The Collection of The End

Two thousand five hundred and seventy-five, North American Mythical War (386)

——Marvel, 2015——


Wearing a smart black leather coat and a long cloak, Natasha Romanoff walked through the corridors of Hogwarts, turning a blind eye to the students who stared at her in stunned silence, or turned away in a hurry with slightly red faces.

She was invited to come here to meet with the "White Queen", the vice-principal of this "Magic Academy", to discuss the current situation of "SHIELD expatriates".

Of course, if it is said to be a discussion, it is just unilaterally receiving information and putting forward one's own demands. Whether the Hogwarts side is hiding something, whether the "expatriates" will act according to the instructions, whether the Asgardian side will mislead, It's all unknown.

As a senior agent, Natasha dislikes this sense of unknown where everything is out of control, but for things like "magic" and "gods" that are completely outside the scope of modern science, she really has no better way. to deal with.

The only good thing is that these things beyond common sense still have basic logic and rules, which allows SHIELD's intelligence personnel to analyze some very basic things, such as the purposes of each party's competition.

The purpose of the "Green Lantern Corps" is to train troops and expand its influence in the nine kingdoms. The purpose of "Asgard" is to build momentum for its prince. As for "Hogwarts", the purpose is exactly what it claims. It is simply just It’s just a way to bring Earth’s “superheroes” to see the world.

However, some analysts with more out-of-the-box thinking put forward an interesting point. As the white glove of the "Lord of the Ocean Dimension", the purpose of "Hogwarts" is actually to "shock". It is to all those on the earth who are qualified to understand. A senior insider expressed this meaning: "The universe is very big and can easily destroy the earth's forces and even individuals. So don't cause trouble in this small one-third of an acre of land, and be busy protecting it." Your Shirahoshi-sama is causing trouble.”

This idea is indeed interesting, but it goes against the mainstream.

After experiencing and defeating crises that were clearly extra-human, such as the "Chitauri Invasion", "Hydra Insight Project", "Revenge of Atlantis" and "Advent Rebellion", S.H.I.E.L.D. They have used a lot of supernatural props and "descendants", which has led to the expansion of the guys above. They think that the so-called "alien" and "magic side" are nothing more than that, and relying on the strength of the earth's native people is enough to solve it.

Do they really think that Atlantis, Hogwarts and even the "Ocean Demon" will definitely side with them, or do they take the earth and all mankind as hostages, so that those forces or individuals who care about the survival of the earth have to help Did they deal with the aftermath?

The good news is that they are not yet capable of doing things on a cosmic scale, and the bad news is that they have been trying to do so. For example, they have been given the task of "obtaining information about Asgard and other seven kingdoms to prepare for subsequent conquest plans." The ridiculous task of foreshadowing.

Can you conquer the solar system first?

Although it is not certain why the "Ocean Demon God" protects the earth, she obviously will not accommodate these ambitious people without a bottom line. If the two sides break up...

——Agent Natasha Romanoff, you go to eliminate the threat of the Ocean Demon to the earth.

Be sick!

"Ms. Romanoff, you look a little ferocious. What strange job has SHIELD assigned you?" Natasha's brief trance was interrupted by a familiar female voice: "Excuse me for explaining. , even as an agent, you should learn to refuse some unreasonable requests instead of being a machine."

She looked up and was not surprised to see Ms. Pepper Potts, nicknamed "Pepper", the actual helmsman of the Stark Group. Different from the image in the profile picture where she always wore business formal clothes, she Wearing a goose-yellow plush jacket and slightly white jeans, with her curly mid-length hair hanging freely, she looked like an ordinary mother who came to school to visit her children.

"If you please, I'll think about it, Ms. Potts. Maybe I should call you 'Mrs. Stark'?" Natasha responded.

"Oh, that's not necessary. Although Tony and I have a lovely child, and he has fully entrusted me with everything in the Stark Group, and even Jarvis calls me Madam, we are not officially married. , because he said he would prepare the best wedding in the universe for me."


She hated this woman from Versailles!

As the founder of the "Avengers" and the fiancée of the famous superhero "Iron Man" Tony Stark, she is quite valued by SHIELD. You know, even SHIELD was riddled with holes in the beginning. Hydra was completely helpless against the Stark Group. After the "Iron Overlord" incident, there was no leakage of intelligence at all.

