The Collection of The End

Two thousand five hundred and thirty-nine, North American Mythical War (366)

——Marvel, 2015——


This is a world filled with lava, scorched earth, and raging flames. There are no other colors except red and scorched black. Living things in the conventional sense are completely unable to survive.

However, there are exceptions to everything. In this country, whether it is a collision and squeeze between rocks, the stirring and cooling of a pool of magma, or even the shape that a ball of flames takes on by chance, it is a matter of pure coincidence or some existence. With deliberate guidance, it is possible to give birth to "elemental creatures" that belong only to this world.

They are naturally adapted to fire and heat, and their simple minds recognize this environment as the truth of the universe - although they may have no concept of the universe or truth, and therefore are instinctively hostile to anything that is incompatible with the environment in which they were born.

For example, the golden forest formed by the World Tree penetrating into the root system of this world, and the owner behind it.

This hostile instinct was always suppressed by the enemy's intimidation when Odin's authority was still there. Most fire elemental creatures would actively avoid the area where the golden forest is located, achieving the "out of sight, out of mind" thing that they still cannot understand. "Effect.

And when that pressure was suddenly removed and the upper limit of the evolution of elemental creatures was "unlocked", it became the best target for fire elemental creatures to vent their anger. The unintelligent flame beasts no longer avoided the area where the woods were located. However, instinctive fear stopped them from moving forward at a certain distance, and the stone giants and flame dogs, who had initially gained wisdom, tried to drive more ordinary beasts as precursors to test the depth of the forest for them.

At this time, thick "walls" made of sharp thorns were rising at an unnatural speed on the lava land that was almost surrounded by the golden forest formed by the roots of the World Tree. , when they rise from the ground, the scorched earth in a certain area nearby will quickly soften, become green, and even sporadic unknown little flowers will be born.

The nearby fire elemental creatures who could not appreciate the beauty of nature were frightened and decisively launched an attack on these seemingly non-threatening thorn walls. Then, they were turned into rock particles or dots of flames by the huge beasts speeding past.

It was a giant fox with pure white body, four black claws, red eyes, white flames constantly spitting out from its mouth, and nine huge tails that looked like they were burning blazingly.

Whether it is a claw attack followed by the "hand", a series of sprays with a blazing white breath that is much hotter than ordinary flames, or a tail flick that sweeps across a large area, it can easily cause damage to those fire elemental creatures that try to attack. A fatal threat. In the end, after the Firefox galloped for more than ten times, no one attacked again, and the wall of thorns became as dark and hard as steel, and then it returned to the wall.

"[Your idea better work, 'Remnant Light',]" The giant fox came to the center of the woods without encountering any obstacles, and with a dull voice filled with crackling flames, he spoke to a large fox that was sitting with its eyes closed as if it were a spiritual practice. On the tree stump, a young man in martial arts uniform with a bright green light flashing within one meter said: [It is getting more and more difficult for me to communicate with the 'Loa Spirit', and I may not be able to 'transform' next time. 】

"Of course there is no problem," the boy known as [End Light] opened his eyes: "Can't that guy called the 'Red Death' speed up the withering of plants? But for plants that have already formed 'fossils', he can't do anything. In this way, when we fight him, he won't be able to distract us by driving those fire elemental creatures to attack the Leaf Village."

"[...]" The fox was silent for two seconds: "[Why on earth did you name this forest?]"

"The short name is said with momentum!" Can Guang clenched his fists and put on a fighting stance: "'Don't retreat! Behind us is the Leaf Village' and 'Don't retreat! Behind us are the roots extending from the World Tree. The golden forest formed!’, which one do you choose?”

"[...]" The fox was silent again, and then changed the subject: "[Then do you think this name is too common?]"

"No, no, this name has an origin, although I don't know the origin," Can Guang waved his hand and continued in the fox's suspicious eyes: "When the 'Red Death' broke through the roots of the golden tree and rushed out, I I heard a sentence from that hole: [Wherever the leaves are flying, the fire is endless], this must be the key to defeating that guy."

"[There is so much information in the World Tree that even if it is very close, it may not matter much.]" The fox expressed doubt.

"There's no harm in trying," Can Guang shrugged: "If you don't like this name, you can also change it to 'Feiwu Village'."

"[No, 'Konoha' is pretty good.]" the fox replied quickly.

"Did I miss any exciting debates? Maybe you can review it with me later, but now it's better for you two to hear what I have gained." At this time, there was a tall and thin man wearing many clothes. The human man with burn marks walked out of a secret door under a root and spoke quickly.

"[If I remember correctly, doctor, your duty is to find a way to ensure that the roots of the Golden Forest have enough nutrients to survive and support our battle after the connection between the Golden Forest and the World Tree is severed. If there is any result, You can use it directly without showing it to us combatants.]" The fox tilted his head slightly to look at him.

"Referred to as 'roots'." Can Guang interjected, successfully attracting the fox's glare.

"Then let me make a long story short," [Nameless Se] continued: "Through research on the 'fertilizer' you recently brought back, I confirmed that the 'Red Death' comes from the Fire Dimension, which is the predecessor of the Fire Kingdom and the direction of its future development. It’s really interesting to see if it represents the property of flame itself that it can’t burn forever.”

"[Key point.]" The fox almost breathed fire.

"The point is that the fire elemental creatures spawned by the Red Death are not on the same level as the beasts outside. Next time he brings his men to attack, please try to kill his subordinates who are obviously wrong. Their ashes are very suitable to become fertilizer for nourishing the golden forest. If there are enough of them, it is very likely that the golden tree guards who had to sleep in order to help you drive the plants will be able to reawaken and even connect to the World Tree." [Nameless Se] finished the words in one breath.

While the fox was still frowning to discern the content of these words, [Can Guang] had already understood:

"The next time the 'Red Death' comes again, let's not rush him away first, but focus on destroying his personal guards?"

"[It can't be done, we are the only two here who can barely restrain his super speed. If he is distracted from fighting the mobs, he may even rush into the woods and burn the roots directly," the fox shook his head: "[Unless there is someone Someone who is super strong and won’t be harassed by his super-speed offensive——】"


Before they finished speaking, a ball of purple light appeared out of thin air in front of the three of them, and then exploded, revealing one of them, a green giant with gnarled muscles and a sinister face, wearing white soft armor and black lining.

"[Hulk——!]" he roared.

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