The Collection of The End

Two thousand five hundred and forty-three, North American Mythical War (371)

——Marvel, 2015——

"Land of Light Elves", Alfheim.

In a mystical sense, this country is located at the densest location of the crown branches of the "World Tree", so the entire country is dotted with golden forests that emit bright golden light.

The light elves, who did not like to destroy the natural environment, were very satisfied with this. After slightly renovating some relatively dense woods, they lived in them as cities. Based on this, they expanded and built a variety of originally only trees on huge tree trunks and branches. The facilities that can only be built on the ground, coupled with the dreamy and beautiful environment of this country, can be said to be the most beautiful among the nine countries.

Until the "Triwizard Tournament" begins.

At first, the elves did not think that there was anything wrong with a group of children playing around, and accepted the request for assistance from the first player to arrive in Alfheim, Kyle Rayner of the Green Lantern Corps.

They did not originally intend to participate in this kind of game, but Kyle Rayner is a very artistic person, and the helper [Feather Qi] he carries has a similar nature to the light elf, so with the idea of ​​"let the game end as soon as possible" The idea of ​​​​reducing harm to the forest" acquiesced to Kyle Rayner setting traps at locations where subsequent contestants might land and successfully captured the target.

Afterwards, nightmare and darkness came at the same time.


"Last Light" temporary camp.

This is a hastily built marching camp among the golden woods that no longer shine. Several elves who are still handsome and beautiful but look sad and confused are patrolling. Some are still gorgeous and some are full of patches in the tents. More tired elves who had not removed their armor were falling into an uneasy sleep. Near several campfires, in a tent that looked like a temporary kitchen, elves holding kitchen knives and spoons were looking at ingredients they had never tried before. Difficult color.

On the wooden fence outside the camp, a lantern emitting gleaming white light was hung at regular intervals, and outside the wooden fence, there was a dark sky and dark wilderness that would never remind anyone of Alfheim. As well as the twisted and weird black shadows lingering in it, their blood-red or green, different numbers but equally malicious eyes stared at everything in the camp. Occasionally, some shadows couldn't bear it and tried to attack the fence. The sizzling sound disappeared within a few seconds under the illumination of white light.

In the middle of the camp, on a temporarily raised platform, stood a man wearing the traditional robe of a light elf, with transparent golden wings that only high-level elves could have on his back, and a shawl of long, light-blond hair. , an extremely handsome... human being.

He had one hand behind his back and the other hand hanging down naturally. His eyes were closed. His whole body was emitting a faint white light, and that white light had filaments of light like running water or smoke connected to the lanterns around the camp.

Because this scene was so sacred and beautiful, the elf who came to report at the gate hesitated for a few seconds before finally making up his mind and saying: "Master [Yu Qi], three more of our scouts have been eroded by darkness. Look..."

"Don't worry, just bring them." [Yu Qi] turned around, without opening his eyes or speaking, but a clear male voice with a hollow echo sounded.

The elf waved behind him, and two elves dressed as scouts, who were only slightly injured and could still walk on their own, and a seriously injured person who could only be carried by others came to the high platform.

These three scouts are not so much "injured" as they are "mutated". Their body surfaces are covered with some dark and strange black crystals. The slightly injured ones only have a few on their arms or legs and faces, while the one Those who can lie on the stretcher have more than two-thirds of their body surfaces completely covered.

Under the gleaming white light of the lanterns in the camp, these strange crystals seemed to evaporate and rise with rich black gas, causing the injured to scream in pain, but there was no sign of shrinking in size.

"Be patient." [Yu Qi] looked at them with his eyes closed, and then raised his hand.

Following this movement, the white light group that originally enveloped him split into three small streams that were similar to those used to power a lantern, and connected to the three wounded people one by one. Then, the black crystals became smaller and disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye. The two wounded men screamed involuntarily, and the seriously injured one even fainted with a crunch.

"...Okay." After completely clearing those crystals, [Yu Qi]'s voice was a little tired, and he waved to other guards to take away the wounded, and then looked at the scout who reported the news: "What's going on?"

"They tried to rescue Mr. Kyle Rayner when the monster's minions were lured away, but they failed. The tree cocoon holding him exuded a darkness richer than that in the wilderness. We only touched it slightly, and we became this Looks like, do you think he is..."

"No," [Yu Qi] replied in a calm and convincing tone: "Kyle is a Green Lantern who yearns for the light and has a strong will. If he wants to corrupt such a person, the darkness required will also be ordinary people. Several times, and since I still exist as his 'summon', then he has not fallen into darkness."

"Yes, really?" the elf scout said uncertainly: "Then let's do it next..."

"Rescue the civilians instead," [Yu Qi] sighed slightly: "The erosion will only become stronger on the side of the Elf Royal Family and Elders."

"This... although the difficulty will indeed be reduced, there is no point in rescuing people who have no fighting ability except increasing our burden..."

"Of course it's meaningful." Even though [Yu Qi] closed his eyes, the scout felt the pressure of being looked at directly: "It's very meaningful to them personally."

"...Yes." Although he didn't agree with it, the scout simply saluted and turned to leave.

"[Hehehe - that's good, but didn't those words taught you by Kyle Reiner?]" At this moment, an evil and cruel voice sounded in the air: "[Xiao Yuqi?]"

The patrolling elves were shocked. When they looked up, they found that a surging black mist suddenly appeared in the mid-air that was originally slightly illuminated by the lighting of the camp, so they raised their weapons and took aim.

"Don't act rashly," [Yu Qi] first stopped the elves trying to attack, and then looked at the black mist in the air: "Your plan to infiltrate the camp by infecting the wounded has failed, 'Laughing Bat'."

"[Failure? No, no, no, you will purify them, it was within my expectation,]" Black Mist said: "[It is normal that the 'internal blasting' method used on other camps does not apply to you."

"Don't think about what he said. If possible, block your ears." [Yu Qi] scolded the elf guards who were causing chaos again.

"[You are really well prepared,]" Kurogiri praised: "[However, I don't plan to use 'forced transformation' this time. Those small methods are ineffective against you, so I am prepared to defeat you head-on in an upright manner. .】"

"Check the surrounding environment and set off immediately if something is wrong." [Yu Qi] gave instructions to the guards further out.


As the black mist let out a long-sounding roar, its size and shape also continued to change, and finally turned into a figure with black wings on its back and holding a flaming giant sword... Kyle Rayna.

"This is impossible." [Yu Qi]'s always calm face finally showed a little surprise and panic.

"[It's not impossible. Even the 'Prince' of the Green Lantern Corps will occasionally have the urge to kill the guys who are making noise around him or talking bad things about him behind his back. But it's you, tsk tsk...]" "Kyle Lei "Na" showed an exaggerated expression that clearly did not belong to him: "[There are actually 'people' who are completely harmless in this world? Even the 'Prince' doesn't believe it.]"

"I see," [Yuqi] quickly regained his composure: "This is just a little bit of malice revealed by Mr. Kyle Rayner in his nightmare. You can't really control it, you can only use it through its connection with me and its attachment to me. The 'corrosion' on those three reckless scouts has come all the way, and as for you yourself, you are probably still hiding in a mouse hole somewhere."

"[Really~?]" "Kyle Reina" raised his giant sword towards Yuqi: "[Then try to see if your small camp can withstand the attack of 'Prince-sama'~ Hehehe Hee~】"

The next moment, the weird smile that didn't belong to him suddenly disappeared on Kyle Reina's face, and was replaced by some kind of hatred from the heart. Then, the "puppet" made intermittent, hoarse and vicious sounds from his mouth:

"[Why, it was me who negotiated with the light elves, but in the end, they agreed to cooperate because you were just a summoned creature? It would be fine if you didn't exist. 】 "

"Kyle..." [Yu Qi] frowned: "Is this what you actually think?"