Although the electronic housekeeper "Jarvis" played an important role in this, her own abilities were also indispensable.

"I think you also came here after receiving an invitation from Miss Fisk. So, why don't we go in together?" Pepper turned her eyes and tilted her head toward the "reception room" at the end of the corridor.

"It seems that our last appeal has achieved results," Natasha breathed out: "Let's take a look at what those men who don't make people worry about have done in the universe."


"[These are the responses from the Avengers after receiving your message. I am not sure whether Asgard has reviewed and filtered it, but I have not intercepted it at all.]"

Dressed in a women's white suit, wearing a top hat, and carrying a short cane, the "White Queen" Rachel Fisk, who looks more like a magician than a magician, mixed some videos and pictures through "two constructions" and text information were forwarded to Natasha and Pepper respectively.

Sure enough, except for Steve who carefully compiled the intelligence of the seven kingdoms - although it looked like a scenic travelogue, everyone else was fooling around, especially Stark, "About Asgard Confusing Magic and Technology" What the hell is the Deep Cause Analysis Report? Need help submitting your manuscript to the "Science" academic journal?

"Oh, this kid, it's true." Pepper covered her face with one hand and kept laughing.

Hmm... It should be little girl Luna's home letter.

"So, about what we conveyed to them this time..."

"[Wait,]" "White Queen" waved her hand and interrupted: "[I must explain that this information comes from themselves, so there is a certain delay. The current situation is different from those in these videos and pictures, and even more Earth...well, intense.】"

"Just tell me, I'm mentally prepared," Pepper stopped smiling, and her expression became serious and a little helpless: "Let Tony just stay calm and not cause trouble, even the 'Universe Demon' can't do it. .”

"Steve didn't stop him?" Natasha asked smoothly.

"[In fact, Mr. Steve Rogers is in deep danger at this time and must be supported by Mr. Phil Coulson,]" "The White Queen" spoke faster to stop Natasha from asking, "Then let He went to question: "[Now we need to obtain the 'command authority' of 'SHIELD' over 'Hawkeye'. This is a demand in the sense of 'occultism' and only requires your verbal permission."

Sure enough, there is instant communication between Hogwarts and the arena, right?

"I agree." Natasha thought for a moment and then replied.

It seems that what happened on the "Cosmic Arena" is more troublesome than expected, but Coulson must be able to obtain a lot of information, and after obtaining this information, he will be able to make a deal this time.

"Tony, no, is it Luna?" Pepper's eyes widened, and the calmness just now was gone.

"[Both of them are,]" "White Queen" held up her hat: "[There is a rather dangerous matter that both of them can solve, and they are rushing to get there, so I need your opinion as a reference.]"

"Let Tony go," Pepper didn't even hesitate: "If he... I think Jarvis and other friends can take good care of Luna."

"..." Natasha, who heard the implication, remained silent.

"[Although things may be different from what you think, but...]" "White Queen" nodded: "[Okay, I understand.]"

As the founder of the "Avengers" and the fiancée of the famous superhero "Iron Man" Tony Stark, she is quite valued by SHIELD. You know, even SHIELD was riddled with holes in the beginning. Hydra was completely helpless against the Stark Group. After the "Iron Overlord" incident, there was no leakage of intelligence at all.

Although the electronic housekeeper "Jarvis" played an important role in this, her own abilities were also indispensable.

"I think you also came here after receiving an invitation from Miss Fisk. So, why don't we go in together?" Pepper turned her eyes and tilted her head toward the "reception room" at the end of the corridor.

"It seems that our last appeal has achieved results," Natasha breathed out: "Let's take a look at what those men who don't make people worry about have done in the universe."


"[These are the responses from the Avengers after receiving your message. I am not sure whether Asgard has reviewed and filtered it, but I have not intercepted it at all.]"

Dressed in a women's white suit, wearing a top hat, and carrying a short cane, the "White Queen" Rachel Fisk, who looks more like a magician than a magician, mixed some videos and pictures through "two constructions" and text information were forwarded to Natasha and Pepper respectively.

Sure enough, except for Steve who carefully compiled the intelligence of the seven kingdoms - although it looked like a scenic travelogue, everyone else was fooling around, especially Stark, "About Asgard Confusing Magic and Technology" What the hell is the Deep Cause Analysis Report? Need help submitting your manuscript to the "Science" academic journal?

