The Collection of The End

Two thousand five hundred and fifty-four, North American Mythical War (374)

——Marvel, 2015——

"Sanctuary" battleship.

"[Okay, everyone, remember what I said? Yes, this is just part of the schedule~]" The voice of Thor is still used, but no one will regard it as Thor's "AI commentary" anymore. He shouted proudly: "[Compared to space monsters that are so powerful that they can only be challenged together, or mortal wars in which no one can exert their true strength, melee racing that can fully demonstrate the comprehensive strength of the players is more interesting, isn't it? ]"

——"Shut up, no one cares about those 'Matching Point Torches' now."

——"If you ask me, this is just the manifestation of an ancient powerful enemy and then it overturned out of control."

——"If those kids still can't win after calling for support from the sidelines, it depends on what you say."

Apparently, the audience on Battleship was very dissatisfied with this commentary. If it had existed, it would have been smashed with a bunch of rotten eggs and rotten tomatoes - if the audience had any on hand.

"[Hmm~]" The AI ​​that didn't need to clear its throat cleared its throat: "[Although the dust has settled, let me show you the situation in each major venue~]"

Following its words, a giant golden tree with extremely large branches and roots appeared on the live broadcast screen. Then, on the top of the tree crown, the lush leaves, the surface of the trunk, and the deep roots, there were nine spherical surfaces. Inside, "bubbles" with representative landmarks of each country emerged. Then, Asgard at the top sprayed out a seven-color rainbow shaped like an arch bridge to the other seven "bubbles" like a fountain - except that it was covered by a ball of water vapor. Package, looking hazy Midgard.

"Everyone, please look, this is the dwarf country 'Nidaville'," as the voice of the commentary continued, the screen moved along one of the rainbows to the "bubble" showing the "Dyson Sphere" and "Ring World", and directly " Drilled in: "The contradiction between the three major tribes of Wildhammer, Bronzebeard, and Dark Iron has always been the main reason why the weapons and equipment used by Asgard warriors vary in appearance - ah, of course, the quality is not to mention. "

"Shh-" The dwarf audience booed with unknown meaning.

"What is embodied here is the traitor of the Green Lantern Corps in ancient times. He has the ability to extinguish other light rings and any object with the concept of 'light'. He has defeated the Green Lantern Corps and the Hogwarts contestants who also rely on the light rings." He was caught off guard and was eventually shot down by Mr. Steve Rogers, a shield warrior from Midgard who did not rely on the Lantern Ring, from the 'Mount Doom' and fell into the star." The narrator quickly replayed the battle and gave a general explanation.

——"I like this blond guy. It would be better if he could grow a beard."

——"The quality of that shield is not good. I will give him a stronger one after the game is over."

Obviously, "Captain America", who always makes fierce iron sounds during battles, has a strong appetite for dwarves.

"[Next, there is the 'Land of Fire' that is very unfriendly to the eyes,]" the commentator switched the scene to a "bubble" full of flames: "[Originally, green light energy cannot travel too far away from the body. The Green Lantern Corps players and the Hogwarts players who mainly rely on imitating magical animals to fight should start an epic close-quarters showdown in this harsh country. However, the powerful enemy here is a coward, relying on his high speed to provoke local elements. The creatures lured them to besiege the players. If Mr. Bruce Banner from Midgard hadn't been faster than him and seized the opportunity to punch them away, the competition in this country might have ended in an ugly situation. 】 "

——"I heard that the King of Fire Giants has been missing for a long time, that's why the chaos is like this."

——"I have heard a saying: 'If there are no tigers on a mountain, the apes will proclaim themselves kings'."

——"The description of Midgard is really strange and appropriate."

"[Then there is Warner God's Domain... Oh, sorry, because we are temporarily unable to access the 'Electronic Demon' network, we cannot broadcast the specific battle situation in the virtual world. At present, we only know that the scientist from Midgard, Mr. Tony Stark, has passed' Full stealth has penetrated in and is currently killing people.]" The screen that was switched again showed a green planet that was generally peaceful and peaceful, but sporadic explosions occurred from time to time. After cutting to a few invalid screens, the commentator began to run out of words. : "[As we all know, as a protoss, physical combat effectiveness and tenacity of spirit are indispensable. The Warner protoss relies too much on mechanical devices, and it is really ugly to be trapped by an ancient machine in a world they created.]"


——"Say it again? Lady Frigga may be watching."

"[Niflheim...]" After the screen showed a heavy fog with shadows drifting from time to time, the commentator was in a daze for more than ten seconds, and then spoke amidst the ridicule of the audience: "[According to the reporter from the front Reports came back that the 'ancient banshee' had attracted a large number of dead people from the 'Heim Underworld' to attack the players on the field, which ultimately angered the 'Goddess of Death' and had already been captured by Lord Hela and punished forever in the depths of the underworld...] "

——"By the way, is Master Hela considered an 'off-site aid'?"

——"If you are dissatisfied, will you complain?"

——"No, no, no, I didn't say anything."

"[Then there is me, Thor's closest companion - the Three Warriors of Asgard! ... and the Valkyrie Sif.]" The voice of the narrator produced strange ups and downs: "[Haha! Those dark elves and ugly ones Spiders are no match for them! Even without the support of Mr. Alex Mercer!】"

——"Chichi, go on, keep your character, Mr. Thor."

——"Even if you are an AI, Miss Sif can tear you down in a hundred ways."

——"The next arena is Jotunheim, I'm already starting to laugh."

"[Next, it's me, the first country where Thor, the God of Thunder, leads the team to conquer!]" The AI ​​commentator was laughed at for a few times, but became confused. It was clear that the picture was Thor himself fighting the Frost Giants. , still very confidently calling himself "Thunder God Thor": "[As we all know, Jotunheim is the target of regular combat exercises for Asgardian warriors. If they are all destroyed by that 'ancient evil god', it will be troublesome. That’s why I, the God of Thunder, Thor, chose this place as my first stop to clean up uncontrolled ancient evils.]”

——"As a result, all the ancient evil objects in other arenas have been cleared away."

——"Wait a minute, you just mocked Lord Thor and Lord Odin by the way."

--"I did not say anything."

——"Who is that ferocious bald man?"

——"And a beautiful sister!"

——"You will regret it when you know her true identity."

Perhaps because they saw the real heroic fighting spirit of Thor, the audience instantly became much more active.

"[The one placed at the end is not interesting. The competition is one-sided, and there is no ancient evil creature in the country of bright elves, 'Alfheim',]" The commentator pulled the screen to a world full of gold: "[ Mr. Kyle Rayner of the Green Lantern Corps seems to be deliberately not ending the game. I don’t know if he hasn’t considered where to support or if he is expanding the influence of the Green Lantern Corps. We still don’t know why he——]”

[Why so serious? (why so?)】

Along with the twisted and evil sound, a row of scarlet ancient runes simultaneously appeared on the live broadcast screen.

Before the audience could react, the screen was forced to switch back to the screen of the nine kingdoms. Almost at the same time, the seven rainbow bridges thrown from Asgard to the arena were all broken, and then, the "bubbles" of the seven kingdoms "It was also engulfed by the black wave.

In the chaotic battleship, the AI ​​commentator was still trying to control the situation:

"[Don't panic, this is a technical adjustment!]"

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