The Collection of The End

Chapter 257 The Goddess of Beauty and the Thief

My name is Akatosh,

Didn't expect you to be such a Dibella.

— 4E, 201, Hearthfire, 10th, 10:25 —

"Boyesia, [Nocturnal], hehehe~ (Spades)"

After finishing the Altar of the Demon God, Tyrannus left dejectedly with a hammer in his hand. He seemed to have fallen into deep self-loathing, but Cicero stared at Joan of Arc and Illya with a weird smile, posing The deputy is responsible for cleaning the door for the Dark Brotherhood.

"Well, it's said that Ms. [Nocturnal] has three nightingales as pets, perhaps plus—my father's 'power of nightingales' comes from them." Illya tried to explain.

"Ah," Joan tapped her armor with the hilt of her sword, and said with a very disgusted attitude: "I slaughtered a saint of Boethia, this 'Sacrifice Blade' and 'Ebony Chain Armor ’ All snatched from that guy.”

No, after killing someone, it can't be called robbery, right? Elijah turned her head to look.

"Um~huhu~ is it? (square)" Cicero still seemed skeptical, but seemed to accept the explanation for the time being.

"In short, continue to let Illya investigate on her own." Jeanne waved her hand and took the lead to hide her body: "It seems to be working well so far."

It's not bad, the demon god has appeared, although it's just an incarnation.

"Hey hey hey~ (Hearts)" Cicero also disappeared.

This city is really dangerous, you can meet a demon god in any abandoned house, Illya pushed open the bronze door and walked out while thinking, maybe you can meet the Holy Spirit after walking a few steps outside.

"Hello, little girl." There was no Holy Spirit outside the door. Standing there was a Nord woman in her thirties. She was wearing a close-fitting robe that could outline curves. Although there were already fine wrinkles at the corners of her eyes, But the overall look is still very bright and moving: "I am Hamar, following the oracle of the 'God of Art and Beauty' [Dibella] (), I am here to welcome you to the temple."

Who's going to tell her it's not true...


Dibella's temple is located at the top of Markas City, and its actual location is even higher than the "Fortress under the Stone" where the lord works and lives. Imperial control, so shut it down at Thalmer's behest.

Compared with other cities, almost no one in Markas City misses the belief of Talos, because those swearers alone are enough for them to have a headache, so the lord responded to the envoy Somo's repeated proposal of "capturing those who believe in Talos without permission". Actions are also lacking in interest.

"Sister Joan of Arc! Sister Joan of Arc!" After being brought into the Dibella Temple, Illya didn't know where to look, and called her parents (?).

"Calm down, you're a girl too, and that's just a statue," Joan of Arc's voice sounded completely indifferent: "In contrast, Cicero is very happy."

"Hey hey~"

No such thing as "just statues"! Illya shouted in her heart, it is not unreasonable for her mother to strictly forbid the sister witches and aunts in the Black Light Tower to believe in Dibella! Wouldn't the other holy spirits feel embarrassed when they saw this kind of appearance with nothing on their body except long hair? Especially this kind of statue is everywhere in the temple!

After entering the temple, Hamar asked Illya to sit down, and then asked other ordinary priests to serve some food and drinks. Of course, those priests were all young and beautiful women.

Looking at the girl with flushed cheeks and staring down at the ground, she smiled slightly: "Then, let's talk about your father's theft of the Dibella statue."

"Oh... hey?" Ilya raised her head in surprise, her eyes widened: "My father has been here? And you know our relationship?"

"Don't be too surprised, the Holy Spirit knows everything." Hamar nodded: "The oracle said,

His name is Gallus, and you are her daughter Ilya, right? "

"Ah, um." Ilya calmed down a little: "But I'm also looking for him, if you want to ask about his whereabouts, I can't..."

And isn't the Holy Spirit omniscient?

"No, of course not, the goddess will not issue an oracle for a stolen statue." Hamar looked at Illya: "Ms. Dibella wants you to be her 'prophet'."

"..." Illya took the time to understand the meaning of this sentence.

That title seems to be exclusive to Dibella's saintess. If she agrees, she will become Dibella's spokesperson in the world, she can have a direct dialogue with the Holy Spirit, and borrow Dibella's power to the maximum extent. In an emergency, she can even To call upon this Holy Spirit to descend directly, at the cost of unconditional faith and unhesitating execution of the oracle—

"No, no!" Illya shook her head again and again, she didn't want to face these shy statues all day long.

"Ms. Dibella forbids us to use violence and lies against you, but I think you have to be clear about some things." Hamar was not angry at being rejected. She shook her hair and continued: "Galus stole At the same time as the statue, he has already received the lady's [Curse of No Love] - he will never be able to see his love."

"Ah...?" Illya's eyes widened again.

"Although as long as he returns the statue, the curse will be lifted by itself, but—" Hamar shrugged gracefully: "After he got drunk and stole the statue, he immediately went to the altar of Talos not far below because Attacking the guards and being imprisoned, and then leading the Forsaken who were imprisoned in the prison to set off a small rebellion and escape from Markarth. At this time, the statue probably no longer knows where it was lost. "

"How could it be?" The girl was stunned by her father's exaggerated behavior, "In this case..."

