The Collection of The End

Chapter 258 Confluence and Ghost Dragon

My name is Akatosh,

Hmm... Dragon Wars?

— 4E, 201, Hearthfire, 10th, 13:07 —

The blizzard that raged near Winterhold lasted less than a day. Just after noon, the dark clouds in the sky had completely dissipated, and even the wind had completely subsided. Babas even pounced outside the hotel like a real dog. Have fun in the snow in the movie - or can it be said that you are too deep into the drama?

Many farmers and hired labor began to clear snow, but only in necessary places such as roads, roofs, wells, and fields with hardy crops. Almost all travelers blocked by yesterday's sudden snowstorm were leaving as soon as possible, even if anyone noticed Arthur and his party, who were obviously most anxious at the time, were not in the queue, and they would not have extra concern about it.

"Wow!" Babas seemed to have had enough fun, and after shaking his hair, he ran up a path behind the hotel that hadn't been cleaned in time.

"Well... this height should be enough, but the problem is that if you jump directly, you may be thrown off, but you can't take off first. There are still many residents of Winterhold outside."

At the end of the path was a square—or half, the other half of which had fallen years ago to the bottom of the abyss Arthur was looking at now.

Although the Nords are generally more bold and open-minded, or short-sighted, they cannot easily ignore the terrible disaster of the "big landslide". Not many people are willing to approach the edge of those cliffs, so Arthur's move to find the take-off place is also very important. No attention was paid.

Accidentally delayed by the blizzard for a whole day, if the three Farkas brothers braved the snow to advance, Arthur would definitely be late if he followed the original route by land, and thus gave those silver-handed vampires a chance to detect and respond, so , the only option is -

"Wow! Those humans in Winterhold were busy clearing the snow, so they didn't pay attention to this side, as long as you don't fly high." Babas flicked his tail.

"Okay," Arthur waved his hand to signal Ella and Lydia to step back, and then whispered, "[Kaan Drem Ov]!"

The body glowed red, the outline became blurred, and then gradually grew larger and deformed, and Arthur finally transformed into a giant red dragon crawling on the ground.

"I can only say that this color is too conspicuous in the world of ice and snow. If you are white, you may not be found even if you fly directly over Winterhold." Ella, who has seen Arthur transform several times, is familiar with the road climbed up.

"Well, so where are the armor and the package?" Lydia, who saw the transformation process up close for the first time, was a little dazed, and then imitated Ella's movements and climbed up the dragon's back.

"Maybe it's become part of the body? At least I haven't seen anyone lose their clothes after becoming a werewolf." Ella found that Lydia didn't seem to need help, so she stretched out her hand and pulled Babas up.

"[(Dragon language) hold on steady.]" Arthur unfolded his dragon spirit, took two steps to run and glide directly from the edge of the cliff, and only flapped his wings again to stabilize the altitude when he was sure that he would not be seen by the people of Winterhold.

Only when they entered the area of ​​the "Great Subsidence" could the group feel the care of the Mage Academy for Winterhold—the strong wind with a salty smell and water vapor that came from the Sea of ​​Undead could not be felt by Winterhold at this moment.

"I guess the Baron must have been noticed by the Mage Academy—" Lydia said loudly while clutching the dragon scale amidst the howling sea wind.

"They already knew—otherwise why would they tell us the 'straight-line distance' from Winterhold to Sgrammer's Tomb?" Ella responded.

Babas dared not move the whole dog lying on the dragon's back.

The tomb of Sgrammer is located on the seashore in the extreme north of Skyrim Province. It is also the landing settlement where Sgrammer brought five hundred heroes to the Tamriel continent. However, due to thousands of years of seawater erosion and large collapse Due to the influence of the current situation, its position is gradually approaching the sea. If the current situation does not change, this hero's tomb will sink into the sea of ​​undead within two hundred years.

And on the extension line from Winterhold to Sgrammer's Tomb, there is another important location, that is, the "advance base of Septim's revelation", Arthur recalled the one that Zela Pesh lent him. Several books, all of them are written by a person called "Septim Apocalypse Sigris".

This person is a genius to a certain extent. He has obtained the ancient scroll information that has appeared in history and has been actually recorded, as well as the reading records leaked by the White Gold Tower, the authority of the empire to study the ancient scroll, and folklore from various places. a conclusion.

The so-called "Elder Scrolls" are things that were born at the moment the world was created. They record all the information about the world's past, present and future. The authenticity of the things read from them can be completely confirmed, but is there any information about the world? Whether it meets expectations, and whether it can afford to read the information is all unknown.

Since there are more than one copy of them, even if you can't find the answer in one of them, you can't be sure that the other scrolls are not there, so they will be collected by forces who think they are valuable, threatening, or just out of curiosity.

