The Collection of The End

Two thousand five hundred and fifty-one, Sherlock and death metal (6)

——Marvel, 2015——

——[Physique variation]——

In the dark and almost lightless underground space, countless shadowy entities are moving, colliding, biting, and scratching. They are trying to kill their identified enemies at all costs, and the same is true for their enemies.

However, judging from the comparison of the numbers of the two sides, one of them is at the end of its strength and can only defend passively in a corner, unable to make any effective counterattack or breakout.

In the darkness, a tall figure slowly approached, the scarlet eyes filled with surging malice and cruelty.

"[Dormammu, you...]"

At this moment, a dazzling white light like lightning on a rainy night lit up. It was like the lance held high by a charging knight, penetrating all the darkness along the way. The dark figure who had just spoken half a sentence in the middle continued to The sound of continuous collapse pushed it away from the chaotic battlefield, disappearing far away at the end of the underground tunnel, and the form on the dark battlefield also underwent a complete reversal.

Until then, the battle cry that inspired the light arrow came belatedly:


In the darkness that fell again, there was a slight sigh that sounded like relief and dissatisfaction.

Da da da.

After a moment, following the sound of light footsteps, a young man's figure walked out of the corridor connecting this empty space.

"[Fluorescence]," he condensed a sphere of bright white light on the top of his wand, waved it and looked around: "Moriarty? Are you there?"

"Hmph... If you were two meters higher, I wouldn't be here." In the corner of the underground space, a blue light lit up, and a tired-looking Moriarty was sitting on a temporarily cut stone chair: "Are you here just to laugh at me? Sherlock?"

"Why are you laughing at you? It's a good idea to find the back door of the arena to introduce Dormammu's power and transform drow spiders and spider elves into dark creatures." Sherlock walked over there holding up the wand of light: " It's a pity that the efficiency is not as good as that bat monster that can even transform living things by breathing."

"Hmph, even if this is the case, aren't you going to report me to the school?" Moriarty crossed his arms: "I have already said that we are the same kind of people, don't always pretend to be good children."

"..." Sherlock subconsciously turned his head and glanced.

Two meters away, there was Illya dressed as a magical girl with a faint red light all over her body. She was holding the Firebolt on her shoulder, looking around as if she was curious about this space. After noticing his gaze, she Raise your hand to your lips to make a "shh" gesture.

Anyway, pity Moriarty for a second.

"Report?" After a short pause, Sherlock completed the action of "turning his head and looking" to "looking around": "Where's the evidence? The dark creature you transformed was directly absorbed by the 'dark dimension' after its death, right? "

"Hmph." Moriarty snorted with a slightly proud attitude.

"To be honest, your fight is quite environmentally friendly." Sherlock threw the light ball at the top of the wand into the distance, and then summoned again: "One side merges into the darkness, and the other side decomposes and disappears. If it weren't for the claw marks and corrosion all over the ground, There are no traces of it, no one can tell that a big battle just happened here.”

"Of course not for that ridiculous reason," Moriarty shook his head: "The indigenous people of this country, whether they are spiders or dark elves, are extremely adaptable to darkness and viruses. If there are any wreckage left after the battle, Even a piece of scale and half a claw will be converted into one's own combat power by the opponent, and one's own troops may even be modified in a targeted manner according to the opponent's strengthening method."

"In other words," Sherlock touched his chin: "In addition to introducing the power of the dark dimension during this period, you have been transforming spiders and engaging in evolutionary games with the 'Destroyer'?"

"That's right."

"Then we lost because our efficiency was too low."

"I didn't lose!" Moriarty seemed to want to get up to express his anger, but failed. He could only angrily knock the armrest of the stone chair with the wand in his hand: "That shameless guy actually joined the battle himself after failing several times! I can't Analyze him, so there is no way to carry out corresponding transformation and targeting."

Then I shot him away.

No, he would probably become angry if he said this.

"You..." Sherlock was about to ask something else, but he saw Illya carrying the Firebolt and walking all the way to Moriarty's stone chair, looking left and right at him, thoughtfully, then turned around And asked: " don't feel any discomfort, right? After all, you just had close contact with the 'source of the virus'."

"Knowing that I had to deal with that kind of enemy, I naturally took adequate protection. Although that guy is very strong, his strength is obviously not enough to break through the 'Lord of the Dark Dimension'." Moriarty waved his hand confidently.

No... Based on the current overview of the arena and what I saw in the "Prophecy", I can tell that those bat monsters are obviously types with relatively high intelligence - although for some reason, the stronger they are, the stupider they are.

But at least, if you can force a "mastermind" like Moriarty to face him face to face, you won't be too stupid.

"[Quickly, put the Noble Phantasm on him.]" Illya, who was standing behind the stone chair, raised the Firebolt, pointed it at Moriarty with the "broom head", and then said.

Noble Phantasm?

Sherlock was in a daze for two seconds, and then he remembered that he might have released the compound spell when he was "augmented" by Thor, which could greatly reduce the target's defense.

Of course, that was in the second grade. After several years of study, he can now reproduce it through his own power. However, because he has no lethality and must cooperate with others, he always flies alone. Hardly used.

Hmm...does it count as a solo career now?

"..." After Sherlock became inexplicably silent, Moriarty's confident expression gradually began to disappear: "You didn't really see something, did you? That's impossible."

"[This is common sense, my dear friend~]" Sherlock raised his hand and sprinkled a circle of "fluorescent flashes", then transformed them into stage searchlights surrounding Moriarty, and then lit them.


Moriarty's body blurred for a moment under the bright light, and then exploded, revealing a dark and strange shape that was half human and half spider, as if he and a drow spider were forcibly pieced together.

"What!!" Moriarty looked even more shocked than Sherlock, and his voice also had a spider-like hiss.

"The spider shape actually suits you quite well." Sherlock shrugged.

"Damn, hiss, when..." Moriarty continued to be shocked.

"[Quickly, clean it up.]" Illya continued to point.

Using that curse is a bit insulting to people's intelligence, right?

But since it was eroded by the virus, it seems to be a professional counterpart.

"[Healed as before!]" Sherlock raised his hand and threw the curse at Moriarty.

"['Physique Mutation' focuses on a rebellious character, right?]" Illya rolled her eyes at him, and the Firebolt in her hand began to tremble, and then made a whirring sound like a vacuum cleaner. Absorb all the elements related to "Drow Spider".

"..." Moriarty pressed his body back to its original state and looked at Sherlock with a troubled expression: "I owe you again."

"It's all taught well by professors." Sherlock spread his hands.

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