"Shut up! You evil thing!" shouted the nearby elf guard: "Mr. Yuqi, when he was actually curing us and the Golden Tree, what did you do? Talk about your art and opinions to the royal family and elders. Is it a vision for the development of the Nine Realms?"


"[Ha! As expected, you guys look down on me, so,]" Before [Yu Qi] could stop him, dark fog suddenly rose around "Kyle Reina", and his eyes also projected a dazzling red light: "[ All, all, get, die.】"


The "Light of the End" temporary camp has been turned into ruins. Whether it is tents, fences or simple defense measures, they have become ashes or ruins. The elven guards have fallen to the ground.

But what is surprising is that in this tragic battle, not a single elf died, and the lantern used to isolate the black aliens outside the camp was still on tenaciously.

"[Ah, this is really interesting, even in this situation, we have to save their lives,]" After venting his anger, "Kyle Rayner" was absent-minded for a few seconds, and then the weird smile reappeared on his face, pinching Lifting up the bruised [Yu Qi]'s neck: "[Although this 'incarnation of malice' is indeed unable to continue fighting, you don't think I'm gone, right?"

"..." [Yu Qi] said nothing and closed his eyes tightly, while the other elves who fell to the ground had completely lost their fighting power. Even if they wanted to save him, they were unable to save him.

"[Oh, that's it, it seems they don't know yet,]" "Kyle Reiner" made a sudden realization, holding up [Feather Qi] and showing it to the surroundings: "[Have you ever thought about a question, this guy How do you treat the symptoms that you are helpless to deal with?]"

The elves remained silent. Maybe some people had been curious about this issue, but they did not intend to answer the monster in front of them at this time.

"[He was 'treated' by 'giving up himself'! You didn't expect that!]" "Kyle Reina" suddenly opened [Haqi]'s eyelids.

Everyone can clearly see that after the eyelids are opened, there are only two dark holes in the eyes that are normal when the eyes are closed, and the ones that were pinched open by "Kyle Rayner" The inside of the mouth was also pitch black.

"[Tsk, tsk, tsk, in order to heal you, he has 'abandoned' himself into a piece of skin. In order to avoid being discovered, he has closed his eyes and not opened his mouth. If 'Kyle Rayner' is in normal condition, he may be able to slowly turn himself into a piece of skin." Fill it up, but now...]" "Kyle Rayner" changed the subject: "[Don't you feel ashamed to let such an empty shell save you?]"

"Don't be fooled..."

[Yuqi] made an admonishing voice from his hollow mouth, but it was obviously too late. After listening to "Kyle Reina"'s words, about one-third of the elf guards disintegrated directly and turned into a puff of gold. The light spots were absorbed by the golden woods in the camp that no longer glowed.

"[Hahahahaha! You actually took the initiative to cut off your lifeline to maintain their survival. Can you say that they are ashamed to death?]" "Kyle Rayner" laughed wildly.

"Please, hold on..." [Yu Qi] said with difficulty.

"[Aren't you going to give up? Are you really not going to give up? Are you really embarrassed?]" "Kyle Rayner" held up [Feather Qi] that looked like a rag doll and circled the camp, but no more elves gave up on their own initiative. Healer, half of them stared at him with hatred, and the other half simply closed their eyes.

"[Oh, just wait in this endless darkness,]" "Kyle Reina" shook his head boredly, carrying [Yu Qi] towards the camp gate: "[Wait until I take this guy back to study the key." How to remove this 'connection' will be your end.】"


The moment he was about to step out of the camp, a thin and tough white silk thread flew over, stuck to [Yuqi]'s body and directly pulled him away from "Kyle Reina".

"Hey man, if you take him away, this whole camp will turn into shadow monsters in the dark, and while it's not irremediable, I think it's best if we don't let it happen,"

The white silk thread quickly rolled back, bringing the immobile [Yuqi] to a young man wearing red and blue, with a spider pattern painted on his chest, and two large white eyepieces on his face:

"Hello, I'm a good neighbor of the people of New York, Spider-Man - uh, maybe you don't know where New York is, but it doesn't matter, I can also be a good neighbor of Asgard - no, wait, I recently It seems that I have received a lot of complaints from Asgard, okay, I am a good neighbor to the people of Alfheim, you will agree, right?”

"..." The elves looked at the young man who hadn't stopped talking since he started, and they didn't know whether to be angry or laugh.

"[Very smart, you arrived early tomorrow, just waiting for me to lose my combat effectiveness before taking action. You didn't kill these people at all...]" "Kyle Rayner" tried to provoke, but found that it was almost useless.

"Seriously, my friend, your ability is so cool. You can actually turn yourself into a piece of skin. Doesn't it mean that as long as you draw a few sets of appearances in advance and wear them when needed, you can become another person? ? No, wait, I seem to have heard this story somewhere, it seems quite scary, where is it? "

"[Spider-Man, is he...]" "Kyle Rayner" darkened his face: "[It just so happens that this 'incarnation of evil thoughts' is no longer able to take action, so let's use it in exchange for a 'blackened superhero' with pretty good strength. ——'If you had endless money, immense power, and the ability to control other people's minds at will, what would you do?']"


As "Kyle Rayner" asked the last words, its entire body shattered into a thick black mist, covering Spider-Man at a speed that made it difficult to see, and seeping into his body without stopping.

"I -" Spider-Man slowly raised his head in the worried eyes of the elves: "I will buy two breakfasts and then throw away one! I will crush all the instant noodles in the supermarket! I will also let the boss order me A famous professor voluntarily admitted that he was bald at a school-wide meeting!"


"[That guy is an idiot, right? Spider-Man is a superhero who will never turn dark,]" a low, hoarse voice came from Spider-Man's body: "[Bah, it tastes really bad! It's like hot mud!]"

"[It's not impossible. Even the 'Prince' of the Green Lantern Corps will occasionally have the urge to kill the guys who are making noise around him or talking bad things about him behind his back. But it's you, tsk tsk...]" "Kyle Lei "Na" showed an exaggerated expression that clearly did not belong to him: "[There are actually 'people' who are completely harmless in this world? Even the 'Prince' doesn't believe it.]"

"I see," [Yuqi] quickly regained his composure: "This is just a little bit of malice revealed by Mr. Kyle Rayner in his nightmare. You can't really control it, you can only use it through its connection with me and its attachment to me. The 'corrosion' on those three reckless scouts has come all the way, and as for you yourself, you are probably still hiding in a mouse hole somewhere."

"[Really~?]" "Kyle Reina" raised his giant sword towards Yuqi: "[Then try to see if your small camp can withstand the attack of 'Prince-sama'~ Hehehe Hee~】"

The next moment, the weird smile that didn't belong to him suddenly disappeared on Kyle Reina's face, and was replaced by some kind of hatred from the heart. Then, the "puppet" made intermittent, hoarse and vicious sounds from his mouth:

"[Why, it was me who negotiated with the light elves, but in the end, they agreed to cooperate because you were just a summoned creature? It would be fine if you didn't exist. 】 "

"Kyle..." [Yu Qi] frowned: "Is this what you actually think?"

"Shut up! You evil thing!" shouted the nearby elf guard: "Mr. Yuqi, when he was actually curing us and the Golden Tree, what did you do? Talk about your art and opinions to the royal family and elders. Is it a vision for the development of the Nine Realms?"


"[Ha! As expected, you guys look down on me, so,]" Before [Yu Qi] could stop him, dark fog suddenly rose around "Kyle Reina", and his eyes also projected a dazzling red light: "[ All, all, get, die.】"


The "Light of the End" temporary camp has been turned into ruins. Whether it is tents, fences or simple defense measures, they have become ashes or ruins. The elven guards have fallen to the ground.

But what is surprising is that in this tragic battle, not a single elf died, and the lantern used to isolate the black aliens outside the camp was still on tenaciously.