"Yes, even if he didn't lose the statue, he would still be willing to return it, but after doing such a thing, he might be caught by the guards once he shows up in the city." Hamar raised his hand and nodded Yili Ya, "In addition, this 'loved' also includes parent-child love, so if you don't want to be a 'prophet', you won't be able to find him because of the curse."

"I... think about it again." Illya whispered.

"Of course, we are not in a hurry. What Ms. Dibella means is that you can make a decision at any time, and the gate of the temple is open for you at any time." Hamar nodded, stood up and greeted several priests around him Go into the inner chamber of the temple.

"I guess she knows our existence, but she is not strong enough to find out," following the words, Joan of Arc appeared on the chair where Hamar was sitting, with a sneer on her face, her chin resting on one hand, her legs crossed, She looked very aura, she took a fruit with her free hand and tasted it: "You can actually consider agreeing to her, Dibella will not force believers to stay in the temple, as for the style of behavior - you always have enough self-control is right."

"But..." Illya was still hesitating, after all, it would be fine if she quietly became the saint of the Holy Spirit, but if she spread it like a lord conferring a baron, it would spread to the Black Light Tower sooner or later: "Mom will be angry. "

"Hey hey~ (square)" Cicero appeared not far away, but did not comment on it.

"If the curse fell on you, we have many ways to lift it, but Gallus is the one who is unlucky now, um..." Joan of Arc looked at the ceiling: "It's good to let him be alone for the rest of his life."

"No! Mom is still waiting for him." Ilya retorted without hesitation.

"It's really a child's name~(Spades)," Cicero leaned over: "Like me: Mother~(Hearts)"

Swish-slap! The dragon pattern black flag unfurled, directly knocking Cicero aside.

"Oh~ (Spades), Mother~ Can I take revenge on her? No? Okay~ (Diamonds)" Cicero murmured.

"If you deliberately search for the purpose of seeing him, you won't be able to find them. We will get farther and farther away from each other because of various accidents. That is the power of the Holy Spirit." Joan put away the black flag pretending to have nothing to do: "But we We can start with the mission of the Brotherhood and create a meeting that surprises both parties. Who is he looking for here? Murui Shattered Shield?"

"Well, my father said that the child reminded him of me, and he planned to persuade her to give up the commission." Ilya said slowly as she recalled.

"A stupid girl who wants to kill her sister because her parents don't value her, doesn't even look like a Septim like you." Joan of Arc threw the core back on the table, stood up and walked out: "Just so we're coming I checked her information by the way before, so let's go find her now."

Hmm... Does such an action to create an "accident" count as "deliberate"?


"What? Why is the Hall of the Dead closed?"

"I'm sorry, ma'am, there seem to be beasts infested there recently, and the lord has ordered that it will not be open until the passages for them to enter are found and closed,"

"Then tell me where to pick 'Inverted Moss', 'Ghost Mushroom' and 'Namila's Rot'?"

"Uh... Then it shouldn't be picked in the cemetery, right?"

Near the fortress under the stone is the "Hall of the Dead" in Markas City, which is used to house the remains of the dead. Like other buildings, it is in the dwarven style. At the moment, in front of its main entrance, a priest of Akai is dressing up with an alchemist women arguing.

"That's Verulus, the keeper of the Hall of the Dead, and that alchemist is Murui Shattershield." Joan of Arc said to Illya in the invisible.

"Hehehe~ (Heart) was born in a warrior family but wants to be an alchemist, so it's strange that he will be taken seriously~ (Spades)" Cicero interjected.

"You know?" "It's ridiculous~ (spades), Cicero is a lunatic but not a fool~ (diamonds)"

"It turns out that you were in this state when you followed me today." Ilya was obviously concerned about something else, and looked around very curiously.

Since this time she was tracking rather than obtaining information, Joan used her invisibility magic to cover up Illya as well.

At this time, in Illya's eyes, the whole world was much darker, and it was difficult to see the two people in the distance clearly, but Joan of Arc and Cicero nearby were relatively clear, with a faint blue silhouette glowing around their bodies .

"If I really encounter a ghoul or a beast, I'm unlucky, but if you don't let me in, will you pay for these materials that the pharmacy urgently needs?"

"Hmph, if you insist, the lord asked me to prevent residents from entering just for safety reasons, but he didn't ask me to stop others from dying."

"Then you open the door?"

In a few or two sentences, the conversation between the two people over there had already collapsed. Verulus opened the door angrily, and Mu Rui snorted coldly and walked directly into the Hall of the Dead.

However, the priest was still a little worried. After Mu Rui entered, he kept the door open, as if he was going to rush in to save people as soon as he heard a cry for help or other abnormal noises.

This kind of behavior is convenient for the three Brotherhood members over there. Joan of Arc and Cicero followed Ilya, who was not used to walking in an invisible state, smoothly.

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