The Collection of The End

Two thousand five hundred and forty, North American Mythical War (367)

——Marvel, 2015——


As a country that perfectly combines technology and nature, almost all cities in Vanahem are like "Ship City", surrounded by forests, grasslands or oceans. Every resident who is tired of the steel jungle and high technology can find a place in the city in a short time. Time to find the perfect place to relax and protect your eyes - with the "Total Stealth" device.

These eggshell-like mechanical devices are said to be inventions or miracles of the "god of tourism" to satisfy residents who cannot leave the city but want to experience the scenery outside the city.

Each "complete stealth" device will connect the user's perception with the paired "field" device, transmitting all the sensory signals received by the latter outside the city to the "user", making it immersive. The pleasure of its environment.

However, in order to protect the user's safety and awareness of reality, all "field" devices are shaped like a round ball. After the shell is unfolded, the spring-like hands and feet can also make the user clearly aware of the situation. That's not who you are.

Although this kind of device was invented for tourism, Ms. Freya, who was responsible for managing various cities, transformed it. After equipping it with powerful weapons and protective means, they became controlled by real police officers. A security robot running tiredly around the city to maintain law and order.

The God of Travel made several protests against this, but was rejected by Ms. Freya on the grounds that "the city lord skips work all year round to travel, and the work on behalf of the city lord is too complicated and has to be done as a last resort."

However, this harmonious picture of the organic combination of technology, nature and humanity soon disappeared after the emergence of the "killing machine".


Suburban wilderness.

"You tell me, this thing is a travel robot?!"

A car was suspended in the air, and the strange "vehicle" that used four mechanical arms to run forward came from the strange "vehicle" that the sound insulation equipment could not block out.

Chasing this strange-shaped tank are dozens or hundreds of spherical machines with orange bodies, arms and legs. They are bombarding it with their own cannons, lasers and missiles, destroying what was originally a relatively small vehicle. The beautiful scenery was blown beyond recognition.

"[Calm down, 'Old Argon', the 'Solar Dragon Knight' you are driving was called an 'observation boat' before the transformation,]" a response with severe electronic interference came from the vehicle communication: "[Don't forget your mission goal. : Break through the blockade, destroy their communication base stations, and cut off the 'killing machine''s control of this area.]"

"I'm sure I've summoned all the 'Clockwork Oranges' within a radius of twenty kilometers!" The one called [Old Argon] is a human wearing a cyan combat uniform with a stronger physique than ordinary people. He is controlling The dragon knight dodged left and right in the fierce fire: "You haven't analyzed the location of the damn base station yet?"

"[Sorry, 'Old Argon',]" the electronic response was silent for two seconds: "[The entire communication base station of 'Vanaheim' is the 'Killing Machine' himself.]"

"You just discovered it? No, you knew it a long time ago?" Lao Argon's hand on the joystick paused.

"[Only a sufficient amount of bait can divert the attention of those mechanical heads, and given the possibility of your arrest, we cannot tell you the real plan," the electronic voice replied: "[But you can rest assured, They will definitely capture you and use you as a battery instead of killing you on the spot.】"

"So, your 'real plan' has been completed?"


"Ha." A strange expression similar to "It should have been so" appeared on Lao Ar's rough face, and then he directly controlled the chariot to stop.

"【what are you up to?】"

"Have I ever told you that although all Green Lanterns are all-rounders, what I am better at is close combat?" [Old Argon] dropped these words, opened the cockpit door and climbed out.

After the gunfire outside paused for a moment, it became intense again with the roar of "Taste the power of Mr. Argon, you stupid oranges!"

"[...]" The electronic voice was silent for two seconds, and then said: "[The 'Purifier Project' has been successful, and the 'Solar Dragon Knight' has been destroyed.]"

——Link Start——

【Warner God's Domain】

[Aincrad Level 1]

This is a town with a European medieval style, mainly red and white, with functional buildings such as butcher shops, grocery stores, blacksmith shops, herbal medicine shops, bookstores, churches, and adventurers' associations.

Although it was already dark, there was still a constant flow of hunters, fishmongers, farmers, workers, guards, and heavily armed adventurers, and it looked lively.

The place with the highest crowd density is the square in front of the church. Many people appear here out of thin air, and even overlap each other strangely, but the people around them seem to be accustomed to it and are just busy with their own things and turn a blind eye.

"It's such a fake bad game, far worse than Mass Effect." In the corner of the square, a girl with blond hair and blue eyes, wearing a blue hat, blue and white robes, and holding a weird long staff was pointing at something in the air. "Panel" muttered.

[Because they knew it was fake and thought they were just entering the 'complete stealth' device to play every day after get off work, but they didn't expect that the world they 'worked in every day' was also fake. 】 Rows of characters appeared in front of the girl.

"They should at least remember the 'Killing Machine' attack on Vanaheim." The girl clicked on the panel a few times, and her magician-like robe instantly turned into a set of exquisite and luxurious silver armor: " How does this set look?"

[In the compiled memory, the 'Killing Machine' was defeated and the Warner Protoss used its technology to transform the 'Total Stealth' device to create this tower climbing game.] The text paused Dayton: [You look equally beautiful no matter what you wear, Miss Luna. 】

"You still know how to talk, but that Thomas head actually said that it doesn't matter whether I wear it or not. That's why I kicked it to fight on the front line." Luna poked the panel a few more times and replaced the silver-white armor with one. Wearing a black background with red stripes, he also covered his eyes in a chilling armor: "I've turned black~ Ga oh~"

[Presumably you don’t care what kind of leaves a tomato has, or whether it has leaves or not.] The text continues to display: [But let me remind you that you are going to implement the "Purifier Plan" to awaken the "Total Stealth", which is relatively simple. dress is more appropriate. 】

"Really?" Luna poked at the panel, put on a black suit, then took out a pair of sunglasses and put them on: "Like this?"

【...You look equally beautiful no matter what you wear, Miss Luna. 】

"Don't worry, in this 'Matrix', the minions of the killing machine will not arrest people based on their appearance. After all, the dress tastes of those Warner Protoss are all kinds of weird." Luna adjusted her sunglasses, "They will only arrest people who are likely to have an 'awakening' ', Behaving abnormally——"

Boom! Bang!

Bright fireworks suddenly burst out in the sky over the town, and then, a steel armor with gold and red as the main colors fell from the sky.

"[Celebrate!]" the armor shouted through the loudspeaker: "[I am the savior you have been waiting for—'Iron Man'!]"


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