The Collection of The End

Chapter 259 Party and Goddess

My name is Akatosh,

I was robbed.

— 4E, 201, Hearthfire, 10th, 18:12 —

[Have you thought of a way to save them? 】

'No, not at all. '

It was dusk, and I used the vest of Joan of Arc to lead Illya and Cicero to find the lair of the mastermind of the "Hall of the Dead Corpse Destruction Incident". The older sister's Mu Rui was easily fooled by Iola () who was hiding in the Hall of the Dead.

After Aiola left, Murui asked Verulus, the guard of the Hall of the Dead, to leave Markas City with her to "destroy the criminals of the corpse destruction incident" by means of provocation and temptation.

This cannibal mission is recognized as one of the three most disgusting missions in The Elder Scrolls 5. The other two are the Boethia mission to kill one of his followers and the Sanguine drunken mission.

However, judging from the current appearance of the "crow hag", Sanjin's mission probably cannot be called disgusting.

The domain Namira is in charge of is "darkness", which is different from the "darkness" caused by light in Nocturnal and Azura. He is dedicated to arousing negative emotions in humans, so the priesthood and ugly Insects, rot, and diseases with nauseating symptoms.

'These priesthoods...if I didn't go to FZ for a while, it would probably belong to me. '

[In FZ, the first person you came into contact with was Lord Chong. Don’t you know what field you should be in charge of? 】

'You deserve a beating, don't you? '

I forcibly silenced the stupid system, and Murui and Verulus also cooperated with each other to clean up the ghouls in the cave. I began to think about what to do after a while.

While this side quest appears to be the story of a low-profile female version of Hannibal, it actually involves reversal of karma in a way, since it is the first time the plot mentions the "protagonist"'s past.

In other missions, the "Dragonborn" controlled by the player can be lawful and good, or chaotic and evil. Sometimes they value honor over life, and sometimes they do anything for money, but those actions affect the future. In this mission, the final choice will cause the "past" to change.

That is, whether this "Dragonborn" was Hannibal before he was captured in Helgen.

Looking at the entire mission process, if the "protagonist" has never eaten people, it is absolutely impossible to kill Verulus and eat them in a very natural way, and then go to get the Ring of Namira. Without the player's perspective of God, who knows that he will get Demon artifact reward and a follower?

Pretending to cooperate, not killing Verulus at the final stage of the ceremony, but violently killing Aiola and other participants, is the most marginal ending for the protagonist who has not done that, as long as Verulus dies , the world line will directly switch to the branch of "the protagonist is a former Hannibal, but has been forgotten".

Hmm... the choice of Steins;Gate.

Of course, that is the situation in the original game. In this world where I exist, even if Arthur, whose past is not blank, triggers this task, it will not have any impact on his clear past, let alone his Not long ago, he was still beating Lao Du on the snow field in the north.

As for Murui Shattershield, who is already clearly on the way to get the Ring of Namira... I can only say it again, he is really stupid enough to hire a Brotherhood to assassinate his sister.


"Well done, my sister."

In the depths of the unnamed cave, Murui Shattershield cooperated with Verulus to successfully defeat the ghoul overlord entrenched here. Immediately afterwards, Iola stepped out from the shadow in the corner.

If you see her on the streets of the city, almost no one will pay much attention, because she looks like a very ordinary adventurer,

But it is much more scary when it quietly hides in a deep cave and suddenly appears to speak.

"You have cleaned up the hostess' sanctuary and brought fresh food, so you seem to be qualified enough to participate in this dinner," she said.

"Who are you? Why are you here? Those ghouls—and the party? No, I want to leave immediately." Verulus seemed to sense the weirdness of the atmosphere, and turned around and ran after taking a few steps back.

"'Main course' can't leave without permission." Aiola took out a staff from behind and pointed it at Verulus, barely chanting, a lightning-like white light flew out from the head of the staff, and hit it accurately from behind he.

"Ah... this is..." Verulus turned around with dull eyes.

"Follow me." Iola hooked her fingers at him.

"Oh..." The priest of Akai staggered and followed.

Mu Rui looked at him, as if she couldn't bear it, but she remained silent in the end.

"That's the 'calming technique' that stops the enemy from fighting? But the effect doesn't seem right?" Illya, who was invisible, asked suspiciously.

"Hey hey~ (Spades) If the demon god or the Holy Spirit is involved, the magic effect cannot be judged by common sense~ (Hearts)" Cicero answered.

"Well," I forcibly changed the soft voice technique used to assist stealth into a silence technique that prevents the voice of conversation from spreading out of the range of the cast. I am deeply convinced of this: "Follow up."

There is actually a little personal grievance in this incident: Akai, as the holy spirit in charge of death, has no affection for Namira, the demon god who blasphemes death, and there are conflicts between them that have lasted for thousands of years. As a result, if Namira takes any action, the victims are usually Akai's priests, and if any of Namira's followers are found out, Akai will definitely contribute to it.


Iola activated a certain mechanism at the end of the cave, and a secret door disguised as a rock wall slid open to the side, revealing a large-scale cave behind, followed by Morui and the demented Vilu Ruth walked in.

Since the hidden door did not close by itself, we followed in quietly.

The interior decoration of this cave is similar to a temple of the Holy Spirit. Many long stone benches fixed on the ground surround an iron altar. On the altar as wide as a long table stands a statue with a strange shape. It looked like a twisted six-clawed giant worm poking out its mouthparts.

"Lie down." Aiola walked to the altar and ordered Verulus.

