The Collection of The End

Two thousand five hundred and forty-five, North American Mythical War (373)

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Mage Tower.

"About this... I talked to Mr. Principal, didn't he... tell you?" Sherlock looked a little hesitant when talking about the reasons why the contestants would encounter danger when the support came on the stage and the form was excellent. of.


"..." Sherlock was initially stunned, but two seconds later he seemed to have thought of something, and showed a slight "It should be so" expression.

It’s not quite clear who he was thinking of. After all, the combination of a boss who plays tricks and a shrewd and capable deputy is so common that he can think of a lot in a blink of an eye. Apart from Professor X and me, there are also Stark and Pei. Po, Fury and Natasha, Odin and Frigga, Thor and Sif, Kratos and Laufey, and even in the establishment of the Ministry of Magic, Watson and Sherlock can barely be counted.

"To put it simply," Sherlock looked at the seven spark gates around the mage tower: "I thought that the game would still be a big brawl in the final stage, so I prepared measures to deal with other students in advance. But at the 'junction', I saw Those illusions of success one after another must have been picked up by others after I decided to give up - the enemy they were dealing with."

Yes, when you are in doubt, just say you learned it in the border area, which is comparable to saying you learned it in Hawaii no matter what skills you have.

"How did you deal with it specifically? Tell me?" I asked, half joining in the fun and half genuinely curious.

If you think about it carefully, there is really no superhero in Marvel who can guard himself more tightly than his enemies like "Batman", not to mention that there is a 1000% chance that those defensive methods will be taken away by the enemy and used against him. people.

Now from what Sherlock means, he has already picked it up?

"Miss Luna inherited 'Iron Man's' love for mechanical armor, but she prefers super large robots and watching the battles between them. If she has the opportunity to control one, she will often deliberately ignore the dangers involved," Xia Locke said: "As long as we build a huge robot that is very large and allows actual control to attract Miss Luna's attention, she will probably rush into the trap shouting 'They are all mine'."


"As for Watson, although he has thunder protection, he doesn't know the limits of that power. He can be easily defeated by using weapons made of insulators."

"As for Irene...she is too close to 'death', so her perception of the undead is more acute, and she is very sympathetic. As long as she finds an evil spirit who has experienced miserable life, it will be easy to drag her away. Get in the water.”

You are really not merciless when it comes to cheating your friends.

"T'Challa and Moriarty, none of their power comes from themselves. As long as they interfere with, erode or cut off the source of power, they are just smarter children."

"Finally, there is Atreus. He has a strong mind, his strength comes from himself and has no loopholes to exploit, but he has a fatal weakness - Miss Lily Angelberda. Although it is not kind to do this, he will definitely do it. Blocking any attacks aimed at her, as long as there is always someone pretending to attack Lily during the battle, it will tire him out and create opportunities for the attackers."

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