The Collection of The End

Two thousand five hundred sixty-five, North American Mythical War (384)

——Marvel, 2015——

? ? ?

Gray mist.

Golden lightning.

The red giant.

And, dark sludge.

In a corner of the endless gray fog, in the space where seven mirrors were originally suspended, strange black mud was constantly appearing out of thin air. After they touched the mirror, they wrapped around them and surged around, drifting with the current.

However, this black mud did not spread out like a torrent and debris flow. Instead, after reaching a certain "border", it was forced to stop expanding as if it was blocked, and instead flowed in all directions, "exploring the boundaries of this space." "After it was completed, it rose slightly for a while and then stopped increasing.

Although the influx of black mud looks very strange and not friendly to mirrors, its flowing behavior reveals the specific shape of the entire space: a huge and flat oval space that looks like ...a mirror.

As for the seven small mirrors originally floating in the "mirror space", even if they are constantly floating and rotating while being carried by the black mud, the mirrors still reflect the battles with different locations, scales and participants.

However, unlike the previous scene, those "defeated" who had already fallen into decline or even been wiped out have all made a comeback at this time, and even regained the advantage on the battlefield - at least the balance of power.


On the seventh side, the mirror surface was still pitch black. Only a scarlet-curved mirror rolled away from the black mud and floated over the "mud surface", and began to check the other mirrors in sequence.

In the first mirror, the weird man in green who was shot down and fell into the star extinguished the star and turned his whole body into a black hole. He was constantly absorbing all the light around him, but he was powerless against the cluster of bright green on the "Ring World".

"[Hehe, stars are also lamps in a sense,]" it made a half-smiling voice at the scene on the mirror: "[The so-called 'willpower' is essentially composed of 'self-confidence' and It’s made up of two parts: ‘imagination’. Since you can’t compare to the guy holding the shield in terms of ‘self-confidence’, let’s beat him in terms of ‘imagination’ – the guy holding the shield is a rigid guy no matter what.]”

In the second mirror, the red monster that was knocked away failed to reach the first cosmic speed and turned into a satellite. After flying across half of the country, it fell into a huge palace with red and gold as the main colors, full of magma and flames. , the palace is full of fully armed fire monsters, and in the middle of the hall is a huge pool of flames. As the red monster falls into the palace, the "pool water" suddenly surges up, and then a hole made entirely of flames emerges from it. There is also a huge fire element holding an orange-red war hammer in his hand.

"[Wow~]" The seventh mirror made an exaggerated exclamation: "[You finally enlightened after being beaten violently? Did you find that the number of elemental creatures is not important, and the older they are, the stronger they are? They have been constantly spawning before. Those wastes might as well just stare at someone who will let them spend tens of millions of years, and then be promoted to... the 'King of Fire' who can confuse people's hearts, hehehe."

While admiring, the dark mirror came to the third one - the mirror that was clearly not cracked but reflected two different scenes on the mirror, and was obviously stunned.

The false world was filled with scarlet red and error messages, and people were running around and exclaiming in vain. The real world was silent, except for a huge humanoid mecha that was rising and blooming with a colorful halo.

"[Hehehe~ Are you going to betray me?]" The bloody arc on the mirror surface became more and more obvious: "[Let me guess, you control an advanced mechanical civilization that has high technology but no innovation, and A genius who was born at the wrong time and still made many inventions even in the initial stage of mechanical technology. He keenly discovered that among the high-level powers of this world, the seat of the 'Mechanical Demon God' was still vacant, so he decided to devour them all and Assimilate and become a god here?]"

The third mirror remained silent and did not respond at all.

Bang, bang, bang, the dark mirror made a sound of applause that should not have been emitted in its form: "[Very good, great, I applaud you, then, have you ever thought about it, since this world already has enough advanced machinery Civilization, then why does the 'Mechanical Demon God' never appear? Is it because he is waiting for you? Ha~]"

After it finished speaking, it came to the fourth mirror without waiting for a response.

Compared with the first three mirrors, although its mirror surface is not clear enough because it is filled with light mist, the shape of the battlefield reflected is extremely clear: a female resentful soul from the bottom of the sea with aquatic plants and shells hanging on her body is carrying her countless pale Similar creatures washed up on the shore like a tide, completely engulfing everything they came into contact with. All former enemies fled, not daring to face its edge.

"[Hmm...hehehe.]" The dark mirror pondered for a moment and made a sound like a sigh: "[As a puppet, the momentum is huge enough, but everything you do is under the control of others, unless you If you can discover this and take the initiative to cut off the 'thread', you will be the first among us to be eliminated.】"

It swayed, as if shaking its head, and flew to the fifth mirror, and then exclaimed.

"[Oh? Oh? 'Day of Destruction'? How is this possible?]" Mirror's tone was filled with real surprise: "[No, it shouldn't be.]"

The situation in the mirror is not much different from before, and the main "actors" have not changed. The only difference is that the strong humanoid creature covered in scales, armor, and black body is no longer in the impaled posture, but is bearing all kinds of wounds. Indiscriminately bombarding the previous opponents, as if it was just a light rain.

"[Huh? Is there really an 'ancient evil' in this world that can't be killed twice in the same way?]" The dark mirror swayed away, seeming to be thinking: "[Very good, although you are the most ugly one." That, but this time may be the key to breaking the situation.】"


Before it could reach the sixth mirror, the latter cracked in half with a dull shattering sound, and the flying "glass shards" disappeared while blending into the surrounding black mud.

"[What——]" If the tone of the dark mirror just now was surprised, this time it was shocked. It flew over and forcibly put it together in some way: "[Stop it! You idiot! Why are you taking the initiative to destroy it? 'Mirror'?】"

The mirror that was cracked in half barely reflected a huge kingdom that was upside down and slowly pressing down from the sky onto the snowfield below.

And below it, at the top of the huge and towering Icecap Glacier, stood a bat monster wearing a riddled black armor and a broken cloak, with no golden helmet. His weak and delicate voice slowly came from the "mirror" " came out from the cracks:

"[In front of my eyes, there is only darkness.]"

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