"Oh..." After entering the secret room, Verulus' mind became even more confused, and he climbed up the altar unsteadily, lying right under the "mouthparts".

"Hmm~ (Plum Blossom)" Cicero touched his chin and looked at the sculpture: "If that thing bites off in one bite? (Plum Blossom)"

"Please don't say it—" Ilya has been hiding behind me since entering the secret room. I have to say that this is indeed the safest place.

"The banquet has been set, now we need to entertain the guests~" Iola chuckled, stepped forward to operate something on the altar, and then opened two secret doors on the rock wall on the other side of the cave.

Immediately afterwards, several people who seemed to have been waiting there for a long time walked in one after another.

I stared at the names on top of their heads to confirm one by one, Honey Red Arm, Banning, Nimferas, Sangyan, Gallus, Lisbet.

It's all irreparable... wait?

"Is it really here? I think it's weird." "Believe me, my friend, it's a delicacy you've never tasted in your life."

Gallus and Sang Yan, who was dressed as a Forsworn, were talking to each other clearly thinking each other was a fool.

'Hey, stupid system? '

[Sang Yan was one of the Forsworns rescued by Gallus. He tricked him here with the excuse of "introducing traditional food for the Forsworns". Besides, I'm not stupid. 】

"Everyone," Iola said loudly standing in front of the altar, "Let's welcome our new friend, she brought us a big meal~"

"Oh!" "A priest? Not bad." The faces of the unknown crowd were very supportive.

"So where is the big meal?" "Don't worry, my friend, we'll see it soon, it's just a pre-dinner show." Gallus and Sang Yan were still playing with each other.

"Now, kill him." Aiola ordered Mu Rui with a cold tone.

"I... I can..." Mu Rui picked up the dagger she was carrying, and walked towards the altar trembling slightly.

"Hey, is it going to kill people over there?" "Fake, my friend, it's a show."

"【Stop Murui's murder of Verulus】." I sent instructions to Cicero through the Night Mother channel, and then began to prepare a large group of fear spells. You must know that there are both mages and archers in this group, It would be troublesome if it affected Priest Akai lying on the altar.

Cicero snorted, and kept sneaking towards the altar. The blue phantom around him, which represented the invisibility state, shone brightly under the light of the stars.

...Wait, Starlight?

I looked up, and I was clearly in the cave, but I saw the sky. The outside world should be at dusk, but what I saw at this moment was a sky full of stars, and one of the huge golden planets was shining brightly.

Whose Holy Spirit is this! Did you put my Akatosh in your eyes?

[That... Strictly speaking, you are just Akatosh's former saint now, and it is completely impossible for them to see through the vest identity. 】

[Hint: Holy Spirit of Art and Beauty, Goddess of War and Love, Dibella. 】

There is obviously a problem with this priesthood!

"【Angalta Kigalse (Angalta Kigalse)!】"

Huge and dense golden spears fell from the sky until they appeared inside the cave through the illusory sky. The giant worm sculpture on the steel altar just discovered and raised its mouthparts, but it was too late to react and was caught by the giant worm that fell from the sky. The back shrank a lot, and the intensive attacks that had become "light rain" were pierced through a sieve.

The real "fighting of gods".

【Wake up, you are also an 'immortal'】

'Shut up and watch the show! '

After being pierced by the light rain, a shadowy female phantom appeared on the giant metal worm. She only appeared for a moment, and disappeared without me seeing the specific appearance and attire clearly.

[Hint, Namira was defeated]

[Hint: Get Doomsday Element: Decay]

[Hint: Get priesthood: 'disease', 'regret', 'neglect']

Can I not lick this bag? Where is the "Discard" option?

"[How pitiful, Namira, where do you have the confidence to make small moves next to my temple? Now even Lord Akatosh won't have any objection to my actions~]" Guangyu resumed Gathered together, and then, a voice that felt a bit inexplicably familiar sounded.

No, I'm actually quite opinionated, but now the interest in the appearance of "Beauty God" overwhelms other emotions, so I turned my head to look at the place where the voice came from like everyone else present.

As expected, what appeared there was a young woman with an excellent figure but also very little clothing. She had long black hair, scarlet eyes, and a golden crown with a huge ruby ​​on her head. The covering area on her body was reduced to a minimum. The material of the dress is made of gold trim and black bottom, and beside her is a giant blue double-string bow that is as big as two of hers and decorated with many golden stars.

...Well, I have to say, the statues in the temple are nothing like it.

"[Hehe~ I'm the Goddess of Beauty Dibella~ Be fascinated by me, believe in me, worship me~]" She winked at me as she spoke.

'...Speaking of which, if you beat a holy spirit, can you get her priesthood? '

[Calm down, she is looking at Illya. 】

"Father!" Illya completely ignored Dibella, and rushed towards the fallen Gallus.

Ok? What about the loveless curse?

[Reminder: Dibella attached divine power to Gallus in the form of a curse. After being healed by 'Alexstraza''s breath, he can use this to manifest once, but the curse will be completely consumed. 】

Blame me?

While complaining, I noticed that Dibella stared at Illya for a while, then yawned and disappeared in place. Only then did the stunned people recover.

"Come~smile~(Hearts)" Cicero scratched towards Iola's throat with the magic poker in his hand.

I think it over!

When the poker was only 0.01 centimeter away from Iola's throat, a large number of black spears suddenly emerged from the ground and pierced all the low-profile Hannibal together.

Under Cicero's mournful gaze, I slowly put the sword back into its sheath.

[All sent to Atayum? The Arcatraz there isn't full yet? 】

'Who knows, let the Isaac Order worry about it. '

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