"Oh, this kid, it's true." Pepper covered her face with one hand and kept laughing.

Hmm... It should be little girl Luna's home letter.

"So, about what we conveyed to them this time..."

"[Wait,]" "White Queen" waved her hand and interrupted: "[I must explain that this information comes from themselves, so there is a certain delay. The current situation is different from those in these videos and pictures, and even more Earth...well, intense.】"

"Just tell me, I'm mentally prepared," Pepper stopped smiling, and her expression became serious and a little helpless: "Let Tony just stay calm and not cause trouble, even the 'Universe Demon' can't do it. .”

"Steve didn't stop him?" Natasha asked smoothly.

"[In fact, Mr. Steve Rogers is in deep danger at this time and must be supported by Mr. Phil Coulson,]" "The White Queen" spoke faster to stop Natasha from asking, "Then let He went to question: "[Now we need to obtain the 'command authority' of 'SHIELD' over 'Hawkeye'. This is a demand in the sense of 'occultism', and it only requires your verbal permission."

Sure enough, there is instant communication between Hogwarts and the arena, right?

"I agree." Natasha thought for a moment and then replied.

It seems that what happened on the "Cosmic Arena" is more troublesome than expected, but Coulson must be able to obtain a lot of information, and after obtaining this information, he will be able to make a deal this time.

"Tony, no, is it Luna?" Pepper's eyes widened, and the calmness just now was gone.

"[Both of them are,]" "White Queen" held up her hat: "[There is a rather dangerous matter that both of them can solve, and they are rushing to get there, so I need your opinion as a reference.]"

"Let Tony go," Pepper didn't even hesitate: "If he... I think Jarvis and other friends can take good care of Luna."

"..." Natasha, who heard the implication, remained silent.

"[Although things may be different from what you think, but...]" "White Queen" nodded: "[Okay, I understand.]"

As the founder of the "Avengers" and the fiancée of the famous superhero "Iron Man" Tony Stark, she is quite valued by SHIELD. You know, even SHIELD was riddled with holes in the beginning. Hydra was completely helpless against the Stark Group. After the "Iron Overlord" incident, there was no leakage of intelligence at all.

Although the electronic housekeeper "Jarvis" played an important role in this, her own abilities were also indispensable.

"I think you also came here after receiving an invitation from Miss Fisk. So, why don't we go in together?" Pepper turned her eyes and tilted her head toward the "reception room" at the end of the corridor.

"It seems that our last appeal has achieved results," Natasha breathed out: "Let's take a look at what those men who don't make people worry about have done in the universe."


"[These are the responses from the Avengers after receiving your message. I am not sure whether Asgard has reviewed and filtered it, but I have not intercepted it at all.]"

Dressed in a women's white suit, wearing a top hat, and carrying a short cane, the "White Queen" Rachel Fisk, who looks more like a magician than a magician, mixed some videos and pictures through "two constructions" and text information were forwarded to Natasha and Pepper respectively.

Sure enough, except for Steve who carefully compiled the intelligence of the seven kingdoms - although it looked like a scenic travelogue, everyone else was fooling around, especially Stark, "About Asgard Confusing Magic and Technology" What the hell is the Deep Cause Analysis Report? Need help submitting your manuscript to the "Science" academic journal?

"Oh, this kid, it's true." Pepper covered her face with one hand and kept laughing.

Hmm... It should be little girl Luna's home letter.

"So, about what we conveyed to them this time..."

"[Wait,]" "White Queen" waved her hand and interrupted: "[I must explain that this information comes from themselves, so there is a certain delay. The current situation is different from those in these videos and pictures, and even more Earth...well, intense.】"

"Just tell me, I'm mentally prepared," Pepper stopped smiling, and her expression became serious and a little helpless: "Let Tony just stay calm and not cause trouble, even the 'Universe Demon' can't do it. .”

"Steve didn't stop him?" Natasha asked smoothly.

"[In fact, Mr. Steve Rogers is in deep danger at this time and must be supported by Mr. Phil Coulson,]" "The White Queen" spoke faster to stop Natasha from asking, "Then let He went to question: "[Now we need to obtain the 'command authority' of 'SHIELD' over 'Hawkeye'. This is a demand in the sense of 'occultism' and only requires your verbal permission."

