The Collection of The End

Two thousand five hundred sixty-seven, Sherlock and the Dark Knights (2)

——Marvel, 2015——

——[Time and Space Guidance]——


"Just guard this forest and turn it into ashes together-"


Watching the body assimilate with the burning wood, [Nameless Se] left the golden forest like a python while uttering the declaration of abandoning the light and turning into darkness. Following him, Sherlock, who remained relatively still, could not figure out the reason, but he was still very angry. Shocked:

"He shouldn't have forgotten that this is just a competitive game, right? He himself was able to appear in the world through the cooperation between the 'Hall of Valor' and the 'Ocean Dimension'? Although the current situation is a bit chaotic, as long as he frees his hands..."

He said these words half to himself and half as a question, but received no response, so he turned to look at Illya on the other side, only to find that this "magical girl" shining with purple light had a serious expression on her face. expression.

No way? Could this "ancient doctor" actually be a smart man? By just catching a fleeting opportunity in the chaos caused by the multi-party melee, can he get rid of his "summoned object" identity and truly "resurrection"?

"[Well, it was originally subordinate to a big tree. The work place is located at the root. Its duty is to assist in making potions that make the big tree more powerful. During the research process, it was discovered that a certain material has special effects, and the field personnel were instructed to bring back a large amount of this material. , became ambitious in the process of constantly producing finished products, and then rebelled after inflicting heavy losses on one's own side when the enemy's army pressed on,]" Illya said to herself: "[It's similar, it's very similar.]"

"...You are referring to this doctor's 'lifetime' experience?" If this is the case, he really "will not change even after death" in a literal sense.

"[No,]" Illya looked at him: "[I'm talking about another tree, another traitor, or maybe the third tree, the third traitor."

Why so many?

Or should I say, there is nothing new under the sun?

"So, what happened to the traitor you mentioned?" Sherlock was a little curious.

"[Of course, he turned into a black hand to prove himself,]" Illya replied: "[But he got the fire cat form, which is quite handsome.]"

Very good, we have reached the point where the vice-principal is unique again. She can understand every word but cannot understand the meaning when they are put together. Let's just assume that what she said is "evil will be punished" and "sin will be punished".

"So what should we do now?" Sherlock pointed at [Nameless Se] who was rushing straight towards the Flame Palace: "Would it be bad if we let them meet up?"

"[It's not a big problem. Let's follow up and take a look first.]" Illya put up the awning with her hands and looked forward: "[Although the speed of the 'Red Death' is very fast, it is still within the range that the 'Hulk' can handle." , after all, there is no 'Speed ​​Force' in this world, he is just a 'Quicksilver' at most... Bah!]"

After saying this, which still contained a few words that were difficult to understand, the vice-principal punched her Firebolt again for some unknown reason.

In order to create an opportunity for the Hulk, Sherlock locked onto the fast "Red Death" and used his "time and space guidance" ability to forcefully slow him down. The maximum speed of both parties was cut in half at the same time, limiting it to the Hulk's barely To the extent that you can see clearly and fly away.

But the consequence is that the "time" in "space-time guidance" is basically abolished. Unless the intervention is given up and the "Red Death" can restore its original super speed, only the "empty" ability will be available, and that is obviously not enough to deal with the mutated [Nameless Se] and "Lord of Fire".

Never mind, Madam Vice Principal is always right.


A moment later, the Flame Temple.

"The predecessor of this country is the 'Fire Dimension'. It was extinguished and crushed by Odin, the Lord of Asgard. Now it is sleeping under this country called 'Muspelheim'. I think, As the 'Lord of Flame', you must know this very well, and if you want to become the 'Lord of the Flame Dimension' again, you must need my help."

In the huge palace covered with magma and flames, with gold and red as the main colors, the body is made of smoldering dead wood, and the [Nameless Se], which seems to be entangled with countless giant pythons, is talking to the extremely huge fire element.

"[Although I have just been reborn and have not remembered many things, I can feel that what you said is true.]" The super fire elemental with only the upper body in the magma pool responded in a dull voice: "[Tell me, what do you want from me?" What do you get? Mortal.]"

"I need more, the natives of the flame dimension, the 'ashes' produced after the death of the 'fire demon'." As he spoke, the fire demons who were originally guarding the pool of flames almost simultaneously drew their swords out of their sheaths. , bow and arrow, chanting spells.

The "Lord of Fire" seemed to be lost in thought and did not say anything to stop him.


Next, there was a brief but fierce conflict. [Nameless Se] swung its body like countless flame pythons and strangled half of the attacking warrior fire monsters into ashes. Their attacks also removed some charred wood to create Except for several gaps, it has no effect.

"[Are these enough?]" The Flame King said, stopping the fire demons from continuing to attack.

"Thank you for your generosity." Under the blazing eyes of the fire demons, [Nameless Se] rolled up the ashes on the ground one by one, even though they were already blazing.

"[Although I have endless lifespan, my patience is very limited,]" the King of Fire looked at him condescendingly: "[Every once in a while, I will send an increasing number of fire demon legions to try to kill you, no matter what you do, It can be used as providing materials or promoting results. Now, go ahead.】"

"There is one last request," [Nameless Se] continued: "When your kingdom rises from the ground, blows this ridiculous 'arena' to pieces, and returns to the throne of the 'Lord of Dimensions', please stand here for me. I’ll save a spot.”

"[Yes,]" the Flame King responded in a muffled voice: "[If I haven't forgotten.]"


"[Oh, the 'Red Death' and the traitors suddenly don't matter anymore,]" Illya, who was eavesdropping openly outside the hall, showed her hands to Sherlock: "[Are you afraid of going up against a quasi-'Lord of Dimension'?" "

"...If this question doesn't go too far." Sherlock tried to resist the urge to roll his eyes.

It has to be said that this ancient soul named [Wu Mingse] is very shrewd. If he wants to get rid of the control of the master of one dimension, he will naturally take refuge with the master of another dimension. Although he has no freedom, at least he can continue to exist after the game is over. Instead of returning to World Tree.

Moreover, based on that guy's current performance, after he is truly "resurrected" and "appears", he might backhand and betray this "Lord of the Fire Dimension".

If the consequences weren't too serious - blowing up one of Odin's kingdoms - Sherlock would really want to see if he could succeed.

"[Actually, it's a bit over the top, but judging from your ability of 'time and space guidance' and your relationship with the 'Ministry of Magic,' you can barely do it."

Following Illya's suddenly ethereal voice, the endless starry sky appeared in front of Sherlock's eyes. Countless stars rushed towards him. In the end, only two stars stayed in front of it. When his eyes swept over them, he thought in his mind. Two blurry battle scenes with different scenes but the same grandeur emerged involuntarily.

"[Choose,]" the vice-principal said: "[A white-robed mage who special attacks against giant, fire-attributed, elemental creatures, or another 'Fire Giant King' who is taller, bigger, and stronger?]"

Blurring is useless, isn't it just the Headmaster and Hagrid?

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