"[Ah, this is really interesting, even in this situation, we have to save their lives,]" After venting his anger, "Kyle Rayner" was absent-minded for a few seconds, and then the weird smile reappeared on his face, pinching Lifting up the bruised [Yu Qi]'s neck: "[Although this 'incarnation of malice' is indeed unable to continue fighting, you don't think I'm gone, right?"

"..." [Yu Qi] said nothing and closed his eyes tightly, while the other elves who fell to the ground had completely lost their fighting power. Even if they wanted to save him, they were unable to save him.

"[Oh, that's it, it seems they don't know yet,]" "Kyle Reiner" made a sudden realization, holding up [Feather Qi] and showing it to the surroundings: "[Have you ever thought about a question, this guy How do you treat the symptoms that you are helpless to deal with?]"

The elves remained silent. Maybe some people had been curious about this issue, but they did not intend to answer the monster in front of them at this time.

"[He was 'treated' by 'giving up himself'! You didn't expect that!]" "Kyle Reina" suddenly opened [Haqi]'s eyelids.

Everyone can clearly see that after the eyelids are opened, there are only two dark holes in the eyes that are normal when the eyes are closed, and the ones that were pinched open by "Kyle Rayner" The inside of the mouth was also pitch black.

"[Tsk, tsk, tsk, in order to heal you, he has 'abandoned' himself into a piece of skin. In order to avoid being discovered, he has closed his eyes and not opened his mouth. If 'Kyle Rayner' is in normal condition, he may be able to slowly turn himself into a piece of skin." Fill it up, but now...]" "Kyle Rayner" changed the subject: "[Don't you feel ashamed to let such an empty shell save you?]"

"Don't be fooled..."

[Yuqi] made an admonishing voice from his hollow mouth, but it was obviously too late. After listening to "Kyle Reina"'s words, about one-third of the elf guards disintegrated directly and turned into a puff of gold. The light spots were absorbed by the golden woods in the camp that no longer glowed.

"[Hahahahaha! You actually took the initiative to cut off your lifeline to maintain their survival. Can you say that they are ashamed to death?]" "Kyle Rayner" laughed wildly.

"Please, hold on..." [Yu Qi] said with difficulty.

"[Aren't you going to give up? Are you really not going to give up? Are you really embarrassed?]" "Kyle Rayner" held up [Feather Qi] that looked like a rag doll and circled the camp, but no more elves gave up on their own initiative. Healer, half of them stared at him with hatred, and the other half simply closed their eyes.

"[Oh, just wait in this endless darkness,]" "Kyle Reina" shook his head boredly, carrying [Yu Qi] towards the camp gate: "[Wait until I take this guy back to study the key." How to remove this 'connection' will be your end.】"


The moment he was about to step out of the camp, a thin and tough white silk thread flew over, stuck to [Yuqi]'s body and directly pulled him away from "Kyle Reina".

"Hey man, if you take him away, this whole camp will turn into shadow monsters in the dark, and while it's not irremediable, I think it's best if we don't let it happen,"

The white silk thread quickly rolled back, bringing the immobile [Yuqi] to a young man wearing red and blue, with a spider pattern painted on his chest, and two large white eyepieces on his face:

"Hello, I'm a good neighbor of the people of New York, Spider-Man - uh, maybe you don't know where New York is, but it doesn't matter, I can also be a good neighbor of Asgard - no, wait, I recently It seems that I have received a lot of complaints from Asgard, okay, I am a good neighbor to the people of Alfheim, you will agree, right?”

"..." The elves looked at the young man who hadn't stopped talking since he started, and they didn't know whether to be angry or laugh.

"[Very smart, you arrived early tomorrow, just waiting for me to lose my combat effectiveness before taking action. You didn't kill these people at all...]" "Kyle Rayner" tried to provoke, but found that it was almost useless.

"Seriously, my friend, your ability is so cool. You can actually turn yourself into a piece of skin. Doesn't it mean that as long as you draw a few sets of appearances in advance and wear them when needed, you can become another person? ? No, wait, I seem to have heard this story somewhere, it seems quite scary, where is it? "

"[Spider-Man, is he...]" "Kyle Rayner" darkened his face: "[It just so happens that this 'incarnation of evil thoughts' is no longer able to take action, so let's use it in exchange for a 'blackened superhero' with pretty good strength. ——'If you had endless money, immense power, and the ability to control other people's minds at will, what would you do?']"


As "Kyle Rayner" asked the last words, its entire body shattered into a thick black mist, covering Spider-Man at a speed that made it difficult to see, and seeping into his body without stopping.

"I -" Spider-Man slowly raised his head in the worried eyes of the elves: "I will buy two breakfasts and then throw away one! I will crush all the instant noodles in the supermarket! I will also let the boss order me A famous professor voluntarily admitted that he was bald at a school-wide meeting!"


"[That guy is an idiot, right? Spider-Man is a superhero who will never turn dark,]" a low, hoarse voice came from Spider-Man's body: "[Bah, it tastes really bad! It's like hot mud!]"

"[It's not impossible. Even the 'Prince' of the Green Lantern Corps will occasionally have the urge to kill the guys who are making noise around him or talking bad things about him behind his back. But it's you, tsk tsk...]" "Kyle Lei "Na" showed an exaggerated expression that clearly did not belong to him: "[There are actually 'people' who are completely harmless in this world? Even the 'Prince' doesn't believe it.]"

"I see," [Yuqi] quickly regained his composure: "This is just a little bit of malice revealed by Mr. Kyle Rayner in his nightmare. You can't really control it, you can only use it through its connection with me and its attachment to me. The 'corrosion' on those three reckless scouts has come all the way, and as for you yourself, you are probably still hiding in a mouse hole somewhere."

"[Really~?]" "Kyle Reina" raised his giant sword towards Yuqi: "[Then try to see if your small camp can withstand the attack of 'Prince-sama'~ Hehehe Hee~】"

The next moment, the weird smile that didn't belong to him suddenly disappeared on Kyle Reina's face, and was replaced by some kind of hatred from the heart. Then, the "puppet" made intermittent, hoarse and vicious sounds from his mouth:

"[Why, it was obviously me who negotiated with the light elves, but in the end, they agreed to cooperate because of the face of you, who is just a summoned object? It would be fine if you didn't exist. 】 "

"Kyle..." [Yu Qi] frowned: "Is this what you actually think?"

"Shut up! You evil thing!" shouted the nearby elf guard: "Mr. Yuqi, when he was actually curing us and the Golden Tree, what did you do? Talk about your art and opinions to the royal family and elders. Is it a vision for the development of the Nine Realms?"


"[Ha! As expected, you guys look down on me, so,]" Before [Yu Qi] could stop him, dark fog suddenly rose around "Kyle Reina", and his eyes also projected a dazzling red light: "[ All, all, get, die.】"


The "Light of the End" temporary camp has been turned into ruins. Whether it is tents, fences or simple defense measures, they have become ashes or ruins. The elven guards have fallen to the ground.

But what is surprising is that in this tragic battle, not a single elf died, and the lantern used to isolate the black aliens outside the camp was still on tenaciously.

"[Ah, this is really interesting, even in this situation, we have to save their lives,]" After venting his anger, "Kyle Rayner" was absent-minded for a few seconds, and then the weird smile reappeared on his face, pinching Lifting up the bruised [Yu Qi]'s neck: "[Although this 'incarnation of malice' is indeed unable to continue fighting, you don't think I'm gone, right?"

"..." [Yu Qi] said nothing and closed his eyes tightly, while the other elves who fell to the ground had completely lost their fighting power. Even if they wanted to save him, they were unable to save him.

"[Oh, that's it, it seems they don't know yet,]" "Kyle Reiner" made a sudden realization, holding up [Feather Qi] and showing it to the surroundings: "[Have you ever thought about a question, this guy How do you treat the symptoms that you are helpless to deal with?]"

The elves remained silent. Maybe some people had been curious about this issue, but they did not intend to answer the monster in front of them at this time.

