The Collection of The End

Two thousand five hundred and fifty-six, North American Mythical War (376)

——Marvel, 2015——

Asgard, the mage district.

This area is a certain distance from the Golden Palace and is used to provide accommodation, experiment and practice magic for spellcasters visiting Asgard. Those areas that originally would emit magical light or explosions from time to time have different heights and shapes. The Mage Tower was now empty due to various reasons.

They either boarded the "Sanctuary" battleship to watch the fun, or they were very confident in their own strength and planned to get a share of the "Twilight of the Gods", or they didn't want to wade into the muddy waters this time and had issued a declaration as early as Odin Time has left.

At this time, there are only various golems and mechanical assistants maintained in this area according to preset programs. They are enough to deal with any accidents that may occur in the mage area when no one is occupied.

But perhaps the Asa Protoss, who compiled the logic of their behavior, were overconfident in Asgard. After their stone heads saw "a stranger appeared out of thin air but did not trigger the enchantment alarm", they decisively ruled out the possibility of "foreign enemy invasion" , and identify the other party as a resident with authority and the ability to change appearance.

"[Ah, a mage tower is used to entertain messengers, it makes sense,]" The uninvited guest, wearing ferocious black armor, a tattered cloak on his shoulders, and a spiked mask, grinned from the corner of his scarlet mouth to his ears, faced the three people in front of him. Layer Tower spread his arms: "[Although I have made plans to face the 'Universe Demon' directly, if I only need to face one incarnation, there are more operable parts.]"

The strange man raised his hand and pressed on the stone door of the courtyard where the mage tower was located. A strange stream of light mixed with pitch black and scarlet slowly covered it. After a brief pause, the stone door with a completely disfigured face slowly opened inwards.

"[Let me see, what's inside?]" The weirdo stepped into the courtyard swaggeringly, looking left and right as he walked towards the mage tower: "[Kennel, blacksmith shop, and alchemy laboratory? Oh~ This kind of thing has no sense of beauty or connection. It seems that the Demon God of the Universe pays less attention to your personal life than expected, so he would easily split your mind into seven, which is a brutal behavior that is extremely harmful to the soul and memory. However, , don’t worry, you will have a chance to take revenge soon, hehehe~]”

Even if there is no one in the courtyard, the weirdo still acts like an actor on stage facing a large audience, performing with exaggerated accents and movements as he walks, and even bows in a direction that is empty but suitable for observing the courtyard.

Finally, he entered the mage tower without any hindrance, and the already exaggerated smile on his face became even crazier.

"[Thank you very much for your help - please allow me to boldly assume that there are multiple people,]" he bowed his head, pretending to be an actor showing thanks after the drama ends: "[Whether you are dissatisfied with Odin, innocent, If you want to have fun, or sympathize with this poor incarnation, I guarantee that we will give you a wonderful twist~】"

The mage tower and the entire courtyard were quiet, without any sound that could be interpreted as a response.

After a short pause, the weirdo took out a set of playing cards and shuffled and cut the cards in a magical way while walking up the spiral staircase in the mage tower: "[As we all know, the essence of magic lies in surprising people. If you do it before the performance, If the audience guesses the result, it is equivalent to a failure, but don’t worry, there won’t be such clumsy mistakes in today’s performance, because even I don’t know what will happen next~]”

When the weirdo shuffled the cards, the patterns on the cards were very different from ordinary playing cards. They were all bats and weirdos with different postures. He took out the cards one by one and showed them to the outside world. The text annotations on the cards were "Power", " Judgment,” “Lovers,” “Priestess,” “Tower,” and “Death.”

"[Should we directly destroy Asgard's defense here, or cut off the connection with the 'game field', help her get rid of the control of the body, or let the power explode and directly kill Asgard? I have no idea at the moment. Definitely, maybe, you have to ask her herself~]" The weirdo gave an exaggerated performance to the audience who didn't know whether it existed in the void, and finally reached the top of the mage tower: "[Oh~ This is really unbelievable~]"

In the relatively spacious room at the top of the mage tower, there are a large number of bookshelves, material cabinets, alchemy vessels and tables and chairs of different sizes randomly placed without any sense of aesthetics. The surrounding walls are inlaid with seven shining red, orange, yellow, green and green lights. There are blue-purple sparkling round doors that are about two people tall, and inside each door is a very smart-looking young man. He has different appearances and is doing the same thing in different countries - —Sneakly support the main players on the field without being discovered.

"[As you can see, as one of the organizers of the event, 'Hogwarts' is blatantly practicing favoritism~]" The weirdo's tone became excited: "[Then as a part of the 'event itself', of course There are reasons to correct this behavior, are you right? Ms. Scarlet Witch~】"

The weirdo turned to the side of the room at the top where the "Spark Door" did not appear. There was a luxurious high-backed chair, and sitting on it was a man wearing a large gray-white mage robe, with a headband covering the upper half of his face. A young woman wearing a huge witch hat, with her hands folded on her knees and her head lowered, remained motionless even if a weirdo came in and yelled for a long time.

"[Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot, your spirit is divided into seven parts and is used to maintain these channels connecting all arenas. Unless you sense danger, you have almost no awareness of the outside world,]" the weirdo started to talk grandiosely again. Performance: "[But don't worry, I have brought you an opportunity to get out of this situation. Of course, you have to decide how to do it~]"

He shuffled the playing cards in his hand twice more, unfolded them in a fan shape and handed them to the woman: "[Please take one, whichever one you want~]"

The room fell silent for a moment, the woman remained motionless, and the weirdo continued to hold out the cards, like a sculpture.

Perhaps a few minutes later, or perhaps a few hours later, the fingers of the woman wearing a huge witch hat trembled slightly, and briefly touched the cards. One of them then detached from it, slowly falling like a dead leaf, and finally Land on the ground face up.

It was a card named "The Fool" in the shape of the weirdo himself.

"[Oh my god, how could it be this card?]" the weirdo exclaimed in an exaggerated tone: "[Its function is to infinitely amplify the malice in the heart of the person who draws the card. Are you okay? Madam~]"


With a strange sound that sounded like electricity, the lady with her eyes closed slowly raised her head, revealing her delicate face and the strange blue ring on her forehead.


The ring kept flashing, changing from blue to yellow, and then from yellow to dazzling red.

Then, she opened her eyes, and a terrifying red light that was exactly the same as the ring bloomed in her eyes.

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