The Collection of The End

Two thousand five hundred sixty-six, Sherlock and the Dark Knights (1)

——Marvel, 2015——

——[Energy Transformation]——


"In front of me? There's only darkness."

"[Why do you say the lines about the prince of darkness who committed patricide and treason, led an army of the undead to cause a natural disaster, and was stabbed in the back by his subordinates for justice and punishment without losing his mount!]"

"This character design is too detailed. By the way, didn't you ask me what I saw first?"

"[Huh?]" Illya crossed her arms and sat on her "Firebolt", tilting her head slightly, as if thinking about what was wrong with the question just now.

The most problematic thing here is you... Sherlock looked around and turned his attention to this "magical girl" again.

The entire dwarf country was now in darkness. Even the stars outside the "Ring World" that could occasionally cast light here had disappeared. Only the girl in front of her was still glowing with gleaming green light.

No, it doesn't actually glow.

No matter how clear and bright she is in his own eyes, the surrounding forging workshop made by dwarves and with steel as the main structure is still swallowed up by the deep darkness, without any light being illuminated at all. Therefore, he will When she asked, "What did you see?" she replied, "There was only darkness."

Compared with the enhanced version of "Sherlock's Unpredictable" state she is in, the state of the Vice-Principal is obviously more advanced. It is about the type of "whoever you want to see can see it." It is the same in nature. You can choose to only allow users to see it. The reader can see that the "two structures" of the content are relatively close, and naturally it is impossible to illuminate the environment.

Speaking of "Second Structure", Sherlock lowered his head to adjust his ring. As expected, it could not be activated. Think about it, since the "Lamp of Dawn" was a traitor to the Green Lantern Corps in ancient times, there was naturally a target for the Lantern Ring. means, or the truly powerful Green Lantern can be exempted from control, but there is no way for this kind of fake made by borrowing Green Lantern ring technology.

"[No, I'm not asking you about any 'results obtained through optical observation',"" Illya seemed to have finally thought of the words, raising her hand to circle around: "[I'm asking you about 'what you saw' '——As 'energy transformation'.]"

Well, because of the current image, I always forget that she is actually the dean and professor. Questions that are "out of the outline" can be solved on her behalf, but if it is a question that happens to be within the scope of knowledge that the student has mastered, the question will be asked through inductive questions Let students figure it out on their own.

So, the answer to this “question” should be——

Sherlock thought for a moment, raised his hand and touched the other ring on his hand besides the "two structures".


The next moment, there were countless blazing white lines extending in all directions with him as the center.

Climb, descend, go straight, turn, interrupt, continue.

The "Ring World" created by the dwarves reappeared in front of Sherlock, but it only consisted of a gray base and bright white lines, and there was still nothing in the universe.

"Ultraviolet...?" Sherlock looked around, then shrugged: "Seeing 'invisible light' will definitely piss off a group of physicists."

"[Physics no longer exists!]" Illya, who still maintained a normal appearance, asserted inexplicably.


After being able to see the road clearly, Sherlock headed straight for the battlefield of several players - the bright green light under normal optical viewing angles was the best beacon.

As for the dwarf tribes that are in chaos because they can't see anything, since there are no more black fog cloak monsters to cause trouble, there should be no problem in leaving them alone for the time being.

"[Don't look at the 'Lamp of Dawn' appearance, but he is actually a scientist," Illya said while flying beside Sherlock on a broomstick: "[Bachelor's degree in mathematics, geography, theology, and history] degree, as well as PhDs in biology, physics, advanced chemistry and engineering, and proficiency in computer use, criminal investigation and criminal psychology.]”

"Ah?" Sherlock didn't question whether those disciplines existed in ancient times. After all, the Green Lantern Corps had existed for so long. He just simply doubted whether this person had enough energy to learn such a huge system of knowledge.

"[So, he is basically powerless about things beyond his common sense, that is to say -]" The point of Illya's words is obviously not there: "['Lights out procedure' can only extinguish 'visible light', It is invalid against the 'Ultraviolet Lamp Ring'.]"

Infrared rays can sense heat, ultraviolet rays can expose films, and there are things like medical ultraviolet lamps... No, forget it, there is no need to dismantle your own stage.

"So, how can I help 'Captain America'? Incarnate another superhero?" Sherlock asked: "But if he has been forgotten by many people, he should not be very strong, and if he has not been forgotten by many people, he will not be very strong. Too many people have forgotten, and they cannot be benefited from the 'Power of Forgetting' when they appear."

"[...]" Illya suddenly became quiet and stared at Sherlock silently.

"What, what?" Sherlock felt as nervous as a professor staring at the test paper during an exam - the current situation seems to be not much different?

"[I originally planned to tell you about the 'Prehistoric Avengers' and try to manifest the 'Previous Supreme Mage', but what you just said seems to make sense.]" She said thoughtfully.

What did he say? Isn't it a car wheel talk?

"[So, a person who, although very strong, is inexplicably forgotten by many people should be embodied," Illya said mid-sentence when she suddenly hit the Firebolt hard: "[Not 'hANdANG'! 】 "


Judging from the few words that can be occasionally heard so far, the Vice-Principal's Firebolt, like her wand, hat and other various teaching aids of varying shapes, are self-aware and can speak to her, but they often say some weird things. was severely beaten for its content.

There is reason to suspect that the weird remarks made by the vice-principal lady from time to time are all caused by it. They are distorted, so they are beaten well.

Sherlock pretended not to hear and continued to fly in the world of gray and white lines.

"[I suggest you summon "Eagle Eye".]" Illya turned back and said.

"...Who?" Sherlock repeatedly thought about the members of the Avengers, but he had no impression of this code name at all: "Is it a superhero from other times or worlds?"

"[No, he is an official member of the current Avengers Alliance,]" Illya seemed to be holding back a smile: "[My real name is Phil Coulson, he is good at using long-range weapons, and he joined as an expatriate member of SHIELD. Having a blue lantern ring that symbolizes 'hope' can provide powerful benefits and support to other lantern rings.】"

I have no impression at all, but it sounds really strong... there are actually qualified candidates.

At this time, Sherlock was close to the main battlefield. Even without looking at it with "ultraviolet vision", he could see that a flaming green light was fighting another piece of darkness that absorbed all light, but that green light was obviously at a disadvantage. He could only continue to parry, and he was retreating steadily. Other comrades whose faces were temporarily invisible could not even help.

"[Start,]" Illya commanded: "[Use 'bright white lines' in your field of vision to draw a rough image according to the keywords you heard, and I will complete the rest. ]"

Sherlock concentrated his mind and began to use "ultraviolet" to draw the silhouette of a man holding a bow at a position close to the battlefield but not directly involved in the battle, but his thoughts went slightly off track:

It is so clear what can be seen from the "ultraviolet perspective", could it be that the vice-principal has also...

No, no, no, how is that possible?

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