"[He was 'treated' by 'giving up himself'! You didn't expect that!]" "Kyle Reina" suddenly opened [Haqi]'s eyelids.

Everyone can clearly see that after the eyelids are opened, there are only two dark holes in the eyes that are normal when the eyes are closed, and the ones that were pinched open by "Kyle Rayner" The inside of the mouth was also pitch black.

"[Tsk, tsk, tsk, in order to heal you, he has 'abandoned' himself into a piece of skin. In order to avoid being discovered, he has closed his eyes and not opened his mouth. If 'Kyle Rayner' is in normal condition, he may be able to slowly turn himself into a piece of skin." Fill it up, but now...]" "Kyle Rayner" changed the subject: "[Don't you feel ashamed to let such an empty shell save you?]"

"Don't be fooled..."

[Yuqi] made an admonishing voice from his hollow mouth, but it was obviously too late. After listening to "Kyle Reina"'s words, about one-third of the elf guards disintegrated directly and turned into a puff of gold. The light spots were absorbed by the golden woods in the camp that no longer glowed.

"[Hahahahaha! You actually took the initiative to cut off your lifeline to maintain their survival. Can you say that they are ashamed to death?]" "Kyle Rayner" laughed wildly.

"Please, hold on..." [Yu Qi] said with difficulty.

"[Aren't you going to give up? Are you really not going to give up? Are you really embarrassed?]" "Kyle Rayner" held up [Feather Qi] that looked like a rag doll and circled the camp, but no more elves gave up on their own initiative. Healer, half of them stared at him with hatred, and the other half simply closed their eyes.

"[Oh, just wait in this endless darkness,]" "Kyle Reina" shook his head boredly, carrying [Yu Qi] towards the camp gate: "[Wait until I take this guy back to study the key." How to remove this 'connection' will be your end.】"


The moment he was about to step out of the camp, a thin and tough white silk thread flew over, stuck to [Yuqi]'s body and directly pulled him away from "Kyle Reina".

"Hey man, if you take him away, this whole camp will turn into shadow monsters in the dark, and while it's not irremediable, I think it's best if we don't let it happen,"

The white silk thread quickly rolled back, bringing the immobile [Yuqi] to a young man wearing red and blue, with a spider pattern painted on his chest, and two large white eyepieces on his face:

"Hello, I'm a good neighbor of the people of New York, Spider-Man - uh, maybe you don't know where New York is, but it doesn't matter, I can also be a good neighbor of Asgard - no, wait, I recently It seems that I have received a lot of complaints from Asgard, okay, I am a good neighbor to the people of Alfheim, you will agree, right?”

"..." The elves looked at the young man who hadn't stopped talking since he started, and they didn't know whether to be angry or laugh.

"[Very smart, you arrived early tomorrow, just waiting for me to lose my combat effectiveness before taking action. You didn't kill these people at all...]" "Kyle Rayner" tried to provoke, but found that it was almost useless.

"Seriously, my friend, your ability is so cool. You can actually turn yourself into a piece of skin. Doesn't it mean that as long as you draw a few sets of appearances in advance and wear them when needed, you can become another person? ? No, wait, I seem to have heard this story somewhere, it seems quite scary, where is it? "

"[Spider-Man, is he...]" "Kyle Rayner" darkened his face: "[It just so happens that this 'incarnation of evil thoughts' is no longer able to take action, so let's use it in exchange for a 'blackened superhero' with pretty good strength. ——'If you had endless money, immense power, and the ability to control other people's minds at will, what would you do?']"


As "Kyle Rayner" asked the last words, its entire body shattered into a thick black mist, covering Spider-Man at a speed that made it difficult to see, and seeping into his body without stopping.

"I -" Spider-Man slowly raised his head in the worried eyes of the elves: "I will buy two breakfasts and then throw away one! I will crush all the instant noodles in the supermarket! I will also let the boss order me A famous professor voluntarily admitted that he was bald at a school-wide meeting!"


"[That guy is an idiot, right? Spider-Man is a superhero who will never turn dark,]" a low, hoarse voice came from Spider-Man's body: "[Bah, it tastes really bad! It's like hot mud!]"

"[It's not impossible. Even the 'Prince' of the Green Lantern Corps will occasionally have the urge to kill the guys who are making noise around him or talking bad things about him behind his back. But it's you, tsk tsk...]" "Kyle Lei "Na" showed an exaggerated expression that clearly did not belong to him: "[There are actually 'people' who are completely harmless in this world? Even the 'Prince' doesn't believe it.]"

"I see," [Yuqi] quickly regained his composure: "This is just a little bit of malice revealed by Mr. Kyle Rayner in his nightmare. You can't really control it, you can only use it through its connection with me and its attachment to me. The 'corrosion' on those three reckless scouts has come all the way, and as for you yourself, you are probably still hiding in a mouse hole somewhere."

"[Really~?]" "Kyle Reina" raised his giant sword towards Yuqi: "[Then try to see if your small camp can withstand the attack of 'Prince-sama'~ Hehehe Hee~】"

The next moment, the weird smile that didn't belong to him suddenly disappeared on Kyle Reina's face, and was replaced by some kind of hatred from the heart. Then, the "puppet" made intermittent, hoarse and vicious sounds from his mouth:

"[Why, it was me who negotiated with the light elves, but in the end, they agreed to cooperate because you were just a summoned creature? It would be fine if you didn't exist. 】 "

"Kyle..." [Yu Qi] frowned: "Is this what you actually think?"

"Shut up! You evil thing!" shouted the nearby elf guard: "Mr. Yuqi, when he was actually curing us and the Golden Tree, what did you do? Talk about your art and opinions to the royal family and elders. Is it a vision for the development of the Nine Realms?"


"[Ha! As expected, you guys look down on me, so,]" Before [Yu Qi] could stop him, dark fog suddenly rose around "Kyle Reina", and his eyes also projected a dazzling red light: "[ All, all, get, die.】"


The "Light of the End" temporary camp has been turned into ruins. Whether it is tents, fences or simple defense measures, they have become ashes or ruins. The elven guards have fallen to the ground.

But what is surprising is that in this tragic battle, not a single elf died, and the lantern used to isolate the black aliens outside the camp was still on tenaciously.

"[Ah, this is really interesting, even in this situation, we have to save their lives,]" After venting his anger, "Kyle Rayner" was absent-minded for a few seconds, and then the weird smile reappeared on his face, pinching Lifting up the bruised [Yu Qi]'s neck: "[Although this 'incarnation of malice' is indeed unable to continue fighting, you don't think I'm gone, right?"

"..." [Yu Qi] said nothing and closed his eyes tightly, while the other elves who fell to the ground had completely lost their fighting power. Even if they wanted to save him, they were unable to save him.

"[Oh, that's it, it seems they don't know yet,]" "Kyle Reiner" made a sudden realization, holding up [Feather Qi] and showing it to the surroundings: "[Have you ever thought about a question, this guy How do you treat the symptoms that you are helpless to deal with?]"

The elves remained silent. Maybe some people had been curious about this issue, but they did not intend to answer the monster in front of them at this time.

"[He was 'treated' by 'giving up himself'! You didn't expect that!]" "Kyle Reina" suddenly opened [Haqi]'s eyelids.

Everyone can clearly see that after the eyelids are opened, there are only two dark holes in the eyes that are normal when the eyes are closed, and the ones that were pinched open by "Kyle Rayner" The inside of the mouth was also pitch black.

"[Tsk, tsk, tsk, in order to heal you, he has 'abandoned' himself into a piece of skin. In order to avoid being discovered, he has closed his eyes and not opened his mouth. If 'Kyle Rayner' is in normal condition, he may be able to slowly turn himself into a piece of skin." Fill it up, but now...]" "Kyle Rayner" changed the subject: "[Don't you feel ashamed to let such an empty shell save you?]"

"Don't be fooled..."

