The Collection of The End

Two thousand five hundred and forty-three, North American Mythical War (370)

——Marvel, 2015——


The "Country of Frost Giants" is the only country that Asgard actually controls but does not control in name. It is obviously Odin's divine power that protects this country from the invasion of the Lords of other dimensions or the demon gods of the universe, but the Frost Giants But he always regards Asgard as his enemy. Since his birth, every giant has made it his lifelong ideal to invade Asgard and completely destroy it.

In the tribal conflicts carried out by the giants out of instinct, a "Frost Giant King" strong enough will be born every few years, which will lead the giants of the entire Jotunheim to attack Asgard... ...and returned home defeated.

After being defeated, if the Frost Giant King is strong enough, it can regenerate its strength and attack again, but if it is seriously injured, it will likely be challenged by a new, more powerful Frost Giant, whether it is defeated or killed. , the identity of the King of Frost Giants will be taken away by this challenger, and the latter will take over the power and lead the giants to launch the next round of attack after confirming that the time is right.

With the simple brain capacity of the Frost Giants, it is difficult to detect some obvious facts: the "rainbow bridge" that they stepped on when they launched an attack or retreated after defeat, connecting the two major countries, could never be a natural product.

While the entire country's combat power was exhausted, Asgard's troops did not take the opportunity to enter Jotunheim and eradicate it. It was definitely not because they had been crippled by them and were unable to expedition.

In thousands of cycles, there may occasionally be a frost giant that is smart enough to discover this, but even if it wants to break its own head, it is impossible to guess that Asgard is using them to train troops.

All in all, "hatred of gods" has been engraved into the Frost Giants' DNA - if they have the concept of DNA - and therefore, when the giants in Jotunheim face a man wearing pitch-black armor, it doesn't matter how they look at it. When the pointy-eared monster of the god breaks into Jotunheim and demands that the frost giants surrender to him, picking up the nearest rock and smashing the guy in the face is the only possible reaction.

However, this arrogant "god" obviously has arrogance. He single-handedly destroyed the most powerful frost giant tribe in Jotunheim, and forcibly controlled those defeated by it through something that looked like a metal helmet. Giants, trying to use them as a vanguard to capture Jotunheim.

However, this method of dealing with conventional intelligent creatures obviously has little effect on the frost giants who were born from the ice and rocks. The giants of other tribes do not care about these "compatriots" at all. Instead, they are slow to move due to being controlled and become the most powerful. A good target, the "god" who originally had the idea of ​​driving away tigers and devouring wolves had to frequently take the initiative to repel the giant's troops to prevent the territory he had just occupied from being beaten back. This in turn caused the Frost Giant's attacks to become even more violent - he actually Worrying about his own face, he is indeed from Asgard.

Leading the entire Jotunheim force is the "ferryman" Hreem, who is responsible for maintaining limited contact between Jotunheim and Asgard. His fighting method mainly involves waving huge oars or anchors, and …

"[Yol toor Shu! (Yol toor Shu!)]"

Breathing flames.


"[Oh, look at that, our Helium player shouted out the ancient runes of Jotunheim and breathed out a dragon's breath-like flame to repel and ignite the 'Unmerciful Iron Hand', so as to catch him by surprise. , after all, no one would have thought that an ice giant could breathe fire, right?]"

"Well..." Atreus, who was wearing animal skin armor and carrying a short bow, was sitting on a low mountaintop watching the battle between giants and gods in the distance. Hearing this, he looked up and looked at the man who was always suspended in the air "Window": "You are still forcibly maintaining the 'live broadcast signal'. Is it because you are afraid that the signal will be cut off and the fools on the ship will fall into panic? Your 'Shirahoshi-sama' really likes to do thankless things."

"What?" Lily, who was wearing a cotton jacket and trousers and looked like a snow bear, was grilling fish and tilted her head when she heard this.

"It's nothing," Atreus' eyes twitched: "Can you change out of this ridiculous clothes? We can't be cold, right?"

"No," Lily purred and shook her head, the pom-pom on her hat swaying: "This is a gift from Aunt Laufei."

"..." Atreus silently held his forehead.

After the guy named "Unmerciful Iron Fist" broke the roots of the World Tree and jumped out, showing power that was no less than Thor's - this evaluation was based on brotherhood - Atreus thought he was The behavior of secretly dating in the game has come to an end, but the giants did not expect that the giants would attack the bat freak who obviously had divine powers like a chicken blood - Midgard's description is really strange. , he happened to be happy and free, except for giving some strategic ideas to Hleem from time to time, and then turned around and continued dating the Little Mermaid.

But, what should I say? Does falling in love make people stupid? He didn't expect that after the "live broadcast signal" maintained by Odin to avoid the young lovers' private time was replaced by Bai Xing, he and Lily would not hide their whereabouts from the real Yodon, whether out of politeness or request. King of Helm - his mother Laufey.

As a result, while he and Lily were eating hot pot and singing songs - Midgard's description was indeed very strange - his mother suddenly appeared as an "off-site aid", first wrapping Lily into a ball with a cotton jacket before she even had time to be shy. , and then scolded myself for not being able to take care of others.

To be fair, one of them is a hybrid prince of gods and giants, and the other is a mermaid princess who is cared for by the Lord of Dimensions. Neither of them would care about the coldness of Jotunheim, right?

And why was the cotton-padded jacket only given to Lily and not to herself? If you have a wife, you don’t want a son, right?

Of course, the above arguments only remained in Atreus's head, and he would not let anyone know about his superb Occlumency.

It's a good thing that her mother recognizes Lily. Maybe after the Triwizard Tournament is over, she and her father will agree that she has "grown up".

The question now is, how can I help Helem kill that stupid bat wearing the helmet of the god of war from another world without showing up...

"Um...are you hungry?" It seemed that Atreus had been looking straight here for too long. Lily's cheeks turned red and she took a fish from the shelf of the campfire and handed it to Atreus's mouth: " Ah~"

"..." Forget it, let's put aside the competition, invasion, and saving the world. This is a rare private time. Atreus smiled at Lily, opened his mouth and leaned over: "Ah..."

Crack! !

As a golden lightning struck down, hundreds of Asa warriors wearing golden armor appeared on the low mountain, and a large number of Valkyries riding Pegasus also appeared in the sky.

"[People of Jotunheim!]" Less than ten meters away from Atreus, Thor, wearing an extremely ornate set of golden helmets and golden armor, was holding Thor's hammer, shaking the world with his voice. loudly announced: "[I! Thor, God of Thunder! I am here to save you!]"

...Is it too late to usurp the throne now?

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