Sure enough, there is instant communication between Hogwarts and the arena, right?

"I agree." Natasha thought for a moment and then replied.

It seems that what happened on the "Cosmic Arena" is more troublesome than expected, but Coulson must be able to obtain a lot of information, and after obtaining this information, he will be able to make a deal this time.

"Tony, no, is it Luna?" Pepper's eyes widened, and the calmness just now was gone.

"[Both of them are,]" "White Queen" held up her hat: "[There is a rather dangerous matter that both of them can solve, and they are rushing to get there, so I need your opinion as a reference.]"

"Let Tony go," Pepper didn't even hesitate: "If he... I think Jarvis and other friends can take good care of Luna."

"..." Natasha, who heard the implication, remained silent.

"[Although things may be different from what you think, but...]" "White Queen" nodded: "[Okay, I understand.]"

As the founder of the "Avengers" and the fiancée of the famous superhero "Iron Man" Tony Stark, she is quite valued by SHIELD. You know, even SHIELD was riddled with holes in the beginning. Hydra was completely helpless against the Stark Group. After the "Iron Overlord" incident, there was no leakage of intelligence at all.

Although the electronic housekeeper "Jarvis" played an important role in this, her own abilities were also indispensable.

"I think you also came here after receiving an invitation from Miss Fisk. So, why don't we go in together?" Pepper turned her eyes and tilted her head toward the "reception room" at the end of the corridor.

"It seems that our last appeal has achieved results," Natasha breathed out: "Let's take a look at what those men who don't make people worry about have done in the universe."


"[These are the responses from the Avengers after receiving your message. I am not sure whether Asgard has reviewed and filtered it, but I have not intercepted it at all.]"

Dressed in a women's white suit, wearing a top hat, and carrying a short cane, the "White Queen" Rachel Fisk, who looks more like a magician than a magician, mixed some videos and pictures through "two constructions" and text information were forwarded to Natasha and Pepper respectively.

Sure enough, except for Steve who carefully compiled the intelligence of the seven kingdoms - although it looked like a scenic travelogue, everyone else was fooling around, especially Stark, "About Asgard Confusing Magic and Technology" What the hell is the Deep Cause Analysis Report? Need help submitting your manuscript to the "Science" academic journal?

"Oh, this kid, it's true." Pepper covered her face with one hand and kept laughing.

Hmm... It should be little girl Luna's home letter.

"So, about what we conveyed to them this time..."

"[Wait,]" "White Queen" waved her hand and interrupted: "[I must explain that this information comes from themselves, so there is a certain delay. The current situation is different from those in these videos and pictures, and even more Earth...well, intense.】"

"Just tell me, I'm mentally prepared," Pepper stopped smiling, and her expression became serious and a little helpless: "Let Tony just stay calm and not cause trouble, even the 'Universe Demon' can't do it. .”

"Steve didn't stop him?" Natasha asked smoothly.

"[In fact, Mr. Steve Rogers is in deep danger at this time and must be supported by Mr. Phil Coulson,]" "The White Queen" spoke faster to stop Natasha from asking, "Then let He went to question: "[Now we need to obtain the 'command authority' of 'SHIELD' over 'Hawkeye'. This is a demand in the sense of 'occultism' and only requires your verbal permission."

Sure enough, there is instant communication between Hogwarts and the arena, right?

"I agree." Natasha thought for a moment and then replied.

It seems that what happened on the "Cosmic Arena" is more troublesome than expected, but Coulson must be able to obtain a lot of information, and after obtaining this information, he will be able to make a deal this time.

"Tony, no, is it Luna?" Pepper's eyes widened, and the calmness just now was gone.

"[Both of them are,]" "White Queen" held up her hat: "[There is a rather dangerous matter that both of them can solve, and they are rushing to get there, so I need your opinion as a reference.]"

"Let Tony go," Pepper didn't even hesitate: "If he... I think Jarvis and other friends can take good care of Luna."

"..." Natasha, who heard the implication, remained silent.

"[Although things may be different from what you think, but...]" "White Queen" nodded: "[Okay, I understand.]"

