The Collection of The End

Two Thousand Five Hundred and Forty Six, Sherlock and Death Metal (1)

【Collect Doomsday】 【】

——Marvel, 2015——

? ? ?

"...It's really surprising. This is the first time we've met each other, right?"

“I don’t think ‘we’ applies here.”

"Then it wouldn't be even more wrong for you to say 'I'."

"Which 'I' is using 'you' to 'self'?"

"I feel like I'm going to have a breakdown."

"The use of 'I' is very good."

After Sherlock passed through the "Spark Gate", he was not surprised to see six "selves" chatting.

They all wore the same Hogwarts uniforms, and their appearance and body shape were almost the same as mine - just almost.

These "Sherlocks" all have some details that distinguish them from other "selves" but are difficult to detect unless they are put together.

Some bodies are stronger, some spaces around them are slightly distorted, some eyes are out of focus, some eyes are flashing with light, some images occasionally "stutter" and "frame drop", and others look normal. .

Obviously, unlike the "Sherlock's Unpredictability" that she triggered simply through "choice", the vice-principal used a more sophisticated method to separate seven incarnations that were biased towards each faction, and unlike herself, she was unable to communicate and contact.

No, still inaccessible.

It was a clearing similar to what you saw outside the window when riding the "Led Zeppelin Train", and a total of seven "Sherlocks" including himself were all stepping on the silhouettes of the planets they were originally going to, keeping a certain distance from each other. They cannot "visit" each other.

Judging from the sporadic topics they heard before, they didn't meet for a long time, and they were still discussing how to define "self".

"My suggestion is that when you call each other, you can use the 'college faction' to which each other belongs as a name," Sherlock joined the topic very naturally: "In this way, 'you' and 'me' can all be used."

"You made a very good suggestion, 'disruption of order,'" said the slightly stronger Sherlock, "then I'll call it 'physical mutation.'"

Um? Disruption of order? Sherlock pressed his chest and found that the "Time Stone" was not hanging there.

"It seems that your 'Destruction of Order' failed to take effect," Sherlock said as the surrounding space was distorted: "This time is different from the previous choice of one of the two to trigger 'Sherlock's Unpredictability'. We have to go to seven arenas at the same time. , the seventh equal part of myself is obviously not enough to control the 'Time Stone' alone, not even me from the 'Time and Space Guidance' faction, I can only briefly stimulate its power when needed."

"It's probably back in the Mirror of Erised like it was before," said Sherlock, whose eyes were unfocused: "Anyway, Madam Vice-Principal is here, so there's no need to worry about it being lost. By the way, I'm the 'Spirit' Interference', you should be able to see it."

"It's quite clear," Sherlock glanced at him with a flash of light in his eyes: "But there are some problems now. Our powerful abilities, in addition to the 'Time Gem', are the 'Eight Formations of Stone Soldiers', 'Calling God Guards', It seems that the 'Ultraviolet Lamp Ring' and the 'Lungo Miniade' cannot be used at the same time. This is my intuition as an 'energy transformer'."

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【Collect Doomsday】 【】

"I don't need it," said Sherlock, whose figure blurred from time to time: "I want to use the ability of 'molecular influence' to turn into electronic signals to enter the virtual world. Except for the reasoning ability and my own Ba Liushu, I can't bring anything with me. .”

"Then let's each choose one," Sherlock, who looked the most normal, said, "Because I have to deal with the wraiths, I might use the 'God-calling Guard'."

"Are you...'Unknown Territory'?" "Physique Variation" stared at him: "It doesn't seem like there's anything special about it."

"The so-called 'unknown' means that it cannot be seen directly and cannot be described." "Unknown Realm" looked at the "physical variation", took out three dice from the pocket of his robe and started to shake them in his hand: "You call for stop."

"Huh...?" "Physique Variation" looked at him inexplicably, and after waiting for a few seconds, he still shouted: "Stop!"

With a bang, "Unknown Territory" threw three dice to the ground: "How many?"

"Hmm...0, 0, 1," "Physique Variation" looked at it: "Is it 1 or 100?"

"[No difference.]" "Unknown territory" Youyou said.

"What's not--Gah!" When "Physique Variation" raised his head in confusion, he fell down as if someone had punched him head-on.

"What?" The sudden change instantly aroused the interest of other "Sherlocks", but no matter what they thought, "Unknown Territory" was just an ordinary Hogwarts student, nothing special.

Unable to look directly...indescribable... Wearing the "Destruction of Order" hat, Sherlock recalled seeing Niflheim through the Spark Gate and those monsters that were also unable to detect the full picture. He felt that this could be regarded as fighting fire with fire. No further questions were asked.


"【What are you doing?】"

At this moment, a familiar yet unfamiliar girl's voice sounded. When the Sherlocks turned their heads to look, they unexpectedly saw the alien girl riding a white bear who had briefly appeared in the "Clock Tower".

"[I've seen people who insist on telling their teammates what they saw to force SC, but I've never seen people take the initiative to trick themselves. You guys share the San value.]"

Yes, that's right, that's the feeling. Although every word in a sentence can be understood, when connected together it becomes inexplicable. It is unique to the way of speaking of the "White Queen".

However, at this time, she was not riding the white bear named "Basaka", but was sitting sideways on a broomstick with a tip shaped like a rocket. In addition to the lavender alien skirt, He was also wearing an aviator vest in a nondescript manner, and a pair of aviator glasses he got from nowhere was fastened on his forehead.

"Is that the 'Firebolt'? It's very handsome." Sherlock, who was disruptive to order, praised him without any words - he still vaguely remembered that the last time she ran away was to buy this broom with a strange name.

"[Ah, yes, think about it carefully, I have no chance to use this vest in the first place, why am I rushing to upgrade her configuration...]" The girl rode a broom and came to the "Sherlocks" who were some distance away from each other. Jian: "[Are you all ready to go to the arena?]"

Sherlocks from various schools looked at each other, and finally unanimously set their sights on "disruption of order".

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【Collect Doomsday】 【】

"We're ready, White, oh, Scarlet Witch," he replied, deliberately using the obviously wrong title.

If his guess was correct, it was impossible for this girl to take the name of another vest. It should be some inexplicable insistence of the vice-principal.

"[Illya von Einzbern,]" the girl reported the expected name without any surprise: "[Just call me Illya.]"

Einzbern? So, does the "daughter" that Ms. Irisviel refers to...

"Okay, uh-huh?" Sherlock responded halfway, only to find that "Illya" had "proliferated" like himself.

In the blink of an eye, she transformed one into seven. Each one glowed with a different color of bright light, appearing next to all the "Sherlocks", and then held their shoulders.

The next moment, the "Sherlocks" were all pressed into the thin "Phantom of the Seven Kingdoms" at their feet, drawing a long line of light under the starry sky that was exactly the same as their respective "Ilia" and flew away. , looks like...

"[Girl, turn into a rainbow! (Prisa☆SpshRabow!)]" The transcoding has been serious recently, which makes us more motivated and updates faster. Please use your little hands to exit the reading mode. Thanks

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