[Yuqi] made an admonishing voice from his hollow mouth, but it was obviously too late. After listening to "Kyle Reina"'s words, about one-third of the elf guards disintegrated directly and turned into a puff of gold. The light spots were absorbed by the golden woods in the camp that no longer glowed.

"[Hahahahaha! You actually took the initiative to cut off your lifeline to maintain their survival. Can you say that they are ashamed to death?]" "Kyle Rayner" laughed wildly.

"Please, hold on..." [Yu Qi] said with difficulty.

"[Aren't you going to give up? Are you really not going to give up? Are you really embarrassed?]" "Kyle Rayner" held up [Feather Qi] that looked like a rag doll and circled the camp, but no more elves gave up on their own initiative. Healer, half of them stared at him with hatred, and the other half simply closed their eyes.

"[Oh, just wait in this endless darkness,]" "Kyle Reina" shook his head boredly, carrying [Yu Qi] towards the camp gate: "[Wait until I take this guy back to study the key." How to remove this 'connection' will be your end.】"


The moment he was about to step out of the camp, a thin and tough white silk thread flew over, stuck to [Yuqi]'s body and directly pulled him away from "Kyle Reina".

"Hey man, if you take him away, this whole camp will turn into shadow monsters in the dark, and while it's not irremediable, I think it's best if we don't let it happen,"

The white silk thread quickly rolled back, bringing the immobile [Yuqi] to a young man wearing red and blue, with a spider pattern painted on his chest, and two large white eyepieces on his face:

"Hello, I'm a good neighbor of the people of New York, Spider-Man - uh, maybe you don't know where New York is, but it doesn't matter, I can also be a good neighbor of Asgard - no, wait, I recently It seems that I have received a lot of complaints from Asgard, okay, I am a good neighbor to the people of Alfheim, you will agree, right?”

"..." The elves looked at the young man who hadn't stopped talking since he started, and they didn't know whether to be angry or laugh.

"[Very smart, you arrived early tomorrow, just waiting for me to lose my combat effectiveness before taking action. You didn't kill these people at all...]" "Kyle Rayner" tried to provoke, but found that it was almost useless.

"Seriously, my friend, your ability is so cool. You can actually turn yourself into a piece of skin. Doesn't it mean that as long as you draw a few sets of appearances in advance and wear them when needed, you can become another person? ? No, wait, I seem to have heard this story somewhere, it seems quite scary, where is it? "

"[Spider-Man, is he...]" "Kyle Rayner" darkened his face: "[It just so happens that this 'incarnation of evil thoughts' is no longer able to take action, so let's use it in exchange for a 'blackened superhero' with pretty good strength. ——'If you had endless money, immense power, and the ability to control other people's minds at will, what would you do?']"


As "Kyle Rayner" asked the last words, its entire body shattered into a thick black mist, covering Spider-Man at a speed that made it difficult to see, and seeping into his body without stopping.

"I -" Spider-Man slowly raised his head in the worried eyes of the elves: "I will buy two breakfasts and then throw away one! I will crush all the instant noodles in the supermarket! I will also let the boss order me A famous professor voluntarily admitted that he was bald at a school-wide meeting!"


"[That guy is an idiot, right? Spider-Man is a superhero who will never turn dark,]" a low, hoarse voice came from Spider-Man's body: "[Bah, it tastes really bad! It's like hot mud!]"

"[It's not impossible. Even the 'Prince' of the Green Lantern Corps will occasionally have the urge to kill the guys who are making noise around him or talking bad things about him behind his back. But it's you, tsk tsk...]" "Kyle Lei "Na" showed an exaggerated expression that clearly did not belong to him: "[There are actually 'people' who are completely harmless in this world? Even the 'Prince' doesn't believe it.]"

"I see," [Yuqi] quickly regained his composure: "This is just a little bit of malice revealed by Mr. Kyle Rayner in his nightmare. You can't really control it, you can only use it through its connection with me and its attachment to me. The 'corrosion' on those three reckless scouts has come all the way, and as for you yourself, you are probably still hiding in a mouse hole somewhere."

"[Really~?]" "Kyle Reina" raised his giant sword towards Yuqi: "[Then try to see if your small camp can withstand the attack of 'Prince-sama'~ Hehehe Hee~】"

The next moment, the weird smile that didn't belong to him suddenly disappeared on Kyle Reina's face, and was replaced by some kind of hatred from the heart. Then, the "puppet" made intermittent, hoarse and vicious sounds from his mouth:

"[Why, it was obviously me who negotiated with the light elves, but in the end, they agreed to cooperate because of the face of you, who is just a summoned object? It would be fine if you didn't exist. 】 "

"Kyle..." [Yu Qi] frowned: "Is this what you actually think?"

"Shut up! You evil thing!" shouted the nearby elf guard: "Mr. Yuqi, when he was actually curing us and the Golden Tree, what did you do? Talk about your art and opinions to the royal family and elders. Is it a vision for the development of the Nine Realms?"


"[Ha! As expected, you guys look down on me, so,]" Before [Yu Qi] could stop him, dark fog suddenly rose around "Kyle Reina", and his eyes also projected a dazzling red light: "[ All, all, get, die.】"


The "Light of the End" temporary camp has been turned into ruins. Whether it is tents, fences or simple defense measures, they have become ashes or ruins. The elven guards have fallen to the ground.

But what is surprising is that in this tragic battle, not a single elf died, and the lantern used to isolate the black aliens outside the camp was still on tenaciously.

"[Ah, this is really interesting, even in this situation, we have to save their lives,]" After venting his anger, "Kyle Rayner" was absent-minded for a few seconds, and then the weird smile reappeared on his face, pinching Lifting up the bruised [Yu Qi]'s neck: "[Although this 'incarnation of malice' is indeed unable to continue fighting, you don't think I'm gone, right?"

"..." [Yu Qi] said nothing and closed his eyes tightly, while the other elves who fell to the ground had completely lost their fighting power. Even if they wanted to save him, they were unable to save him.

"[Oh, that's it, it seems they don't know yet,]" "Kyle Reiner" made a sudden realization, holding up [Feather Qi] and showing it to the surroundings: "[Have you ever thought about a question, this guy How do you treat the symptoms that you are helpless to deal with?]"

The elves remained silent. Maybe some people had been curious about this issue, but they did not intend to answer the monster in front of them at this time.

"[He was 'treated' by 'giving up himself'! You didn't expect that!]" "Kyle Reina" suddenly opened [Haqi]'s eyelids.

Everyone can clearly see that after the eyelids are opened, there are only two dark holes in the eyes that are normal when the eyes are closed, and the ones that were pinched open by "Kyle Rayner" The inside of the mouth was also pitch black.

"[Tsk, tsk, tsk, in order to heal you, he has 'abandoned' himself into a piece of skin. In order to avoid being discovered, he has closed his eyes and not opened his mouth. If 'Kyle Rayner' is in normal condition, he may be able to slowly turn himself into a piece of skin." Fill it up, but now...]" "Kyle Rayner" changed the subject: "[Don't you feel ashamed to let such an empty shell save you?]"

"Don't be fooled..."

[Yuqi] made an admonishing voice from his hollow mouth, but it was obviously too late. After listening to "Kyle Reina"'s words, about one-third of the elf guards disintegrated directly and turned into a puff of gold. The light spots were absorbed by the golden woods in the camp that no longer glowed.

"[Hahahahaha! You actually took the initiative to cut off your lifeline to maintain their survival. Can you say that they are ashamed to death?]" "Kyle Rayner" laughed wildly.

"Please, hold on..." [Yu Qi] said with difficulty.

"[Aren't you going to give up? Are you really not going to give up? Are you really embarrassed?]" "Kyle Rayner" held up the rag doll-like [Feather Qi] around the camp, but no more elves gave up on their own initiative. Healer, half of them stared at him with hatred, and the other half simply closed their eyes.

