The Collection of The End

Two Thousand Five Hundred and Forty Seven, Sherlock and Death Metal (2)

【Collect Doomsday】 【】

——Marvel, 2015——

——[Energy Transformation]——

Sherlock is flying in the "universe" surrounded by stars.

For an unlucky guy who often "falls out of the world", this kind of environment is not unfamiliar. It can even be said that there are traces to follow.

These "outside the world" starry skies are roughly divided into two categories, one is bright, clear and safe, but looking directly at the stars may lead to madness or mental damage, and the other is shrouded in boundless gray fog, without the worry of going crazy. , but there will be strange black fog monsters wearing tattered cloaks emerging from the fog to attack.

The key to what kind of starry sky you finally see lies in whether the way to reach the "outside the world" is related to "Hogwarts", or more directly, whether the power of "Ms. Vice Principal" is involved.

Sherlock turned his head and looked around. About four or five meters away, there was "Illya" dressed as a "magical girl" from a cartoon show, holding a star magic wand in her hand and emitting light green light. She pressed herself After entering the "Nidaville" shadow and entering the "flying posture" with the head in front and behind the feet, it has been flying up, down, left and right, like a green comet.

Well, this "power" couldn't be more obvious, Sherlock started thinking again.

Rachel Fisk, Scarlet Witch, Illya von Einzbern, White Star.

The eldest lady of the Fisk family, the little princess of Atlantis, the White Queen, and the Lord of the Ocean Dimension.

If it were not me who was being specially cared for, it would be impossible for anyone else to connect these identities.

As for those beings who are strong enough and have high enough status, such as various cosmic demons, they may be able to find a connection between these identities, but they will definitely subconsciously think that other identities and incarnations are all "Lord of the Ocean Dimension, White Star" The vest is used to make it easier to intervene in earth affairs and manage human beings.

Maybe I am the only one who, after having come into contact with every incarnation of "Ms. Vice Principal", will come to the conclusion that "they are all vests".

After studying at Hogwarts for many years, as a mystery enthusiast, it is impossible for him not to become interested in the mysterious "Hogwarts" and the "Avengers" and "S.H.I.E.L.D." that endorse it. It's just a simple magic spell, and the "precognition" that sometimes works and doesn't work is almost meaningless, but with the "Time Stone" and "Sherlock's Unpredictability", even the Trident Building at the SHIELD headquarters He also dared to take a spin secretly.

I heard that SHIELD once had trouble with Hydra, but it was settled by the "White Queen", which is really a pity.

As he wandered around, the stories of the other vests of "Ms. Vice Principal" that he didn't know much about at first gradually became clear. What they had in common was that they were extremely real.

Apart from the "Vice Principal of Hogwarts" who is busy but never makes mistakes, the Fisk family has never had any problems in the management of "Hell's Kitchen" - now called Clinton District. Occasionally there are outsiders who don't understand the rules. Before the resident superhero "Daredevil" showed up, "Miss Jin Jing" took "Bullseye" to get the matter done. After capturing the prisoner and handing it over to the police, he turned to enjoy the game. Really appreciate the fight between these old enemies.

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【Collect Doomsday】 【】

On the outskirts of Clinton District, because of having "little eggs praised by Captain America"

With attractive elements such as "cake", "Stark's failed attempt to acquire", "alien invasion landing site" and "mysterious rules set by a mysterious boss", "Sea Restaurant" has become more popular over time. Caroline and Miss Max, who went to Hogwarts to serve as school janitors, were too busy to be separated. There were rumors that they were so busy that they had completely different personalities when going to and from get off work. I don't know whether it was true or not.

If someone is careful to check the first two, they can still find that they are the same person, but almost no one can guess the "White Queen" of "Avengers". She is nominally the princess of the mysterious country of Atlantis, and has The ability to control water and communicate with marine life originally came from settling accounts with humans because of the pollution of the ocean, but later through the destruction of "Hydra infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D.", destroyed the "Insight Project", and "resisted alien invasion" After the incident, she recognized and joined the "Avengers", and she can still be seen on TV news from time to time.

As for "Illya", as she said, she is "hardly used", but occasionally you can still hear legends about her. In "Gvoz N's Unbelievable", how should I put it, the guy who spread the news was lucky enough to be admitted to school by the vice-principal, but he was also stupid enough to spread this insignificant news just to show off. , which proves that he is not qualified to contact the deeper truth of the world - his decision to keep it secret was a wise move.

The "Scarlet Witch" and "White Star" are basically inaccessible to the earth and are used to connect with other planets, other dimensions and even other timelines. "White Star" only takes action on major events - such as driving Noah. , and the "Scarlet Witch" serves as the permanent liaison between the former and the Earth's representative in Asgard - it's so complicated that even Odin can't possibly suspect that they are the same person.

Perhaps ordinary people's inferences stop here, but judging from the fact that "Half-Blood Prince" Atreus went through hardships and took Lily Angelberda away from the ocean planet, "White Star" has completely different capabilities than other "vests". The same characteristic - "likes to watch the excitement".

Think about it, if "White Star" is the real body, then as the "Lord of the Dimension", she must at least maintain a certain degree of seriousness, instead of managing her kingdom of God "The Earth's Core Sea" like a child's play. Therefore, in these "Dimension Masters" On top of the "vest", there must be another identity higher than the "Lord of the Dimension", an identity that is so high that no one can say anything even if she is just having fun.

Another evidence for this inference is that after the "Scarlet Witch" made herself "reveal" as "Rani", she obviously knew her and had little thought about her request to "help retrieve Melina after obtaining the Holy Grail." So he agreed - not even the real Lords of Dimensions can guarantee this kind of thing, right?

But unfortunately, due to the extreme lack of information, reasoning to this point is the limit, unless you ask her directly, and she is willing to answer.

Sherlock subconsciously looked at Illya, but found that she was also looking at him.

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【Collect Doomsday】 【】

"[Oh, you are very sharp, you guessed that I was about to ask you if you have a plan,]" the girl winked at him: "[It seems that you have already thought about it, then we will land directly~]"


Sherlock turned around in shock and found that the steel ring world that turned the star into a Dyson sphere was already in front of him, and it was rapidly enlarging to the extent visible to the naked eye.

Wait, he hasn’t—

"[Hero☆Appears~]" Illya announced happily.

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