The Collection of The End

Two thousand five hundred and fifty-two, Sherlock and death metal (7)

——Marvel, 2015——

——[Spiritual Interference]——

"[Hurry, the water is as clear as a spring.]"

Under an iceberg cliff, Illya, dressed as a magical girl and glowing with blue light, was sitting on her "Firebolt" and pointing at Lily, who was motionless in Atreus's arms.

Are you serious? If you do this, you'll be poked into a honeycomb by the "Half-Blood Prince" with "Shen Feng Wu Ying", right?

Since arriving in the "Land of Frost Giants", everything has seemed very absurd.

The bat monster in this arena is called "Unmerciful Iron Fist". He has a sense of oppression comparable to the gods of Asgard. He forcibly distorts the minds of the Frost Giants through divine power to make them fight for him.

In the beginning, they fought back and forth with the Frost Giant Alliance and even had an advantage. However, since Professor Donald, oh, Thor, led the real elites of the Aesir Protoss on the stage, they began to lose ground, and even had to go on stage in person to support the scene. , the collision of thunder and metal resounded throughout Jotunheim.

Sherlock did not plan to join the frontal battlefield, but decided to sneak into the rear, release all the frost giants captured by Wu Merci's iron fist, and give him a front and rear flank attack.

But there are always accidents in everything. First, Wu Merci was seriously injured by Thor's "railgun" that penetrated the sky. He fled back to his lair in embarrassment. Then he discovered that Atreus and he were also interested in "stealing". As a result, they were discovered together by Wu Ming's iron fist.

If I had been assigned "Lungominiad", I might have gone head-to-head with him, but because I felt that Jotunheim's side had no shortage of combat power, I had taken the "Eight Formations of Stone Soldiers", so I could only fight him temporarily. Atreus retreated together.

And the most unexpected thing was that for some reason Wu Ming Iron Fist would go to war against these insignificant people. He was about to escape to the depths of the lair, but he suddenly glanced at Lily halfway, and then used a weapon against Lily, who was the least threatening. Remember "Law and Order·Death".

Was he dumped by his girlfriend so he can't stand other people's displays of affection? !

The trouble is that Lily is not a contestant or "sideline aid" and, like the "summons" of the Green Lantern Corps, is not protected by the "near-death rule."

Now, Sherlock could clearly feel that the aura emitted by Atreus was becoming more and more dangerous, and his whole person was like a volcano about to erupt.

In short, I still believe in the "Ms. Vice Principal" who currently has no upper limit to her strength.

"[Clear water like a spring!]" Sherlock was heartbroken, raised his wand and pointed it at Lily to cast a spell.

The turbulent water spurted out from the tip of the wand, covering Lily and Atreus who was holding her. In the process, due to the low temperature of the surrounding environment or other reasons, the water quickly froze, and the water suddenly froze. The two of them piled up into a small iceberg.

"[Very good, now is the time to witness the miracle.]" Illya gave Sherlock a thumbs up, then jumped off the broom and pointed the broom head at the ice sculpture.


With a strange sound of wind, the small iceberg that had been frozen solid was "sucked" in by the broom as if it were fluid or gas, revealing Atreus and Lily whose clothes were slightly wet.

Is that a flying broom or a vacuum cleaner? !

"Sneeze!" Lily sneezed, then opened her eyes: "Atreus? What? We were attacked by giants throwing ice blocks?"

"That's right." Atreus didn't make any move, but flames rose up around him, gently evaporating the remaining water vapor and ice residue on the two of them: "I'll go kill that stupid guy later. Guy, burn it to ashes."

"[Look, the moment when the 'Vulcan' was born~]" Illya pointed at the side.


So, does this also correspond to "Those who advance with the fire will inevitably encounter a destined death"?

"Sherlock, you..."


After Atreus comforted Lily, who had not noticed what had happened, and was about to speak to Sherlock, the glacier cliff next to him suddenly exploded, revealing a lavender door made of gold and wood, with a depiction of A huge ring embedded with reliefs representing the nine kingdoms. At this time, the reliefs representing "Jotunheim" were blooming with bright red light.

"Ah." Atreus, who originally had a gloomy face and looked like he wanted revenge, changed his expression several times, stood up quickly, pushed Lily away and straightened up his appearance.

But Lily, who was suddenly pushed away, showed no sign of anger. She pursed her lips and suppressed a smile while combing her messy hair.

Instinct told Sherlock that he should leave this "place of right and wrong" now, but he couldn't leave because he was using the "Eight Formations of Stone Soldiers" to provide several people with the effect of blocking detection.


The lavender wooden door was suddenly pushed open, and Atreus's father, the bearded Mr. Kratos, strode out.

Different from the daily attire he saw in Asgard, Kratos was shirtless at this time, only wearing a golden shoulder armor and dark red chain leg armor, with bright red and fierce paint on his head, face and torso. with war marks, holding a pair of dark golden war blades strung up by scarlet chains in both hands, looking left and right with murderous intent:

"[Where is that damn god?!]"

Step, step, step.

With a sound like the collision of stones, a woman walked out of the wooden door closely behind her.

Her attire is also different from when she met Asgard, but in the opposite direction of Mr. Kratos's simplicity, it has changed towards a complicated and luxurious direction.

A pure white one, decorated with many purple flowers, and a veil that spreads to the waist; a lavender corset dress with plush accessories on the collar and cuffs, and many rune-like black textures on the neck, shoulders and waist; a pair of simple rocks. , over-the-knee boots that emit a faint blue light; pure white eyes without pupils, a face as beautiful as a sculpture, plus inexplicably white skin that looks like stone, there is no doubt that she is a Frost Giant The queen - Laufei.

"[You are too impulsive, my dear,]" her voice became as hollow as the collision of stones: "[Lily was killed, but she may not die. Do you want to count how many times you have died?]"

"[Hmph,]" Kratos, who didn't find the enemy, looked around and inserted the two blades back into his waist: "[In short, the 'God of War' from another world must die today."

"Count me in." Atreus added after finishing his attire.

"[Hmm...]" Ms. Laufey touched Lily's head, who was still confused, looked at Sherlock who was pretending he didn't exist, and bowed slightly: "[Thank you for your help, Mr. Holmes, you will obtain the permanent status of the Frost Giant." friendship.】"

"Then, that's what I should do, haha..."

Sherlock scratched his head in embarrassment after being rewarded for nothing, and turned his eyes to look for Illya, and then found that she had taken out a bag of potato chips from nowhere and was sitting on the Firebolt, eating and watching the show with relish.


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