"[Oh, just wait in this endless darkness,]" "Kyle Reina" shook his head boredly, carrying [Yu Qi] towards the camp gate: "[Wait until I take this guy back to study the key." How to remove this 'connection' will be your end.】"


The moment he was about to step out of the camp, a thin and tough white silk thread flew over, stuck to [Yuqi]'s body and directly pulled him away from "Kyle Reina".

"Hey man, if you take him away, this whole camp will turn into shadow monsters in the dark, and while it's not irremediable, I think it's best if we don't let it happen,"

The white silk thread quickly rolled back, bringing the immobile [Yuqi] to a young man wearing red and blue, with a spider pattern painted on his chest, and two large white eyepieces on his face:

"Hello, I'm a good neighbor of the people of New York, Spider-Man - uh, maybe you don't know where New York is, but it doesn't matter, I can also be a good neighbor of Asgard - no, wait, I recently It seems that I have received a lot of complaints from Asgard, okay, I am a good neighbor to the people of Alfheim, you will agree, right?”

"..." The elves looked at the young man who hadn't stopped talking since he started, and they didn't know whether to be angry or laugh.

"[Very smart, you arrived early tomorrow, just waiting for me to lose my combat effectiveness before taking action. You didn't kill these people at all...]" "Kyle Rayner" tried to provoke, but found that it was almost useless.

"Seriously, my friend, your ability is so cool. You can actually turn yourself into a piece of skin. Doesn't it mean that as long as you draw a few sets of appearances in advance and wear them when needed, you can become another person? ? No, wait, I seem to have heard this story somewhere, it seems quite scary, where is it? "

"[Spider-Man, is he...]" "Kyle Rayner" darkened his face: "[It just so happens that this 'incarnation of evil thoughts' is no longer able to take action, so let's use it in exchange for a 'blackened superhero' with pretty good strength. ——'If you had endless money, immense power, and the ability to control other people's minds at will, what would you do?']"


As "Kyle Rayner" asked the last words, its entire body shattered into a thick black mist, covering Spider-Man at a speed that made it difficult to see, and seeping into his body without stopping.

"I -" Spider-Man slowly raised his head in the worried eyes of the elves: "I will buy two breakfasts and then throw away one! I will crush all the instant noodles in the supermarket! I will also let the boss order me A famous professor voluntarily admitted that he was bald at a school-wide meeting!"


"[That guy is an idiot, right? Spider-Man is a superhero who will never turn dark,]" a low, hoarse voice came from Spider-Man's body: "[Bah, it tastes really bad! It's like hot mud!]"

"[It's not impossible. Even the 'Prince' of the Green Lantern Corps will occasionally have the urge to kill the guys who are making noise around him or talking bad things about him behind his back. But it's you, tsk tsk...]" "Kyle Lei "Na" showed an exaggerated expression that clearly did not belong to him: "[There are actually 'people' who are completely harmless in this world? Even the 'Prince' doesn't believe it.]"

"I see," [Yuqi] quickly regained his composure: "This is just a little bit of malice revealed by Mr. Kyle Rayner in his nightmare. You can't really control it, you can only use it through its connection with me and its attachment to me. The 'corrosion' on those three reckless scouts has come all the way, and as for you yourself, you are probably still hiding in a mouse hole somewhere."

"[Really~?]" "Kyle Reina" raised his giant sword towards Yuqi: "[Then try to see if your small camp can withstand the attack of 'Prince-sama'~ Hehehe Hee~】"

The next moment, the weird smile that didn't belong to him suddenly disappeared on Kyle Reina's face, and was replaced by some kind of hatred from the heart. Then, the "puppet" made intermittent, hoarse and vicious sounds from his mouth:

"[Why, it was me who negotiated with the light elves, but in the end, they agreed to cooperate because you were just a summoned creature? It would be fine if you didn't exist. 】 "

"Kyle..." [Yu Qi] frowned: "Is this what you actually think?"

"Shut up! You evil thing!" shouted the nearby elf guard: "Mr. Yuqi, when he was actually curing us and the Golden Tree, what did you do? Talk about your art and opinions to the royal family and elders. Is it a vision for the development of the Nine Realms?"


"[Ha! As expected, you guys look down on me, so,]" Before [Yu Qi] could stop him, dark fog suddenly rose around "Kyle Reina", and his eyes also projected a dazzling red light: "[ All, all, get, die.】"


The "Light of the End" temporary camp has been turned into ruins. Whether it is tents, fences or simple defense measures, they have become ashes or ruins. The elven guards have fallen to the ground.

But what is surprising is that in this tragic battle, not a single elf died, and the lantern used to isolate the black aliens outside the camp was still on tenaciously.

"[Ah, this is really interesting, even in this situation, we have to save their lives,]" After venting his anger, "Kyle Rayner" was absent-minded for a few seconds, and then the weird smile reappeared on his face, pinching Lifting up the bruised [Yu Qi]'s neck: "[Although this 'incarnation of malice' is indeed unable to continue fighting, you don't think I'm gone, right?"

"..." [Yu Qi] said nothing and closed his eyes tightly, while the other elves who fell to the ground had completely lost their fighting power. Even if they wanted to save him, they were unable to save him.

"[Oh, that's it, it seems they don't know yet,]" "Kyle Reiner" made a sudden realization, holding up [Feather Qi] and showing it to the surroundings: "[Have you ever thought about a question, this guy How do you treat the symptoms that you are helpless to deal with?]"

The elves remained silent. Maybe some people had been curious about this issue, but they did not intend to answer the monster in front of them at this time.

"[He was 'treated' by 'giving up himself'! You didn't expect that!]" "Kyle Reina" suddenly opened [Haqi]'s eyelids.

Everyone can clearly see that after the eyelids are opened, there are only two dark holes in the eyes that are normal when the eyes are closed, and the ones that were pinched open by "Kyle Rayner" The inside of the mouth was also pitch black.

"[Tsk, tsk, tsk, in order to heal you, he has 'abandoned' himself into a piece of skin. In order to avoid being discovered, he has closed his eyes and not opened his mouth. If 'Kyle Rayner' is in normal condition, he may be able to slowly turn himself into a piece of skin." Fill it up, but now...]" "Kyle Rayner" changed the subject: "[Don't you feel ashamed to let such an empty shell save you?]"

"Don't be fooled..."

[Yuqi] made an admonishing voice from his hollow mouth, but it was obviously too late. After listening to "Kyle Reina"'s words, about one-third of the elf guards disintegrated directly and turned into a puff of gold. The light spots were absorbed by the golden woods in the camp that no longer glowed.

"[Hahahahaha! You actually took the initiative to cut off your lifeline to maintain their survival. Can you say that they are ashamed to death?]" "Kyle Rayner" laughed wildly.

"Please, hold on..." [Yu Qi] said with difficulty.

"[Aren't you going to give up? Are you really not going to give up? Are you really embarrassed?]" "Kyle Rayner" held up [Feather Qi] that looked like a rag doll and circled the camp, but no more elves gave up on their own initiative. Healer, half of them stared at him with hatred, and the other half simply closed their eyes.

"[Oh, just wait in this endless darkness,]" "Kyle Reina" shook his head boredly, carrying [Yu Qi] towards the camp gate: "[Wait until I take this guy back to study the key." How to remove this 'connection' will be your end.】"


The moment he was about to step out of the camp, a thin and tough white silk thread flew over, stuck to [Yuqi]'s body and directly pulled him away from "Kyle Reina".

"Hey man, if you take him away, this whole camp will turn into shadow monsters in the dark, and while it's not irremediable, I think it's best if we don't let it happen,"

The white silk thread quickly rolled back, bringing the immobile [Yuqi] to a young man wearing red and blue, with a spider pattern painted on his chest, and two large white eyepieces on his face:

"Hello, I'm a good neighbor of the people of New York, Spider-Man - uh, maybe you don't know where New York is, but it doesn't matter, I can also be a good neighbor of Asgard - no, wait, I recently It seems that I have received a lot of complaints from Asgard, okay, I am a good neighbor to the people of Alfheim, you will agree, right?”