At the end of the book, the author admits that he once found an ancient scroll in a Dwarven ruins, but he had to give up because he was not qualified to read it. Now he is studying a treasure trove of knowledge left by a dwarf in his forward base , in order to be able to decipher that scroll.

So, what Arthur has to do now is to go to Sgrammer's Tomb to join Farkas and the others to recast Uthrad. clues, and look for opportunities to explore after the Silver Hand is completely wiped out.

If nothing else.


"Damn it! Farkas! This is the third time I've said this in two days. Can't you stop making troubles like hell? My dear brother!" Wells complained loudly while running wildly on the snow.

"I'm just asking for directions after escaping from that damned dwarf ruin! Who knew that guy dressed like a nobleman would be a vampire! He even brought in a damned dragon!" Farkas followed closely behind, not to be outdone. road.

"Save the energy of arguing." Wilkas walked with ease, and he could look back at the sky: "That guy is just a summoned creature, we just wait for it to disappear by itself."

Choking——With a huge roar, a dragon flame full of death breath swept across, and the rings, who had been prepared for this, quickly avoided its path.

It was a miserable undead dragon with many damaged scales, exposing the skeleton inside. Its body was covered with a black translucent light film, making it look even weirder.

"The guy said 'give you humans a taste of the wrath that plans are always broken,' but I don't recall ever sabotaging that vampire's plot—a member of the Silver Hand?" Farkas glanced back at the message Long glanced, then ran even faster.

"Just as we can't tell the faces of ghouls, it's probably not easy for vampires to tell humans apart." Wilkas replied while running, "There must be some hero who exposed and destroyed its vicious plot."

"I just hope that the hero falls from the sky right now—"

bump! Rumble!

When the ghost dragon was about to make another pounce, a huge red dragon pounced from a distance and hit its head viciously, and then the two dragons fell to the ground on the snow field at the same time.

"Look, the hero you want." Wilkas and his brothers stopped, and then pointed to the red dragon.

"Are you all right? Why did you meet it here? Did you see the summoner?" At this time, Ella, who was put down by Arthur in the air, slowly landed.

"A vampire mage," Wilkas replied, "has fled after leaving the dragon behind."

"Even if it was unintentional, the whereabouts have been completely exposed. We have to rush to Sgrammer's Tomb immediately after Arthur finishes the battle." Lydia said, looking at the battlefield.

The ghost dragon broke away from the red dragon's pounce with all its strength, and then flicked his tail. The red dragon raised its wings to block the blow, and then bent over again and knocked down the ghost dragon that lost its balance after using its tail.

"[(Dragon Language) Why is it you again!]" The two dragons fought head-to-head for two rounds before the opponent realized it was Arthur.

"[(Dragon language) I also want to ask this question,]" Since Arthur is in the form of a dragon at this time, he can already understand and answer the dragon language: "[This is the second time we meet, Duneville, But you are still at a disadvantage.]”

They continued to fight while arguing. Duneville flapped his damaged wings trying to breathe out, but Arthur dodged and swung his paws to make a huge cut on Duneville's shriveled wings, almost tearing the half of the wings. Broken down.

"[(Dragon Language) Hehe, it's useless, I'm not using physical strength, and no matter what kind of damage I receive, as long as I summon it again, it will be restored." Although the wings were severely injured, Duneville's movements seemed to be completely unaffected. Influenced, still sarcasm.

"[(Dragon Language) What about the psychological damage?]" Arthur said, and before the other party could respond, he waved his claws and tore off the half of the tattered wing with a scoff.

When the huge wings were separated from the ghost dragon's body, they turned into pale bones, and after falling heavily to the ground, a large amount of snow was stirred up.

"[(Dragon language) You, you dare!]" the ghost dragon Duneville roared angrily.

"[(Dragon Language) Logically speaking, your current state should be dead, but I can't absorb the dragon soul, which only proves that there is 'something' protecting you,]" Arthur changed the attack target to Wings and scales of the ghost dragon: "[Although I don't know what it is, but if it hits you hard, it will probably weaken its effect.]"

Chi la - Chi la -

For some reason, the ghost dragon's various spells aimed at the soul had no effect at all, and the whole battle was completely one-sided.

While avoiding the claws and breath of the ghost dragon that might threaten him, Arthur paid attention to Duneville's wings, scales and other parts that might fall off. Grilled into a "bone dragon".

"I didn't know that Arthur had such a cruel side." Farkas murmured as the members of the comrade-in-arms group watching the battle from a distance fell into a daze.

"After all, he was born as a hunter." Ayla looked proud for some reason.

"[(Dragon Language) The next time we meet, it will be your death!]" When Duneville's summoning time finally ended, it threatened viciously.

"[(Dragon language) what a coincidence, I thought so too.]" Arthur snorted, watching the nearly fragmented ghost dragon disappear into the emerging magic circle.

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