The Collection of The End

Two thousand five hundred and twenty-nine, Shylock and the Supreme Mage (7)

——? ? ? ——

Magic Academy, Big Library.

【dEmIGod FELLEd】

Exhausted, out of ammunition, and even the "Bionic Teardrop" was defeated and disappeared, Sherlock finally defeated the "Queen of the Full Moon" Lenora with difficulty.

Damn it, damn it...

It doesn't matter if a mage has many and fancy magics. As a field advantage, he can tolerate a "full moon" hitting people, but what's going on if he keeps recruiting energy-body soldiers, and finally even manifests a dragon? How can any mage fight like this?

Oh, is this how you fight? When he didn't say it.

From this point of view, although it is a bit difficult, it is necessary to go to Galid to smash the Star General first, and then go underground to get the "Bionic Teardrop". Otherwise... it would be so difficult even for me now, I can't imagine it. How would I deal with this "Queen of the Full Moon" when I was carrying a hound's tusks?


The illusion of the boundless sea of ​​darkness and the full moon in the night sky quickly faded, and Sherlock saw stacks of books, lampstands, large bookshelves, and—"Full Moon Queen" Lenora.


Sherlock rolled back repeatedly, not daring to look away from her arm for a moment, for fear that another torrent of magic would blow over her when she raised her hand.

But Lenora just sat quietly on a high-backed chair that appeared in the middle of the large library at an unknown time, her eyebrows lowered and motionless. On the desk in front of her, there was the spherical amber. It doesn't look like there's any trace of it being broken.

Damn it, was it an illusion just now? When did you win?

In other words, he didn't defeat her at all, he was just pulled into the double illusion and fought with her illusion? But the consumables and physical strength are really used up - and the bionic teardrop brother!

Well, wait, if it was just an illusion, then what about Teacher Serian and Lord Jielian who "stayed outside"?

After making sure that Lenara did not suddenly burst out with the intention of hurting anyone, Sherlock looked around while remaining alert.

At this time, the large library looked like a real library. Everything was in order. There were no traces of "Ms. Irisviel" who could only crawl on the floor.

In comparison, there are only two that are really strange. The first one is a weird sphere about three meters high that seems to be made up of countless huge faces. The second one is a statue, one of which is shaped into a statue. A weird statue of a handsome spear-wielding warrior impaling himself with his backhand.

Excluding all other possibilities, these two strange things should be "Teacher Se Lian" and "Lord Jie Lian". They failed to defeat the Queen of the Full Moon in the illusion, and the result turned out like this.

etc? Where's Melina? She can't stop this "Queen of the Full Moon" just by becoming a spirit.

"Woooooh - Stephen -" Sherlock had just thought of this when he saw Melina appear from the void and jump directly on him: "Please don't burn yourself with epilepsy fire - Wuwu -"

What? Epilepsy? etc?

Sherlock pressed the shoulder of Melina, whose face was full of tears, and was a little dazed for a moment. Speaking of which, those senior seniors usually...

asshole! He is still underage, why should he consider such issues that only uncles and aunts have to consider?

...Yes, I am underage, so if I have any problems, it is also Melina's problem.

As soon as he thought about this, Sherlock took the crying witch into his arms - well, it was a bit awkward.

"Calm down, it won't burn. What did you see?" he said.

"Woo... I dreamed..." Melina looked at him with tears in her eyes: "Becoming the Supreme Mage requires entering the 'Golden Tree', but the door can only be opened with 'Witch Fire'... I want to burn myself ...As a result, you burned yourself... gave up being the 'Supreme Mage'... and became the 'Lord of Fire'..."

Oh, branch ending, right? You know that Fan Lei and Haida did not appear in vain.

Based on this analysis, the "Full Moon Queen" embodies the most fearful things of those who are trapped in the illusion to scare people. If they believe it to be true, big problems will arise.