"..." The elves looked at the young man who hadn't stopped talking since he started, and they didn't know whether to be angry or laugh.

"[Very smart, you arrived early tomorrow, just waiting for me to lose my combat effectiveness before taking action. You didn't kill these people at all...]" "Kyle Rayner" tried to provoke, but found that it was almost useless.

"Seriously, my friend, your ability is so cool. You can actually turn yourself into a piece of skin. Doesn't it mean that as long as you draw a few sets of appearances in advance and wear them when needed, you can become another person? ? No, wait, I seem to have heard this story somewhere, it seems quite scary, where is it? "

"[Spider-Man, is he...]" "Kyle Rayner" darkened his face: "[It just so happens that this 'incarnation of evil thoughts' is no longer able to take action, so let's use it in exchange for a 'blackened superhero' with pretty good strength. ——'If you had endless money, immense power, and the ability to control other people's minds at will, what would you do?']"


As "Kyle Rayner" asked the last words, its entire body shattered into a thick black mist, covering Spider-Man at a speed that made it difficult to see, and seeping into his body without stopping.

"I -" Spider-Man slowly raised his head in the worried eyes of the elves: "I will buy two breakfasts and then throw away one! I will crush all the instant noodles in the supermarket! I will also let the boss order me A famous professor voluntarily admitted that he was bald at a school-wide meeting!"


"[That guy is an idiot, right? Spider-Man is a superhero who will never turn dark,]" a low, hoarse voice came from Spider-Man's body: "[Bah, it tastes really bad! It's like hot mud!]"

"[It's not impossible. Even the 'Prince' of the Green Lantern Corps will occasionally have the urge to kill the guys who are making noise around him or talking bad things about him behind his back. But it's you, tsk tsk...]" "Kyle Lei "Na" showed an exaggerated expression that clearly did not belong to him: "[There are actually 'people' who are completely harmless in this world? Even the 'Prince' doesn't believe it.]"

"I see," [Yuqi] quickly regained his composure: "This is just a little bit of malice revealed by Mr. Kyle Rayner in his nightmare. You can't really control it, you can only use it through its connection with me and its attachment to me. The 'corrosion' on those three reckless scouts has come all the way, and as for you yourself, you are probably still hiding in a mouse hole somewhere."

"[Really~?]" "Kyle Reina" raised his giant sword towards Yuqi: "[Then try to see if your small camp can withstand the attack of 'Prince-sama'~ Hehehe Hee~】"

The next moment, the weird smile that didn't belong to him suddenly disappeared on Kyle Reina's face, and was replaced by some kind of hatred from the heart. Then, the "puppet" made intermittent, hoarse and vicious sounds from his mouth:

"[Why, it was me who negotiated with the light elves, but in the end, they agreed to cooperate because you were just a summoned creature? It would be fine if you didn't exist. 】 "

"Kyle..." [Yu Qi] frowned: "Is this what you actually think?"

"Shut up! You evil thing!" shouted the nearby elf guard: "Mr. Yuqi, when he was actually curing us and the Golden Tree, what did you do? Talk about your art and opinions to the royal family and elders. Is it a vision for the development of the Nine Realms?"


"[Ha! As expected, you guys look down on me, so,]" Before [Yu Qi] could stop him, dark fog suddenly rose around "Kyle Reina", and his eyes also projected a dazzling red light: "[ All, all, get, die.】"


The "Light of the End" temporary camp has been turned into ruins. Whether it is tents, fences or simple defense measures, they have become ashes or ruins. The elven guards have fallen to the ground.

But what is surprising is that in this tragic battle, not a single elf died, and the lantern used to isolate the black aliens outside the camp was still on tenaciously.

"[Ah, this is really interesting, even in this situation, we have to save their lives,]" After venting his anger, "Kyle Rayner" was absent-minded for a few seconds, and then the weird smile reappeared on his face, pinching Lifting up the bruised [Yu Qi]'s neck: "[Although this 'incarnation of malice' is indeed unable to continue fighting, you don't think I'm gone, right?"

"..." [Yu Qi] said nothing and closed his eyes tightly, while the other elves who fell to the ground had completely lost their fighting power. Even if they wanted to save him, they were unable to save him.

"[Oh, that's it, it seems they don't know yet,]" "Kyle Reiner" made a sudden realization, holding up [Feather Qi] and showing it to the surroundings: "[Have you ever thought about a question, this guy How do you treat the symptoms that you are helpless to deal with?]"

The elves remained silent. Maybe some people had been curious about this issue, but they did not intend to answer the monster in front of them at this time.

"[He was 'treated' by 'giving up himself'! You didn't expect that!]" "Kyle Reina" suddenly opened [Haqi]'s eyelids.

Everyone can clearly see that after the eyelids are opened, there are only two dark holes in the eyes that are normal when the eyes are closed, and the ones that were pinched open by "Kyle Rayner" The inside of the mouth was also pitch black.

"[Tsk, tsk, tsk, in order to heal you, he has 'abandoned' himself into a piece of skin. In order to avoid being discovered, he has closed his eyes and not opened his mouth. If 'Kyle Rayner' is in normal condition, he may be able to slowly turn himself into a piece of skin." Fill it up, but now...]" "Kyle Rayner" changed the subject: "[Don't you feel ashamed to let such an empty shell save you?]"

"Don't be fooled..."

[Yuqi] made an admonishing voice from his hollow mouth, but it was obviously too late. After listening to "Kyle Reina"'s words, about one-third of the elf guards disintegrated directly and turned into a puff of gold. The light spots were absorbed by the golden woods in the camp that no longer glowed.

"[Hahahahaha! You actually took the initiative to cut off your lifeline to maintain their survival. Can you say that they are ashamed to death?]" "Kyle Rayner" laughed wildly.

"Please, hold on..." [Yu Qi] said with difficulty.

"[Aren't you going to give up? Are you really not going to give up? Are you really embarrassed?]" "Kyle Rayner" held up [Feather Qi] that looked like a rag doll and circled the camp, but no more elves gave up on their own initiative. Healer, half of them stared at him with hatred, and the other half simply closed their eyes.

"[Oh, just wait in this endless darkness,]" "Kyle Reina" shook his head boredly, carrying [Yu Qi] towards the camp gate: "[Wait until I take this guy back to study the key." How to remove this 'connection' will be your end.】"


The moment he was about to step out of the camp, a thin and tough white silk thread flew over, stuck to [Yuqi]'s body and directly pulled him away from "Kyle Reina".

"Hey man, if you take him away, this whole camp will turn into shadow monsters in the dark, and while it's not irremediable, I think it's best if we don't let it happen,"

The white silk thread quickly rolled back, bringing the immobile [Yuqi] to a young man wearing red and blue, with a spider pattern painted on his chest, and two large white eyepieces on his face:

"Hello, I'm a good neighbor of the people of New York, Spider-Man - uh, maybe you don't know where New York is, but it doesn't matter, I can also be a good neighbor of Asgard - no, wait, I recently It seems that I have received a lot of complaints from Asgard, okay, I am a good neighbor to the people of Alfheim, you will agree, right?”

"..." The elves looked at the young man who hadn't stopped talking since he started, and they didn't know whether to be angry or laugh.

"[Very smart, you arrived early tomorrow, just waiting for me to lose my combat effectiveness before taking action. You didn't kill these people at all...]" "Kyle Rayner" tried to provoke, but found that it was almost useless.

"Seriously, my friend, your ability is so cool. You can actually turn yourself into a piece of skin. Doesn't it mean that as long as you draw a few sets of appearances in advance and wear them when needed, you can become another person? ? No, wait, I seem to have heard this story somewhere, it seems quite scary, where is it? "

"[Spider-Man, is he...]" "Kyle Rayner" darkened his face: "[It just so happens that this 'incarnation of evil thoughts' is no longer able to take action, so let's use it in exchange for a 'blackened superhero' with pretty good strength. ——'If you had endless money, immense power, and the ability to control other people's minds at will, what would you do?']"