As the founder of the "Avengers" and the fiancée of the famous superhero "Iron Man" Tony Stark, she is quite valued by SHIELD. You know, even SHIELD was riddled with holes in the beginning. Hydra was completely helpless against the Stark Group. After the "Iron Overlord" incident, there was no leakage of intelligence at all.

Although the electronic housekeeper "Jarvis" played an important role in this, her own abilities were also indispensable.

"I think you also came here after receiving an invitation from Miss Fisk. So, why don't we go in together?" Pepper turned her eyes and tilted her head toward the "reception room" at the end of the corridor.

"It seems that our last appeal has achieved results," Natasha breathed out: "Let's take a look at what those men who don't make people worry about have done in the universe."


"[These are the responses from the Avengers after receiving your message. I am not sure whether Asgard has reviewed and filtered it, but I have not intercepted it at all.]"

Dressed in a women's white suit, wearing a top hat, and carrying a short cane, the "White Queen" Rachel Fisk, who looks more like a magician than a magician, mixed some videos and pictures through "two constructions" and text information were forwarded to Natasha and Pepper respectively.

Sure enough, except for Steve who carefully compiled the intelligence of the seven kingdoms - although it looked like a scenic travelogue, everyone else was fooling around, especially Stark, "About Asgard Confusing Magic and Technology" What the hell is the Deep Cause Analysis Report? Need help submitting your manuscript to the "Science" academic journal?

"Oh, this kid, it's true." Pepper covered her face with one hand and kept laughing.

Hmm... It should be little girl Luna's home letter.

"So, about what we conveyed to them this time..."

"[Wait,]" "White Queen" waved her hand and interrupted: "[I must explain that this information comes from themselves, so there is a certain delay. The current situation is different from those in these videos and pictures, and even more Earth...well, intense.】"

"Just tell me, I'm mentally prepared," Pepper stopped smiling, and her expression became serious and a little helpless: "Let Tony just stay calm and not cause trouble, even the 'Universe Demon' can't do it. .”

"Steve didn't stop him?" Natasha asked smoothly.

"[In fact, Mr. Steve Rogers is in deep danger at this time and must be supported by Mr. Phil Coulson,]" "The White Queen" spoke faster to stop Natasha from asking, "Then let He went to question: "[Now we need to obtain the 'command authority' of 'SHIELD' over 'Hawkeye'. This is a demand in the sense of 'occultism' and only requires your verbal permission."

Sure enough, there is instant communication between Hogwarts and the arena, right?

"I agree." Natasha thought for a moment and then replied.

It seems that what happened on the "Cosmic Arena" is more troublesome than expected, but Coulson must be able to obtain a lot of information, and after obtaining this information, he will be able to make a deal this time.

"Tony, no, is it Luna?" Pepper's eyes widened, and the calmness just now was gone.

"[Both of them are,]" "White Queen" held up her hat: "[There is a rather dangerous matter that both of them can solve, and they are rushing to get there, so I need your opinion as a reference.]"

"Let Tony go," Pepper didn't even hesitate: "If he... I think Jarvis and other friends can take good care of Luna."

"..." Natasha, who heard the implication, remained silent.

"[Although things may be different from what you think, but...]" "White Queen" nodded: "[Okay, I understand.]"

As the founder of the "Avengers" and the fiancée of the famous superhero "Iron Man" Tony Stark, she is quite valued by SHIELD. You know, even SHIELD was riddled with holes in the beginning. Hydra was completely helpless against the Stark Group. After the "Iron Overlord" incident, there was no leakage of intelligence at all.

Although the electronic housekeeper "Jarvis" played an important role in this, her own abilities were also indispensable.

"I think you also came here after receiving an invitation from Miss Fisk. So, why don't we go in together?" Pepper turned her eyes and tilted her head toward the "reception room" at the end of the corridor.

"It seems that our last appeal has achieved results," Natasha breathed out: "Let's take a look at what those men who don't make people worry about have done in the universe."


"[These are the responses from the Avengers after receiving your message. I am not sure whether Asgard has reviewed and filtered it, but I have not intercepted it at all.]"

Dressed in a women's white suit, wearing a top hat, and carrying a short cane, the "White Queen" Rachel Fisk, who looks more like a magician than a magician, mixed some videos and pictures through "two constructions" and text information were forwarded to Natasha and Pepper respectively.

