se Lian"? Magic research was so distorted that if they hadn't been concerned about their status as junior students, Teacher Se Lian would have razed that town to the ground - well, no, she was still "sealed" during that time.

As for Teacher Serian, it’s not easy to persuade, because Jie Lian’s “invasion” behavior, no matter how you look at it, you got Fan Lei’s knuckles. In her words, “Anyone who invades other worlds deserves to die!” .

Can't he promise not to use that knuckle? It’s also a headache for me that there is no “discard” option for things in the “inventory”.

Now, the most direct way to solve the problem is to first eliminate this "" City Lord Jie Lian. Anyway, it is a spiritual body and will not cause any harm to him, and then explain clearly to Teacher Se Lian what is going on with him, and then go to him. Theory well.

Sounds okay...?

Sherlock intuited that there seemed to be a big problem with this method, but he couldn't figure it out for the moment. He hesitated and couldn't take action. He could only watch City Lord Jie Lian and Teacher Se Lian fight more and more fiercely, from testing each other to gradually starting to become ruthless.

We can't wait any longer. No matter how it is resolved in the end, it's better to separate the two of them now.




When Sherlock raised his hand to cast a spell, he was interrupted by some subtle but sharp and strange laughter, causing the thorn bush that almost formed in the middle of the battlefield to disappear out of thin air like a puff of smoke.

This is……

Sherlock turned his head in shock, only to find that he had appeared in an unusually large library with classical decoration and bookshelves dozens of meters high on the surrounding walls.

This time it was obviously not his hallucination, because Teacher Se Lian and City Lord Jie Lian, who were having a great time fighting, also appeared not far away, calling a temporary truce. In addition...

"Ah!" Melina exclaimed and immediately transformed into a spirit body and disappeared.

OK, that's gone now.

Theoretically speaking, this should be the "Big Library" where he and Teacher Se Lian finally planned to conquer, and it was also the location of the "Full Moon Queen". Sherlock turned around and was not surprised to see an unusually tall golden fog door.

At that time, the city lord and the teacher were obviously fighting outside the big library. Could it be that the Full Moon Queen was too noisy and ignored the "rules of the game" and went out to arrest the person? What about her?



Sherlock, who was looking up and looking around, suddenly felt the hem of his robe being pulled.

Ha, they must be those guys making strange laughter. I have never seen any scene, how could I be scared——

He blinked and looked down.


Sherlock exclaimed, retreated continuously, and slammed into the heavy bookshelf behind him - I have never seen this scene before!

Lying on the floor was "Ms. Irisviel" who had long white hair, red eyes, and was wearing an old and tattered black dress. She had no expression on her face but could laugh at him.

No, no, no, this is not right...

Sherlock, whose thoughts were temporarily knotted, subconsciously looked up in the direction of the other laughter. Not surprisingly, they were "Galactic Train Operators" with similar shapes and different postures.

Although there have been suspicions for a long time, this time it is confirmed: this "junction" is not at all the place where the "genuine Ms. Irisviel" and the Batman want him to come. No matter how funny and fun-loving she is, she will never star in this movie herself. kind of role.

In other words, she "fell out of the world", was picked up by the Galaxy Train, and was "falling" again when she was preparing to go to the next world according to her arrangements.

The world has become a colander! Is there anyone in charge?

What? Is the "Ministry of Magic" responsible for this? That's okay.

I went back to Watson to settle the business trip allowance.

"What kind of monster is this?" "Get away!" At this time, Se Lian and Jie Lian finally found "Voldemort" at their feet, and they took action without hesitation.


Although she may not be Ms. Irisviel herself, she should have some relationship with her, so don’t—

Boom, boom.

With one punch and one kick, the two attacks, whose original purpose was not to kill but to expel, each hit a "creeper", causing them to fly backwards with reactions far beyond their expectations, slamming them against the wall or bookcase, and then slowed down. Slowly sliding down, he finally collapsed motionless in the corner.

【whee. 】【Hee hee hee--】

Before Sherlock could think of what to say, four new "Lady Irisviel" appeared out of thin air near them and continued to crawl towards them while letting out expressionless laughter.

"Renara! Come out! Don't play this trick of hiding your head and showing your tail!" Selian put up a magic barrier to prevent them from approaching, and then shouted into the air.

"[Children - just born - why do you - treat them so cruelly -]" Following Se Lian's roar, the same tone as those weird laughter came from mid-air, but the tone was completely different. From another place, a female voice spoke like an aria: "[They just want to be born into this world-]"

Hmm... This is more similar to the voice of the train conductor. When Sherlock followed the sound, he saw another "Irisviel" suspended in the air, holding her knees with her hands, curled up like a baby. Miss".

However, this "Irisviel" wore an extremely gorgeous pure white dress decorated with rubies and gold threads. She also wore a pure gold crown on her head, and her whole body seemed to be glowing with golden light.

But what was more eye-catching than its appearance was the transparent sphere that she curled up in her arms, emitting a faint orange-yellow light like amber.

Deathly Hallows? No, impossible.

"Continuously transferring yourself to a new body is not called 'immortality', Lenora," Ser Lian mocked: "Judging from the number of defective products, how many times have you failed? One hundred times? One thousand times? One Ten thousand times?”

"[Hey————]" The woman who should theoretically be the "Queen of the Full Moon" Lenora sighed longly, sat upright in the "air" as if she had just woken up from a dream, and then raised her hands. The "spherical amber" in.

Snap, snap—

A crack first appeared on the sphere, and then the cracks extended in all directions like a spider web. Eventually, Brother Zheng's "amber" was turned into fragments, falling apart and flying in all directions.

Almost at the same time as the debris flew by, the surrounding "big library" scene disappeared together with Se Lian and Jie Lian, replaced by an endless black water surface and a huge "moon" that almost occupied the entire sky.

“[It’s time to prepare—]”

"Renara" didn't know when she put on a gorgeous dress of the same style as before, but the color was changed to black and red. She landed lightly on the water, and then raised her cane in the direction of Sherlock:

"[It's time for the final exam.]"

Too bad I didn’t review...that’s not right.

What does he have to do here?

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