The Collection of The End

Two thousand five hundred sixty-eight, Sherlock and the Dark Knights (3)

——Marvel, 2015——

——[Molecular influence]——


The armored giant with orange prismatic wings of light is approaching the sky, and the halo that is constantly expanding in the sky is too dense and the color saturation is too high, turning the entire sky into a look that ordinary people will see even if they stop for a moment. Falling into a crazy and strange picture.

However, since the "ordinary people" who can directly observe this picture and will be affected have either been "disconnected" or are trapped in a "complete submersion device" and are immersed in the "virtual world", its effect is greatly reduced.

But the situation in the "virtual world" is not much better.

It can be seen from a huge projection screen that almost all "flat" objects in "Warner God's Domain" are covered with blood-red warning signs such as [ERRoR], [wARNING], and [ALERt] and gradually collapse. , and then, countless blood-red and pitch-black "lightnings" poked out from the darkness after the warning sign collapsed, constantly tracking the fleeing "players" and making them disappear out of thin air after contact.

A relatively safe place is the "virtual Warnerheim". The Warners who have not "entered the game" are deeply surprised and frightened by what is happening in the "game world", and are trying to find an explanation from the "Game Opening Company" , but were quickly driven away by a large number of security agencies who suddenly appeared, and were ordered to stay in their homes to wait for the investigation results of the incident.

"[Okay, now I have super-accelerated our thinking. You can think of it as 'time stops', giving you enough time to think.]" In the corner of this "display", there is an "Extreme" glowing with orange light. Color." Illya raised her hand and pointed at the "window" that displayed the current status of the two worlds: "[Choose now, is it the 'real dimension' or the 'virtual dimension'?]"

"(Uh...)" "Simple lines" Sherlock looked at the "Visitor Account" with only level 15 in the "Virtual World", and silently used the dialog box to key in: "(Why do I feel like I can't do anything? )"

Logically speaking, it is actually a big problem to extract the power of the "Warner Protoss" who are at the same level as the "Aesir Protoss" by locking them into the "virtual world", because they all have the word "god" in them anyway. Powers can be easily—or perhaps not easily—taken back or eliminated once given the opportunity to escape control, making it difficult to imagine what will happen to those who use their powers.

However, "Killing Machine"'s approach was very clever. He combined the power of the Warner Protoss with the technology of Vanaheim, trying to create a cosmic demon god who controlled the "machines" and eventually replaced him.

Naturally, power and technology with the same origin are not mutually exclusive. When this "Mechanical Demon God" was born, even if they suddenly discovered that the will of the Demon God was not controlled by the Warner Protoss, they could not fight against it and could only become its tool obediently.

The vice-principal said that she would let herself choose, but in fact, no choice should be the right one. The "upgrade" of the huge robot of the Warner Protoss has already begun. It cannot be done either by destroying its entity in reality or by destroying the "Warner Domain" and cutting off the energy supply. arrive.

In the former case, it may be possible to use "Lungominiad", but it can be reborn at any time through the power of the virtual world.

The latter would mean killing all the "players" who are trapped in the virtual world and unable to leave - perhaps only Mr. Stark can escape - which is obviously unacceptable.

If I had to do something, I could barely kill the "culprit" now.

Even though there is chaos outside, the "Killing Machine" is still asleep. He can materialize from the "molecular state" and launch a surprise attack to directly destroy it. However, due to the existence of the "Alfred Agreement", he can You can be "resurrected" elsewhere at any time, and for a "Universe Demon God", the body before promotion is actually not that important.

Eliminating all possibilities, there is only one answer - use the Universe Demon to fight the Universe Demon.

Paper Sherlock turned around and looked at Illya with a pair of "star eyes" - literally - a 2D villain is so convenient.

"[It's useless,]" Illya waved her hand: "[My stupid brother often makes this expression, being cute is ineffective on me, I think for myself.]"

Um? In other words, this "problem" is not "over the top". Even if it is such a serious situation, it can be completely solved with my current knowledge reserve and ability?

Speaking of which, what kind of demon should be the brother of the Ocean Demon God? River god? Lake God?

"(To avoid misunderstanding, let me ask first, if I choose to solve the problem of one of the real or virtual, will you take action to solve the other?)" Sherlock asked proactively to prevent his thoughts from continuing to wander.

"[Hmm? Ah... Okay, if you want, you can.]" Illya replied with a tone that showed no emotion.

Does this mean "wrong answer"? The tone of the question sounded like he didn't expect the answer, so maybe he had misunderstood the question from the beginning?

——[Choose, is it the real dimension or the virtual dimension? 】

Yes, she didn't say "help". Maybe she didn't mean to let herself choose to help Classmate Luna or Mr. Stark, but simply let herself choose between the two.

As a mortal, even though she has mastered a lot of powerful power due to various adventures over the years, when faced with this level of power, she still wants to prevent its birth or save people. But the vice-principal is not an ordinary person, regardless of whether she No matter how he looks like an ordinary person, he is still essentially a "Lord of Dimensions", and his way of thinking must be completely different from his own.

To change the way of thinking, imagine that you are the "Lord of the Dimension" and see that a "Universe Demon God" is about to be born... Well, no, this is a true super class. In this case, if the level of perspective is completely lowered...

As a human being, if I hear that the neighbor’s cat has just given birth to a litter of kittens, what should I think?

Go there often? Help with a name?


Want to raise one back?

As soon as this idea appeared in Sherlock's mind, he felt a joy as if a river that had been blocked for a long time suddenly became unimpeded.

It naturally merged with the expression on the vice-principal's face when she just asked the question, and resulted in the question she really wanted to ask:

[Look, here is an opportunity to ascend into a mechanical demon. Do you think Luna, who is in the real dimension, should ascend, or Stark, who is in the virtual world, should ascend? 】

Please speak clearly next time! It’s really difficult for a mortal like him to understand the communication methods between dimensional masters, isn’t it?

"(I think we should...)"

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