The Collection of The End

Two thousand five hundred and fifty-seven, North American Mythical War (377)

Ocean dimension, Dragon Palace City.

The huge water curtain in front of the throne was reflecting the scene around Asgard's Mage Tower. It could be clearly seen that cracks appeared suddenly in the space in front of the Mage Tower door, like a mirror being hit. Two seconds later, " The "space debris" collapsed in all directions, and a strange man wearing a spiked eye patch stepped out of the irregular hole created, and the hole immediately began to repair and heal on its own.

[Tip: The Laughing Bat (pretender) (Stephen Strange Alter) (True Dark Knights) (Dark Multiverse Fulcrum) (Familiar of the Lord of the Virtual Dimension) (Ascendant) (Doomsday Elements Death Metal 1\\/7) Reach the real dimension. 】


ah? ?

I originally planned to slap this Laughing Bat with my tail, who had the audacity to run directly to the Mage Tower, and see if he could say "This is all within my expectations" and then resurrect on the spot.

Although this kind of cross-dimensional strike will cause loopholes in Odin's protection of the arena, it has already leaked through the sieve, right?

As a result, it prompted my sister to give him a "real name reveal" first, and he couldn't shoot this tail.

Regardless of the specific situation, there are too many parentheses!

[Gaga, answer immediately, which of these titles did you notice first? 】

The stupid system of Shark Mekaro's stance swirled beside the water curtain.

‘Stephen Strange Alter, why did Doctor Strange become the Laughing Bat after being reversed? No, the only way to reverse Sherlock is to reverse Sherlock. There is no original Doctor Strange in this Marvel Cinematic Universe, so what happened in the subspace? ’

[As an analogy, Red A is generally considered to be Shirou’s reverse, but in fact there is a black-skinned and bald ‘Emiya Alter’, right? 】

'That's hair, not baldness. ’

[That’s not the point. The point is that ‘Emiya Alter’ is fighting against a goddess who lives in the deep sea, builds a paradise, claims to love everyone, and is elevated from a mortal. 】

‘It’s also an electronic ghost, right? ’

[There are also some minor similarities, so I won’t go into details one by one. The conclusion is that Sherlock Holmes, who is in the same situation as Emiya Alter and is being cared for by a ‘goddess’ with similar elements, will have this kind of problem. The 'possibility' of 'reversing twice' is almost inevitable. 】

‘Wouldn’t it become normal if you reverse it twice? ’

[That means blackening twice, just understand the meaning. 】


I looked at the Laughing Bat performing in front of the non-existent audience like a clown in the courtyard of the Mage Tower - oh, he was a clown - and I was a little undecided for a moment.

According to the somewhat weird annotation of "True Dark Knights", it can be determined that the "Laughing Bat" from DC itself is real. Sherlock has fallen out of the real dimension many times, but has never fallen to DC. So there is no such thing as "going to the DC world to guest-star as Batman and accidentally kill the Joker and end up laughing maniacally".

In addition, because of the existence of the "Time Variation Authority", the possibility of "Stephen Strange from other timelines dressing up as bats and turning into a madman" cannot be ruled out, but even if this "Marvel version of Laughter" exists, It is also impossible to add the word "Alter" to the suffix of my name, which can only be linked to me.

Combined with the annotation of "pretender", which means "pretender" or "person wearing a character", it can be further inferred that Sherlock encountered certain things that led to the reverse existence of "Stephen Strange" was born, but the latter was occupied by the "Laughing Bat" from DC - if nothing else, it should be when he was locked up by Kyle Rayner.

As for other comments, the "Dark Multiverse Fulcrum" is easy to understand, because DC's concept of the entire Dark Multiverse revolves around the Laughing Bat, although in the end there were two major events in "Metal" and "Death Metal" Later, it was restarted directly due to poor reviews and lack of control. This means that if you slap him directly now, some earth-shaking changes may occur in the DC next door. For example, there will be no dark multiverse with negative luck. What will happen to the reincarnation Jin Jing with a lucky value of 0?

In addition, the "Family of the Lord of the Virtual Dimension" and "Dimension Ascended" are also the reasons why I gave up on it. You know, although I have been calling DC next door, in fact, for the "Marvel Cinematic Universe" Say, the DC world is real - as a comic book work.

As the two giants of American comics, DC and Marvel are headquartered in the same area, and their employees have some contact with each other. In addition to explicitly allowing each other to appear as comic works in their works, they have created a situation where superheroes and villains pay tribute to each other. There are quite a few, and they even jointly published a special issue on the collision of the two universes.

Under this premise, the arrival of the "Laughing Bat" as a DC character in the Marvel Universe is undoubtedly an "ascension to the dimension", so as the "Lord of the Virtual Dimension" in charge of virtual characters, it is not enough to directly recognize him as a dependent. Surprisingly, although he himself may not know it, if I had swung my tail just now, I might have been stopped by this strange Lord of Dimensions - at least, I would not have been able to force a breakthrough with only the power of the Lord of Dimensions.

By the way, I am also a "dimensionality ascender" in essence. When I am not sure what the next step is the best choice, it would be good to see what the Laughing Bat does first and step on the thunder for me.

The last note, one-seventh of the doomsday element, is the least important one. After all, he cannot create a major metal event by himself, and the most active Dark Batman in the Dark Knights with a large number of members The number is exactly seven. Only by making the Dark Knights disappear without leaving any further trouble can this incident be completely resolved.

[Seriously, the Laughing Bat is about to reach the top of the tower, right? Are you really not going to stop it? ] The stupid system slapped the water curtain with its tail: [Seven gourd babies are going to be served in one pot. 】

‘Scarlet Witch is Gourd Little King Kong, right? ’ I waved my hand and pushed it aside: ‘The problem is actually not big. Although the attack of the incarnation after being divided into seven is not strong, its defense is super high. Even if he adds seven more annotations, he will not be able to interfere with the [Rainbow Bridge] at all. ’

[But he didn’t plan to move the Rainbow Bridge? 】

'Um? ’

"Oh, my god, how could it be this card? Its function is to infinitely amplify the malice in the heart of the person who draws the card. Are you okay? Madam~" The Laughing Bat used magic to draw a card for "Lani" cards, and then yelled there.

‘Kanna can’t reach the real dimension, so I put that dummy there—’


The blue halo on "Lani's" forehead quickly turned red, and then, a large amount of thick black mud appeared out of thin air, instantly filling the top room of the mage tower, swallowing up the unprepared Laughing Bat and directly destroying the surrounding walls. The seven sparks of light on the door.

‘…just for this moment. ’

[I listened seriously. 】

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