Sure enough, except for Steve who carefully compiled the intelligence of the seven kingdoms - although it looked like a scenic travelogue, everyone else was fooling around, especially Stark, "About Asgard Confusing Magic and Technology" What the hell is the Deep Cause Analysis Report? Need help submitting your manuscript to the "Science" academic journal?

"Oh, this kid, it's true." Pepper covered her face with one hand and kept laughing.

Hmm... It should be little girl Luna's home letter.

"So, about what we conveyed to them this time..."

"[Wait,]" "White Queen" waved her hand and interrupted: "[I must explain that this information comes from themselves, so there is a certain delay. The current situation is different from those in these videos and pictures, and even more Earth...well, intense.】"

"Just tell me, I'm mentally prepared," Pepper stopped smiling, and her expression became serious and a little helpless: "Let Tony just stay calm and not cause trouble, even the 'Universe Demon' can't do it. .”

"Steve didn't stop him?" Natasha asked smoothly.

"[In fact, Mr. Steve Rogers is in deep danger at this time and must be supported by Mr. Phil Coulson,]" "The White Queen" spoke faster to stop Natasha from asking, "Then let He went to question: "[Now we need to obtain the 'command authority' of 'SHIELD' over 'Hawkeye'. This is a demand in the sense of 'occultism' and only requires your verbal permission."

Sure enough, there is instant communication between Hogwarts and the arena, right?

"I agree." Natasha thought for a moment and then replied.

It seems that what happened on the "Cosmic Arena" is more troublesome than expected, but Coulson must be able to obtain a lot of information, and after obtaining this information, he will be able to make a deal this time.

"Tony, no, is it Luna?" Pepper's eyes widened, and the calmness just now was gone.

"[Both of them are,]" "White Queen" held up her hat: "[There is a rather dangerous matter that both of them can solve, and they are rushing to get there, so I need your opinion as a reference.]"

"Let Tony go," Pepper didn't even hesitate: "If he... I think Jarvis and other friends can take good care of Luna."

"..." Natasha, who heard the implication, remained silent.

"[Although things may be different from what you think, but...]" "White Queen" nodded: "[Okay, I understand.]"

As the founder of the "Avengers" and the fiancée of the famous superhero "Iron Man" Tony Stark, she is quite valued by SHIELD. You know, even SHIELD was riddled with holes in the beginning. Hydra was completely helpless against the Stark Group. After the "Iron Overlord" incident, there was no leakage of intelligence at all.

Although the electronic housekeeper "Jarvis" played an important role in this, her own abilities were also indispensable.

"I think you also came here after receiving an invitation from Miss Fisk. So, why don't we go in together?" Pepper turned her eyes and tilted her head toward the "reception room" at the end of the corridor.

"It seems that our last appeal has achieved results," Natasha breathed out: "Let's take a look at what those men who don't make people worry about have done in the universe."


"[These are the responses from the Avengers after receiving your message. I am not sure whether Asgard has reviewed and filtered it, but I have not intercepted it at all.]"

Dressed in a women's white suit, wearing a top hat, and carrying a short cane, the "White Queen" Rachel Fisk, who looks more like a magician than a magician, mixed some videos and pictures through "two constructions" and text information were forwarded to Natasha and Pepper respectively.

Sure enough, except for Steve who carefully compiled the intelligence of the seven kingdoms - although it looked like a scenic travelogue, everyone else was fooling around, especially Stark, "About Asgard Confusing Magic and Technology" What the hell is the Deep Cause Analysis Report? Need help submitting your manuscript to the "Science" academic journal?

"Oh, this kid, it's true." Pepper covered her face with one hand and kept laughing.

Hmm... It should be little girl Luna's home letter.

"So, about what we conveyed to them this time..."

"[Wait,]" "White Queen" waved her hand and interrupted: "[I must explain that this information comes from themselves, so there is a certain delay. The current situation is different from those in these videos and pictures, and even more Earth...well, intense.】"

"Just tell me, I'm mentally prepared," Pepper stopped smiling, and her expression became serious and a little helpless: "Let Tony just stay calm and not cause trouble, even the 'Universe Demon' can't do it. .”

"Steve didn't stop him?" Natasha asked smoothly.