As "Kyle Rayner" asked the last words, its entire body shattered into a thick black mist, covering Spider-Man at a speed that made it difficult to see, and seeping into his body without stopping.

"I -" Spider-Man slowly raised his head in the worried eyes of the elves: "I will buy two breakfasts and then throw away one! I will crush all the instant noodles in the supermarket! I will also let the boss order me A famous professor voluntarily admitted that he was bald at a school-wide meeting!"


"[That guy is an idiot, right? Spider-Man is a superhero who will never turn dark,]" a low, hoarse voice came from Spider-Man's body: "[Bah, it tastes really bad! It's like hot mud!]"

"[It's not impossible. Even the 'Prince' of the Green Lantern Corps will occasionally have the urge to kill the guys who are making noise around him or talking bad things about him behind his back. But it's you, tsk tsk...]" "Kyle Lei "Na" showed an exaggerated expression that clearly did not belong to him: "[There are actually 'people' who are completely harmless in this world? Even the 'Prince' doesn't believe it.]"

"I see," [Yuqi] quickly regained his composure: "This is just a little bit of malice revealed by Mr. Kyle Rayner in his nightmare. You can't really control it, you can only use it through its connection with me and its attachment to me. The 'corrosion' on those three reckless scouts has come all the way, and as for you yourself, you are probably still hiding in a mouse hole somewhere."

"[Really~?]" "Kyle Reina" raised his giant sword towards Yuqi: "[Then try to see if your small camp can withstand the attack of 'Prince-sama'~ Hehehe Hee~】"

The next moment, the weird smile that didn't belong to him suddenly disappeared on Kyle Reina's face, and was replaced by some kind of hatred from the heart. Then, the "puppet" made intermittent, hoarse and vicious sounds from his mouth:

"[Why, it was me who negotiated with the light elves, but in the end, they agreed to cooperate because you were just a summoned creature? It would be fine if you didn't exist. 】 "

"Kyle..." [Yu Qi] frowned: "Is this what you actually think?"

"Shut up! You evil thing!" shouted the nearby elf guard: "Mr. Yuqi, when he was actually curing us and the Golden Tree, what did you do? Talk about your art and opinions to the royal family and elders. Is it a vision for the development of the Nine Realms?"


"[Ha! As expected, you guys look down on me, so,]" Before [Yu Qi] could stop him, dark fog suddenly rose around "Kyle Reina", and his eyes also projected a dazzling red light: "[ All, all, get, die.】"


The "Light of the End" temporary camp has been turned into ruins. Whether it is tents, fences or simple defense measures, they have become ashes or ruins. The elven guards have fallen to the ground.

But what is surprising is that in this tragic battle, not a single elf died, and the lantern used to isolate the black aliens outside the camp was still on tenaciously.

"[Ah, this is really interesting, even in this situation, we have to save their lives,]" After venting his anger, "Kyle Rayner" was absent-minded for a few seconds, and then the weird smile reappeared on his face, pinching Lifting up the bruised [Yu Qi]'s neck: "[Although this 'incarnation of malice' is indeed unable to continue fighting, you don't think I'm gone, right?"

"..." [Yu Qi] said nothing and closed his eyes tightly, while the other elves who fell to the ground had completely lost their fighting power. Even if they wanted to save him, they were unable to save him.

"[Oh, that's it, it seems they don't know yet,]" "Kyle Reiner" made a sudden realization, holding up [Feather Qi] and showing it to the surroundings: "[Have you ever thought about a question, this guy How do you treat the symptoms that you are helpless to deal with?]"

The elves remained silent. Maybe some people had been curious about this issue, but they did not intend to answer the monster in front of them at this time.

"[He was 'treated' by 'giving up himself'! You didn't expect that!]" "Kyle Reina" suddenly opened [Haqi]'s eyelids.

Everyone can clearly see that after the eyelids are opened, there are only two dark holes left in the eyes that are still normal when they are closed, and the ones that were pinched open by "Kyle Rayner" The inside of the mouth was also pitch black.

"[Tsk, tsk, tsk, in order to heal you, he has 'abandoned' himself into a piece of skin. In order to avoid being discovered, he has closed his eyes and not opened his mouth. If 'Kyle Rayner' is in normal condition, he may be able to slowly turn himself into a piece of skin." Fill it up, but now...]" "Kyle Rayner" changed the subject: "[Don't you feel ashamed to let such an empty shell save you?]"

"Don't be fooled..."

[Yuqi] made an admonishing voice from his hollow mouth, but it was obviously too late. After listening to "Kyle Reina"'s words, about one-third of the elf guards disintegrated directly and turned into a puff of gold. The light spots were absorbed by the golden woods in the camp that no longer glowed.

"[Hahahahaha! You actually took the initiative to cut off your lifeline to maintain their survival. Can you say that they are ashamed to death?]" "Kyle Rayner" laughed wildly.

"Please, hold on..." [Yu Qi] said with difficulty.

"[Aren't you going to give up? Are you really not going to give up? Are you really embarrassed?]" "Kyle Rayner" held up [Feather Qi] that looked like a rag doll and circled the camp, but no more elves gave up on their own initiative. Healer, half of them stared at him with hatred, and the other half simply closed their eyes.

"[Oh, just wait in this endless darkness,]" "Kyle Reina" shook his head boredly, carrying [Yu Qi] towards the camp gate: "[Wait until I take this guy back to study the key." How to remove this 'connection' will be your end.】"


The moment he was about to step out of the camp, a thin and tough white silk thread flew over, stuck to [Yuqi]'s body and directly pulled him away from "Kyle Reina".

"Hey man, if you take him away, this whole camp will turn into shadow monsters in the dark, and while it's not irremediable, I think it's best if we don't let it happen,"

The white silk thread quickly rolled back, bringing the immobile [Yuqi] to a young man wearing red and blue, with a spider pattern painted on his chest, and two large white eyepieces on his face:

"Hello, I'm a good neighbor of the people of New York, Spider-Man - uh, maybe you don't know where New York is, but it doesn't matter, I can also be a good neighbor of Asgard - no, wait, I recently It seems that I have received a lot of complaints from Asgard, okay, I am a good neighbor to the people of Alfheim, you will agree, right?”

"..." The elves looked at the young man who hadn't stopped talking since he started, and they didn't know whether to be angry or laugh.

"[Very smart, you arrived early tomorrow, just waiting for me to lose my combat effectiveness before taking action. You didn't kill these people at all...]" "Kyle Rayner" tried to provoke, but found that it was almost useless.

"Seriously, my friend, your ability is so cool. You can actually turn yourself into a piece of skin. Doesn't it mean that as long as you draw a few sets of appearances in advance and wear them when needed, you can become another person? ? No, wait, I seem to have heard this story somewhere, it seems quite scary, where is it? "

"[Spider-Man, is he...]" "Kyle Rayner" darkened his face: "[It just so happens that this 'incarnation of evil thoughts' is no longer able to take action, so let's use it in exchange for a 'blackened superhero' with pretty good strength. ——'If you had endless money, immense power, and the ability to control other people's minds at will, what would you do?']"


As "Kyle Rayner" asked the last words, its entire body shattered into a thick black mist, covering Spider-Man at a speed that made it difficult to see, and seeping into his body without stopping.

"I -" Spider-Man slowly raised his head in the worried eyes of the elves: "I will buy two breakfasts and then throw away one! I will crush all the instant noodles in the supermarket! I will also let the boss order me A famous professor voluntarily admitted that he was bald at a school-wide meeting!"


"[That guy is an idiot, right? Spider-Man is a superhero who will never turn dark,]" a low, hoarse voice came from Spider-Man's body: "[Bah, it tastes really bad! It's like hot mud!]"

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