The Collection of The End

Two Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty, Sherlock and Death Metal (5)

——Marvel, 2015——

——[Unknown territory]——

"Is the situation of these 'Nibelungs' too dire?"

Sherlock was flying at a height of about one meter above the sea. While looking at the pale arms that protruded from the water and tried to scratch him but could not reach him, he asked Illya smoothly:

"Have they not considered moving? As a citizen of Asgard, if you ask Odin."

Illya, who was dressed as a magical girl and glowing with green light all over her body, was sitting sideways on the "Firebolt". She did not deliberately maintain her height to avoid those arms, but all the pale arms seemed to be burned when she approached. Even though she had flown for a long time, she still huddled on the bottom of the sea and did not dare to come out. As a result, she looked like an icebreaker carving out a dark "route" on the pale sea.

"[Where to move? This is their 'home',"" the girl replied: "[In order to cope with the special environment of Niflheim, their vision has almost completely degraded, their hearing and touch are very sensitive, and they are extremely photophobic. Hexi Shi is extremely resistant to diseases and curses, and also carries an uncontrollable aura of death. If this race goes to any other country, it will either become extinct quickly or cause catastrophe to the local creatures.]"

"So, what about the idea that they are giant ancestors from other countries?" Sherlock continued to ask.

"[That's true. According to the ancient documents of Asgard, tens of thousands of years ago, the breath of the 'Heim Underworld' gradually penetrated, causing the environment of Niflheim to begin to deteriorate. The foresight of Nibel The Dragon Root tribe migrated to other countries through various methods. The 'giants' are just a certain branch among them, and some also 'evolved' to the dwarves and elves. The other groups are unclear, and perhaps they are indeed extinct.]" Yili Ya replied.

Are we discussing evolution in the wizarding world?

Sherlock looked at the sky speechlessly, but all he saw was thick rolling fog.

"Huh? Wait, how did you see such ancient records? Could it be..."

"[I sent Thor to take it out when I was curious about this issue.]"

Don't just manipulate other people's princes just because of this kind of thing!

In order to avoid saying these words, Sherlock looked down at the pale arms on the sea again and recalled the current plan:

The main reason for the three-party melee in the current arena is the "Goddess of Death". When the "Drowned Souls" appeared and tried to awaken the resentful spirits in the sea, she not only did not stop it, but showed acquiescence and even encouragement, leading to the occupation of Niflheim. Half of the surface of the ocean, which had been completely penetrated by the breath of death, became the home of the strange woman dressed as a bat.

However, this approach is not incomprehensible. When the other party breaks into the area that you have complete control over and tries to stir up trouble, slapping him to death is the last option. At least you have to see what the other party is going to do and what he can do. What, some methods might be able to provide reference for oneself - unless one overturns due to overconfidence.

The purpose of going deep into the "Sea of ​​Death" is to make arrangements in advance to avoid that situation.

According to the required courses of Hogwarts' "Death" School, the undead are roughly divided into three types, namely "ghosts", "undead" and "wraiths", which correspond to the "soul", "body" and "memory" of the living. ".

The essence of "ghost" is the "thinking" that is born from an individual living person after going through the entire life process. It is no longer affected by external factors. It has independent consciousness, clear logic, and is relatively gentle. However, because there is no body to store memories, new knowledge has been learned. The information generally only lasts for 7 seconds.

The "dead spirit" is just an aroused body, has no independent consciousness, and its actions are completely controlled by the driver.

"Wraith spirits" are born from the deepest part of the living person's memory - most of which are negative. They will be obsessed with completing the defects in that memory or attacking the haters in that memory, but because there is no one who can accept and Unable to distinguish information autonomously, so unable to communicate.

These elements sometimes intersect in pairs to form undead of different types, with different personalities, and may even be extremely dangerous. At that time, it depends on how the necromancer or psychic will perform on the spot. If you are unlucky, you will have to join them.

At present, it seems that Irene simply evokes the body of the Nibelungen for stability, while Jade seizing the soul of the fog monster is a bit risky. Only the "drowning soul" that is crazy enough in itself can gather a vengeful spirit. Army.

Although the three forces on land are still fighting back and forth for the time being, the "Drowned Soul" is frantically "exploding troops" in the ocean. When she feels that the time is right, she will directly land a wave of push, and the two unlucky players will be killed on the spot. Odin's near-death protection has to be triggered - if it hasn't expired yet.

And what he has to do now is to find a way to make those resentful spirits lose control, "take the firewood from under the cauldron", and if possible, defeat them directly, "when catching the thief, first catch the thief king"—— Why is this a bit strange?


"Huh?" Sherlock turned his head and looked at Illya who suddenly covered his mouth.

Legilimency? Probably not, not to mention that the vice-principal lady had no reason to do this suddenly. After this period of training, her "Occlumency" has become impeccable.

"[Nothing,]" Illya put down her hand and looked at the sea below: "[It seems we have arrived.]"


Sherlock looked towards the sea and found that the white ghost arms that originally covered the sea and swayed like seaweed had disappeared, replaced by black shadows that continued to emerge from the bottom of the sea and had vague human shapes. They had just floated to the surface of the sea. They were confused and confused, but soon they scattered in all directions as if they remembered something.

"[There is a gap on the seabed here that connects to the underworld of Heim, and the 'Drowned Souls' are constantly drawing out the souls wandering in it,]" Illya continued: "[You can make a group of subordinates appear without doing anything yourself. In the world of the living, if I were Hela, I would not stop this good thing.】"

...You were definitely behind the Half-Blood Prince thing, right?

"[So, what is your plan?]"

"Well... I don't plan to go into the water," Sherlock said while thinking: "Although she has not shown control over the water, since it is called 'Drowned Souls', we cannot ignore her knowledge of whether the relevant events occurred and the specific circumstances. control."

Illya didn't speak, blinking and gesturing for him to continue - but for some reason she knocked hard on the flying broomstick.

"So, I want to carry out 'long-range bombing' on this sea area to force her to surface on her own initiative,"

Sherlock took a deep breath, pulled out his wand and pointed it at the ghostly sea below:

"[Calling God for Guard!]"

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