"[In fact, Mr. Steve Rogers is in deep danger at this time and must be supported by Mr. Phil Coulson,]" "The White Queen" spoke faster to stop Natasha from asking, "Then let He went to question: "[Now we need to obtain the 'command authority' of 'SHIELD' over 'Hawkeye'. This is a demand in the sense of 'occultism' and only requires your verbal permission."

Sure enough, there is instant communication between Hogwarts and the arena, right?

"I agree." Natasha thought for a moment and then replied.

It seems that what happened on the "Cosmic Arena" is more troublesome than expected, but Coulson must be able to obtain a lot of information, and after obtaining this information, he will be able to make a deal this time.

"Tony, no, is it Luna?" Pepper's eyes widened, and the calmness just now was gone.

"[Both of them are,]" "White Queen" held up her hat: "[There is a rather dangerous matter that both of them can solve, and they are rushing to get there, so I need your opinion as a reference.]"

"Let Tony go," Pepper didn't even hesitate: "If he... I think Jarvis and other friends can take good care of Luna."

"..." Natasha, who heard the implication, remained silent.

"[Although things may be different from what you think, but...]" "White Queen" nodded: "[Okay, I understand.]"

As the founder of the "Avengers" and the fiancée of the famous superhero "Iron Man" Tony Stark, she is quite valued by SHIELD. You know, even SHIELD was riddled with holes in the beginning. Hydra was completely helpless against the Stark Group. After the "Iron Overlord" incident, there was no leakage of intelligence at all.

Although the electronic housekeeper "Jarvis" played an important role in this, her own abilities were also indispensable.

"I think you also came here after receiving an invitation from Miss Fisk. So, why don't we go in together?" Pepper turned her eyes and tilted her head toward the "reception room" at the end of the corridor.

"It seems that our last appeal has achieved results," Natasha breathed out: "Let's take a look at what those men who don't make people worry about have done in the universe."


"[These are the responses from the Avengers after receiving your message. I am not sure whether Asgard has reviewed and filtered it, but I have not intercepted it at all.]"

Dressed in a women's white suit, wearing a top hat, and carrying a short cane, the "White Queen" Rachel Fisk, who looks more like a magician than a magician, mixed some videos and pictures through "two constructions" and text information were forwarded to Natasha and Pepper respectively.

Sure enough, except for Steve who carefully compiled the intelligence of the seven kingdoms - although it looked like a scenic travelogue, everyone else was fooling around, especially Stark, "About Asgard Confusing Magic and Technology" What the hell is the Deep Cause Analysis Report? Need help submitting your manuscript to the "Science" academic journal?

"Oh, this kid, it's true." Pepper covered her face with one hand and kept laughing.

Hmm... It should be little girl Luna's home letter.

"So, about what we conveyed to them this time..."

"[Wait,]" "White Queen" waved her hand and interrupted: "[I must explain that this information comes from themselves, so there is a certain delay. The current situation is different from those in these videos and pictures, and even more so. Earth...well, intense.】"

"Just tell me, I'm mentally prepared," Pepper stopped smiling, and her expression became serious and a little helpless: "Let Tony just stay calm and not cause trouble, even the 'Universe Demon' can't do it. .”

"Steve didn't stop him?" Natasha asked smoothly.

"[In fact, Mr. Steve Rogers is in deep danger at this time and must be supported by Mr. Phil Coulson,]" "The White Queen" spoke faster to stop Natasha from asking, "Then let He went to question: "[Now we need to obtain the 'command authority' of 'SHIELD' over 'Hawkeye'. This is a demand in the sense of 'occultism' and only requires your verbal permission."

Sure enough, there is instant communication between Hogwarts and the arena, right?

"I agree." Natasha thought for a moment and then replied.

It seems that what happened on the "Cosmic Arena" is more troublesome than expected, but Coulson must be able to obtain a lot of information, and after obtaining this information, he will be able to make a deal this time.

"Tony, no, is it Luna?" Pepper's eyes widened, and the calmness just now was gone.

"[Both of them are,]" "White Queen" held up her hat: "[There is a rather dangerous matter that both of them can solve, and they are rushing to get there, so I need your opinion as a reference.]"

"Let Tony go," Pepper didn't even hesitate: "If he... I think Jarvis and other friends can take good care of Luna."

"..." Natasha, who heard the implication, remained silent.

"[Although things may be different from what you think, but...]" "White Queen" nodded: "[Okay, I understand.]"

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