The Collection of The End

Two thousand five hundred and thirty-eight, North American Mythical War (365)

——Marvel, 2015——


This artificial ring-shaped celestial body, which was always in full swing, is now in a state of "extinguishing". Almost all forges have stopped working. Dwarves of different skin colors and builds are no longer busy forging, but are holding various weapons forged by them. Fighting with the enemy.

Their enemies are monsters covered by gray cloaks that look like ever-changing black mist. Most of them only hold weapons, while a few elites are equipped with armor or even mounts - there is no doubt that they are. All the work of dwarves.

However, this kind of fierce battle only exists on one side of the ring world. On the other side, which is relatively empty, a team composed of short teenagers, skinny young men, and ancient robots are rising and falling along the steel mountain ridge. Sneaking quietly along the path.

"Well, I always feel that this place looks a bit familiar..."

Watson poked his head out of his hiding place and carefully observed his surroundings.

"Hiss..." The sudden rise in heat in his chest interrupted Watson's thinking, and when he subconsciously grabbed the ring hanging around his neck as a necklace, he found that it was still cold and hard, and had not even been contaminated by his own body temperature.

"[Of course you are familiar with it, because in front of you is the volcanic forge where you forged the 'Supreme Lord of the Rings.'" Shi Tie turned his head and made a subtle electronic sound: "[In order to win the forging competition, he actually used the rare 'ring shape' As a forging material, it is difficult to judge whether you are confident or stupid.】"

"I can't compare with Mr. Zong technically, and I can't compare with you in terms of experience. Of course I can only think of ways to deal with the material." Watson said while stuffing the ring and necklace into his clothes with a little vigilance.

"[Pointless caution,]" Shi Tie watched him complete the action, and then said: "[The 'Supreme Lord of the Rings' will give those who directly see it the urge to 'possess' and the relationship between 'possession' Illusion, but this little trick is ineffective against intelligent machines. After they are converted into electrical signals, they cannot even break through my 'firewall'.】"

"Well..." Watson responded noncommittally and turned his gaze to Zong Zhengmo: "What about you, Mr. Zong, do you feel uncomfortable?"

"First of all, my surname is 'Zongzheng' rather than 'Zong'," the swordsmith replied: "Secondly, a craftsman who constantly exercises his own skills will not covet the results of others."

"I am very--"


An extremely uncomfortable scream sounded, interrupting Watson's words of agreement or refutation. At the same time, his two companions each found bunkers and hid close to them - taking Watson by the way. Also dragged in.

The next second, a large number of dark, erratic, strange monsters wearing black robes flew past in mid-air.

Just by seeing them, Watson's hands and feet felt cold and his thoughts were stagnant, as if his vitality had been completely drained away. At this moment, the "ring necklace" hanging on his chest once again emitted a faint heat. This feeling dissipates.

However, everything that happened on the Iron Mountain Ridge, as well as the anomalies displayed by the ring itself, failed to attract the flying black-robed monster. It passed by the top of the mountain with smaller ones of its kind, and quickly disappeared in China. Out of sight.

"It seems that the men of the 'Dawn Breaking Lamp' are still searching for us. They are stronger than the ones the dwarves deal with on the frontal battlefield, but the search efficiency needs to be improved," Watson slowly left the hiding place and walked back to the trail. : "I doubt this monster would be able to detect that we're next door even if there's only a wall separating us."

"[According to the current analysis results, the monster that runs out of your ring and calls itself the 'Dawn Lamp' has the ability to solidify illusory things, and can unreasonably extinguish all lighting equipment within a certain range. ...Including the 'Match Point Torch' I lit before," Shi Tie said in a reverberated voice: "[But it obviously does not have the ability to conduct a large-scale search in a short time]."

"This also confirms that it is by no means part of the 'schedule', and the basic rules of the game should not be destroyed by the event itself." Watson replied: "Inferring from this, the reason why 'off-field assistance' cannot be used is not because We relied mainly on 'literary fighting' and the game suddenly became more difficult."

"[It seems that no matter how innocent a person is, as long as they spend enough time with Sherlock Holmes, their 'reasoning' ability will grow to a certain extent.]" Shi Tie said in a tone of appreciation or teasing.

"Ah..." Watson touched his head and looked downcast: "If Sherlock were here, there should be a better solution. According to the current plan, the 'Three Hammers Council' will sacrifice about half of its soldiers and Craftsman, just to cover us and sneak into the 'Mount Doomsday' forge to destroy this ring."

"Don't take responsibility for yourself casually," Zong Zhengmo's hand stroked the curved sword at his waist: "I'm afraid you can't understand how much hatred a blacksmith would have for someone who destroys his workshop and his proud work."

"..." Watson pressed the ring on his chest and did not respond.

"[Arrived.]" Shi Tie said.

At the end of this steel path is a huge forge. Many dwarves whose minds have been controlled, in a trance and numbness, are mechanically forging various twisted and weird armors and weapons.

At a time when most of the blacksmith shops in Needaville have been shut down due to the "lights-out procedure" of the "Dawn Trick Lamp", there is one and only one reason why it is still operating: the flame used in its giant furnace comes from the Dyson sphere. Open it slightly, burst out from a gap, travel hundreds of millions of kilometers to reach here, like a pillar of fire erupting from a volcano, the flames of the star.

This scene is very unscientific, but dwarf enough.

Next, as long as Watson throws the "Supreme Lord of the Rings" into the furnace of "Mount Doom" and lets it melt in the radiance of the star, the bat freak who appears in this world will be banished from the world. - At least that's what the dwarves claim.

"...I can't do this." Watson, who quietly sneaked to the furnace, hesitated for a moment, turned back and said to his two companions.

"Now that things have happened, you are actually being bewitched?" Zong Zhengmo slowly drew his sword: "Maybe I can help you make a decision."

"I just saw that if I drop the ring, it will be the worst result," Watson frowned: "I'm sure it's not an illusion that deceived me."

"[That is bewitchment,]" Shi Tie slowly stepped forward, some parts of his body making a threatening friction sound: "[You can give it to me.]"

"I have evidence. Just wait for me for one minute, no, just thirty seconds." Watson held the ring and backed away slowly.



In the middle of Shi Tie's words, he was interrupted by a figure that suddenly appeared. It was a strong, strange man wearing a strange green tights, with a green light symbol painted on his chest, and a pair of pointed ears on his head.

"[Obviously, under the circumstances that your 'fake light ring' cannot be effective,]" Dawn's Creepy Lantern raised the corner of his mouth and said in a voice with layers of echoes: "[Your friends finally decided to join us. ]"

"Watson!" Zong Zhengmo shouted sharply.

"No, it's not this -" Watson waved his hands repeatedly.

"[Oh? Did I understand it wrong?]" Daybreak Lantern slowly turned around, "[When the ridiculous green light network failed, the World Tree passage was blocked, and you were completely unable to call for help, you still refused to surrender? You know ,I can--】"


Breaking Dawn's head made a crisp sound, and the whole person flew out.

Then, the buckler depicting red and white rings and stars that had just made this crisp sound bounced back into the hands of its owner who fell from the sky.

"I could fight you all day."

Said the blond man wearing a dark blue tight-fitting suit, surrounded by green light like a burning flame.

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