The Collection of The End

Two thousand five hundred and fifty-five, North American Mythical War (375)

--Marvel. 2015——

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Gray fog.


From time to time, twists and turns of golden lightning flashed through the overlapping gray mist.

They galloped past like roaring dragons, turning the black-robed monsters that were forced to emerge from the fog into powder just by the aftermath of their passing.

Occasionally, there will be "something" with different shapes and colors, which is similar to a part of some huge form and slowly retracts as if being burned.

And within this gray mist, in a corner that was almost never touched by golden lightning, six oval bronze mirrors were arranged in an uneven order.

On the slightly dim mirror, battles of different sizes, with different locations, different participants, and different scales are being staged.

On the first mirror, a duel involving only two people was reflected. One of them was wearing a pale green light armor and holding a pair of swords that glowed with green light. The other was wearing a dark blue tights and holding a red and blue sword. Colorful buckler.

They fought with each other in a giant steel structure that looked like an abandoned factory or a machine shop, with traces of corrosion and burns everywhere, making the already crumbling structures even more unstable. In the end, the two swordsmen in green armor were defeated by the blue-clad swordsmen. He was knocked down, buried by collapsing structures, and eventually fell into the fluid flames boiling beneath the abandoned factory.

On the second mirror, a battle with one enemy against ten thousand was shown. The green giant was huge, with gnarled muscles, black clothes and white armor. In a world that was only red and burnt black, there were countless appearances. Rush through a variety of enemies that match the color of the environment.

His opponent is a shadow that is a mixture of gold and red, spinning around him at a very high speed. It can always find an opportunity to attack the green giant in its wide-opening movements, but it seems that the damage is too low. , the overall effect seemed to be almost ineffective. In the end, the shadow had an accident during a high-speed action, and its speed dropped sharply. It received a solid punch from the green giant and completely disappeared from the mirror.

The picture in the third mirror is divided into two. The left side is a more real but fake-looking super robot battle, and the right side is a less real but very fake kung fu fight.

Although the environments and participants in these two scenes are different, the overall battle process is very similar. When the giant robot painted in orange pierces the cockpit of the giant robot with the same shape but painted in green with a light spear. At that time, in another picture, a middle-aged man in sunglasses and a suit with a short beard had just smashed his opponent into pieces, turning them into a series of green 0s and 1s.

The fourth mirror looked like a real mirror, reflecting the surging gray fog, but soon, the rising black water suddenly appeared in the mirror and the shadowy human figures in it proved that it was not a simple reflection. .

When the water level reached half of the mirror, a girl wearing a green tights and a blindfold on her face walked into the picture with a dull expression, and gradually walked into the depths of the black water body. Then, a girl wearing The blonde girl in gray robe appeared from the same direction, grabbed her waist and dragged her backwards, but it seemed to be of little use. The two of them were still slowly and resolutely sinking into the water, and the figure standing in the deep water in the distance followed. As they approached, they gradually solidified and showed a terrifying smile. The next moment, the shadow that was about to solidify suddenly sank into the water as if it was caught by something, and the dark water almost filled the mirror. It also disappeared as quickly as the ebbing tide, leaving only the two girls who were still pulling at each other looking at each other.

What is shown in the fifth mirror is a huge underground cavity. A large number of spiders and humanoid spiders with almost identical shapes are biting and scratching each other fiercely. In the middle of the spider group, there is a huge body covered with thick carapace. The giant is fighting three fighters of different heights, fatness, and thickness, and a Pegasus female knight, but for some reason, it is always in a state of distraction that seems to be wary of something.

This "distraction" was finally explained until a dazzling spear appeared that flashed the image in the mirror into dazzling pure white, piercing the shell giant and nailing it to the wall of the underground cavity.

The picture in the sixth mirror is the most tragic overall.

The images in the other mirrors were not evenly matched, at least they were still capable of a fight, but in this mirror, the situation was completely one-sided: a strong man wearing a golden crown and dark heavy armor, who looked very powerful. He was being beaten violently by an ice giant, a giant bald war-patterned man, a frost giant, a golden-armored thunder hammer warrior, a Pegasus female warrior, a boy with a fire in his palm, and an aristocratic lady, and because the besiegers were all too big to attack at the same time, Standing far apart from each other, this results in that, overall, he looks more like a badminton being batted around.

"[Hehehe, you are so miserable.]"

With the weird laughter and words, the seventh mirror quietly emerged from the void. The biggest difference between it and the other six mirrors is that the mirror is completely black and devoid of anything. In other words, the "battlefield" reflected in the mirror is also the same. Total darkness.

"[Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's not surprising that you would end up like this if you have no brains,]" the seventh mirror let out a malicious exclamation, left its original position, and began to rotate around the six mirrors: "[But no need. Worry, your failure is only temporary, because I have found a way to leave these 'colosseums'. 】"

Although there is no audience, or in other words, its audience cannot respond, the seventh mirror still speaks in a confident and even arrogant tone: "[I heard that noisy guy calling us 'ancient evil demons summoned by the World Tree'" , that means we have a 'reasonableness' to appear in this world, which is good, it is all within my plan.】"

The mirrors did not respond. In the picture they reflected, the counterattacks of the "ancient evil demons" who were being beaten were getting weaker and weaker.

"[Do you know why your original advantageous situation was suddenly overturned? Because someone was 'cheating',]" The seventh mirror flipped in place, and the other six mirrors, together with its own top, all emerged. A subtle and illusory "rainbow": "[The 'demons' of this universe refer to those who receive power as 'adventors'. They must have never thought that once they have 'advented', they can 'retrospect', or in other words, They don’t think that anyone who dares to go back against this connection and reach them is simply seeking death.]”

The mirrors were silent, as if expressing agreement and further questioning of his point of view.

"[Driven by this almost arrogant self-confidence, a cosmic demon god even divided his will into seven completely different parts and went to different 'fields' in order to 'cheat'. This means that what he left behind The main body will not be able to respond in time to external changes that will not threaten it. This is my chance,]"

The darkness reflected on the seventh mirror slowly cracked into a scarlet arc like a strange smile:

"[If there is 'malice' on the level of a 'Space Demon God', this stupid arena will be flooded in an instant.]"

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