The Collection of The End

Two thousand five hundred and sixty-four, North American Mythical War (383)

"Oh, he really started to be in a daze. It seems that he is the same person and has not turned black."

Sherlock turned his gaze back from Peter Parker and said.


This guy, who has been claiming to be a master of reasoning all day long, actually actually followed what I said casually. It was hard to tell whether he meant it or not.

[Is there a possibility that he is actually taking care of you and letting you have fun? 】

‘In his eyes, I’m just a fun person? ’

[He is an ancient demon god who has been guarding the earth for a long time and has seen too much. His mind and spirit have become static, and he has become an ancient demon who can only perform his duties according to predetermined rules. Only when he encounters new and interesting things that he has never seen before, can he Maybe a little bit of rejuvenation and a little bit of mindfulness involved. 】

'……ah? ’

[Referred to as ‘Lezi God’. 】

‘No need for abbreviation! ’

"[With the protection of the 'Symbiote', the chance of him being contaminated and turning black is very small. Now that the 'End Light' coalition has almost been wiped out, you can discuss the next plan with him - even if it means directly killing Ben The enemy's lair can also be used.】"

Because Sherlock's movements were too obvious, Peter Parker also followed his gaze, so I took a few steps to the side while talking - and then I found that the little spider's gaze began to slowly follow me, although the focus was The focus position is not accurate, but the general direction is correct.

"Can you see it?" Sherlock looked at me and then at Peter curiously.

Well, in some personal magazines, Spider-Man's spider sense has become like a narration, enough to break the fourth wall. Although this little spider's strength is not very good, I have not deliberately hidden myself. If " It is not impossible to find some clues about Peter's extraordinary performance.

"No," Peter nodded and shook his head: "But I can vaguely feel that there is..." in that direction.

"What?" Sherlock asked.

Of course it’s the beautiful and cute little magician——

"Darkness, pain, destruction, and death," Peter answered.


[The magical girl in Madoka's world is called a witch for short. 】

‘I told you not to use abbreviations! ’

[But it’s a bit strange. Although what he said is true, the little spider who hasn’t even reached the planet level shouldn’t be able to see it. I’ll go and see what’s going on. 】

"[Damn, that's too much, I just pulled him out of the black mud.]" I muttered and walked around behind Sherlock to avoid Peter's gaze.

"..." Peter's eyes returned to Sherlock: "Ah, I heard from the 'Avengers' that there is a student in Hogwarts who worships the 'Lord of the Dark Dimension' and calls himself his descendant. Was it you?"

"I heard that your intuition is very accurate, Spider-Man," Sherlock shrugged: "But sometimes there is no need to say everything you think about. For example, the parasite on your body is very dangerous to ordinary people. A scary thing, but a great helper, isn’t it?”

"Hmm..." Peter touched his chin, tilted his head again, and finally clapped his hands: "I understand! The nature of the 'ancient evil demon' that turns people into darkness and his power are very different from the 'dark dimension'. It can even be said to be the complete opposite, so as a 'subordinate of the Lord of the Dark Dimension' you are completely unaffected and still have the ability to help me and other light elves - yes, that's it, I'm very sorry for you and your' Sect Master, there has been a misunderstanding, please accept my apology."

"Okay, I accept your apology." Sherlock paused for two seconds. Seeing that I didn't object, he continued: "'The Lord' asked me to ask you, although the 'End Light' coalition will not turn black for the time being. , but have lost their combat effectiveness, will you stay and protect them from being attacked by other blackened monsters, or will you go with me to raid the enemy's lair?"

"Hmm..." Peter frowned - the upper edge of the big white eyes on the mask - and looked to the other side of the glade.

Although it is said to be a "big army", this group of warriors who survived the tide of darkness only has forty people in total. If you don't count Peter and that [Feather Qi], after all, the light elves are also elves, and the elves have always been the same. "Large population" is not relevant.

As for "Twilight of the Gods", this thing is the resentment accumulated by Asgard for thousands of years. In theory, it is more polluting and threatening than the "evil of this world" with the same shape, but it was involved in Apart from being lethargic and having some black crystalline mutations on their bodies, the elves showed no signs of going black and going crazy.

Maybe if you live long enough, your spirit will be stronger? It can't be because "Illya" who is only one-seventh of the strength of "Scarlet Witch" is here, right?


[It’s you,] The stupid system was silent for a few minutes without complaining and then came back online: [If you want to extinguish a fire, in addition to watering it, you can also light a bigger and stronger one next to it. 】

‘You should remember that the evil in this world was eaten by you, right? I don't have the ability to make people black. ’

[The impact you caused was not darkening, but 'death',] the stupid system replied: [Dead people cannot be darkened. 】

'……ah? ’ I quickly checked the elves: ‘Who are you kidding? Aren’t they all alive? ’

[Wherever you set foot, no one can die without permission - do you want these elves to die? 】

‘...No, no, no, I was almost led into the ditch by you. What I am using now is one-seventh of the soul of the incarnation’s dependents. How can I have such a strong passivity? ’

[What if the suffix is ​​removed? 】

‘How can you just remove it? ’

【Why not? ] The stupid system replied: [Do you still remember the time when you claimed that you had lost contact with the 'incarnation', but no dimension lord questioned it, and even Odin immediately apologized? 】

‘Isn’t it because I’m not strong enough to notice the connection between Ilia and I...ah. ’

[That's it,] Silly System's voice was a bit gloating: ['Twilight of the Gods' has cut off all connections between the outside world and the arena. Even the Lord of Dimensions cannot break through, and the 'White Star' who maintains the strength of ordinary Lords of Dimensions cannot Same. 】

'That is to say...'

[That’s right, I just saw it. These seven ‘Ilia’ are no longer the ‘three souls and four souls’ of the ‘Scarlet Witch’, but the ‘incarnation of death’. There is no middleman to make the difference~]

‘Your stupid metaphor aside… this little spider’s intuition must have gone too far! ’

[Hmph, now there is good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first? 】

'It doesn't matter, let's talk about it together...'

[The good news is that all seven Illyas can exert power comparable to the 'Lord of Dimension' without worrying about the arena collapsing. The bad news is that once they exert that level of power, they will not be able to compete with the outside world in the arena. Once the connection is restored, it must disappear—unless you intend to turn all seven arenas into death planets. 】

''s not a big problem, no one else except Sherlock can see it anyway. ’


"I have thought about it," Peter finally made the decision: "Let [Yu Qi] stay here to take care of them, and I will go with you to raid the lair of the 'ancient evil'. After all, 'heroes cannot escape from battle.' "

Isn’t this a bit strange to use here?

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