Therefore, in the illusion, she is the mage she is most afraid of who has "higher intelligence than herself, stronger magic than herself, and more summons than herself". Combined with the fact that her home field is the ocean and the moon, she can arrange exams, and she can also summon a dragon... Isn't that the vice principal? ! So Lenara, who is also the dean of the magic academy, plays the role herself?

Combined with the fact that her original white clothes turned into black clothes after switching scenes, it may be hinting at Bai Qie... ahem!

"Don't be afraid, those are all lies. I promise to stay away from Haida and not to burn myself." Sherlock touched Melina's head and added before she asked "Really?" "But, you We need to make it clear what ‘Witch Fire’ is.”

"...Ah." Melina blinked after hearing the keyword, and seemed to finally wake up from the nightmare. After looking at her current posture, she transformed into a spiritual body and disappeared.

Oh, the monks can escape, but the temple cannot.

Sherlock didn't ask any further questions. He straightened his robe and looked at the Ball and the Lancer.

Compared with the simple Melina, Teacher Serian and City Lord Jielian, who are more powerful, have richer knowledge and combat experience, are undoubtedly more afraid of things that are more dangerous, and may even be something that "will make you lose control as soon as you see it" Type, they have been trying to suppress their vision in order to avoid seeing certain things, but they suddenly appeared in front of them during the battle with the Full Moon Queen...boom!

Although it's a bit weird to turn into a ball and poke yourself.

However, since the initiator is still there, there should be room for redress. Sherlock glanced at the motionless Full Moon Queen. What's the big deal...defeat her twice more?

"[I——]" At this time, the sphere that seemed to be Teacher Serian made a hissing sound.

"Teacher?" Sherlock walked over and called with the idea of ​​giving it a try.

"[I - want to become - the 'Supreme Mage' -]" the sphere hissed, "[If - cannot - then train - a student - to become the 'Supreme Mage' -]"

Uh... So, this is what your taboo research is all about? But the necessary condition for becoming the Supreme Mage is to have a "witch", right?

"[If - the student - can't do it - let him continue to - train students - and - students' students -]" The ball continued to hiss.

What kind of silly old gentleman moves mountains story is this?

"[You! Do you really want to become the 'Fragment King'!]" At the same time, the statue that was suspected to be Lord Jielian also spoke, but his words were relatively smooth: "[You will trample even my only wish, you Don’t you feel ashamed!]”

Well? What? Wasn't your old wish to defeat General Shatterstar?

"[Unforgivable! Absolutely unforgivable! You souls who have been captured by fame and wealth and belittled the glory of knights!]" The words of the statue of Lord Jielian sounded extremely angry: "[Use my blood to curse those fragments and those who use them to become disasters." Oops! When you fall into the cauldron of purgatory! Remember! That is my wrath!]"

Why is "City Lord Jie Lian" silenced... Moreover, although it seems to be all nonsense, it seems to be very informative.

This kind of weird deformation and petrification, judging from the fact that these are all attack spells at the junction, it is basically impossible to save them, but... for Hogwarts, all it takes is a "return to the original" spell .

"'■■■■'!" Sherlock raised his professional staff and chanted.


The next moment, the extremely solid appearance of the ball and the self-punching statue disappeared like dust blown by the wind, revealing Teacher Serian who fell on the ground and City Lord Jielian who maintained the same posture as the statue. .

They "awoke" almost at the same time. After each stood up, they looked at each other with twinkling eyes, but they had no intention of fighting again.

"You--" Sherlock was interrupted mid-sentence by the voice of "Full Moon Queen":

"[Those who advance with the fire will surely meet their destined death.]"

This... Sherlock's opening was interrupted again.

After the Queen of the Full Moon finished speaking, two chess pieces appeared out of thin air in front of Se Lian and Jie Lian. They were the hooded scholar holding a long staff and the armored soldier clutching a spear.

[Fragments of the Deathly Hallows (caster)\\/(Lancer)]

...Did you not send it out or did you take it back?

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