The Collection of The End

Two thousand five hundred and seventy-six, North American Mythical War (387)

——Marvel, 2015——

Helm's underworld.

"Hello, Lady Hela, perhaps I should call you... Galadriel now?"

"[You can call it whatever you want, Gandalf. Those who are not advanced enough will only hear 'Goddess of Death'."

"All right."

Gandalf's appearance was different from when he was the "Headmaster of Hogwarts". He had white hair and beard, a white robe, and a long staff. Gandalf took two steps forward. He was no longer wearing a black tights and a spiked headdress, but had blond hair and blue eyes. Hela, or Galadriel, who looks like the "Elven Queen" with a shining crown and flowing white skirt, stands side by side.

The place they were in looked like the starting point of some kind of vehicle racing, with a track and lights in the middle, and tall grandstand flags and billboards on both sides.

But everything looked old and dilapidated, as if it hadn't been used for a long time. In fact, there were bursts of strange black energy slowly steaming from everything within sight.

In this scene that makes people subconsciously avoid it, a huge three-headed dog and a green-skinned humanoid creature are wandering around, chewing and punching something from time to time.

Where Galadriel and Gandalf were at this time, at the end of the "departure track", there was a huge sphere formed by countless "black gases".

"It seems that the 'Drowned Soul' has caused you a lot of trouble." Gandalf looked away from the two figures that were incompatible with the environment, and said while observing the sphere in front of him.

"[Such a small character is not worth mentioning,]" The black ring on Galadriel's fingertip suddenly released an invisible shock wave, dispersing the "sphere" in front of her, "[These 'cracks' are the problem. 】 "

"Oh... indeed."

The originally huge and dangerous-looking "black sphere" flew away and disappeared instantly after being contacted by the "shock wave", revealing a huge crack in mid-air.

For the first few seconds, you could still clearly see the opposite side from here - a deep sea with swaying waves and extremely low visibility. However, your view was soon blocked by countless black gases swarming in. They couldn't wait to rush to "this side" Later, he became confused and began to unconsciously rotate around the crack. As the amount of black energy continued to increase, a vague sphere began to gradually take shape.

"[Do you really think that 'Haim Underworld' is a place where anyone can come as they please, and no one will be refused?" Galadriel snorted coldly: "[I also have requirements for my subjects.]"

"If I remember correctly, the underworld of Helm has established a group consisting of the 'Valkyrie Guards', the 'Giant Brotherhood', the 'Light Elf Academy', the 'Dark Elf Rebels' and the 'Human Federation'" The Nine Realms Alliance' has a special 'foreign affairs department' to guide the souls belonging to their respective camps." Gandalf looked at the black energy: "So they are... the 'ancient evil demons' released from the World Tree?"

"[Except for 'Niflheim', all countries have their own means of 'resurrection', 'reincarnation', 'rebirth' or 'conversion of the undead'," Galadriel said with some confusion: "[Only Only when it has not possessed any entity in any sense for a long time will it turn into this black mist with almost no self-awareness, and then rely on instinct to find cracks and pour into the Heim underworld to pollute the environment.]"

"Well...polluting the environment..." Gandalf couldn't comment at the moment.

"[I deliberately moved the 'rift entrances' that cannot be closed in each country to the bottom of the sea to prevent these scum from entering my country. In the end, I only stayed in Asgard for a while, but these idiots successfully found and penetrated it. How to get in,]" A dangerous smile appeared on Galadriel's face: "[So it is necessary to teach them some profound pain even if they are unconscious, especially the 'drowned soul'.]"

"Please forgive me for not understanding what kind of lesson it is to lend her the souls of the underworld to drive." Gandalf asked in a knowing tone.

"[Oh, Mr. 'Principal', are you testing the professional level of your 'Dean' in the school?]" Galadriel turned to look at him, the corner of her mouth raised: "[If you want to drive the undead, the most important thing is To be able to pay the price, I just paid the 'deposit' in advance, and that arrogant girl had to pay the 'final payment' herself.】"

"Oh." Gandalf responded noncommittally.

"[In contrast, the little princess and Irene from the Green Lantern Corps are very smart. One puts all the blame on the Green Lantern Corps, and the other deceives those 'Nibelungs', saying what?" I will help you drive away all the enemies who invade your home, so please lend me your strength, haha.]" Galadriel imitated Erin's tone, and then chuckled.

"Whether she can win or not, after the game is over, all the 'enemies' will indeed disappear, which is not a lie." Gandalf, who felt like she was showing off his outstanding students, shrugged.

"[Let's not mention the matter of the underworld of Helm for the moment,]" Galadriel turned to face the green man and the big dog over there: "[Are you planning to borrow the passage this time? I thought the 'White Star' could let her." The messenger' arranged for you to sneak across.]"

"In fact, her 'messenger' has already brought Sherlock into the arena," Gandalf stroked his beard: "Odin is currently entangled with the Lords of Dimensions who are trying to get involved in the seven arenas. It is too inconvenient for her. Add another kick."

"[Oh?]" Galadriel, who seemed a little surprised, looked away for a moment, as if she was checking some information but found nothing: "[Huh, these cursed black mud.]"

"Although the seven major arenas were cut off from the outside world due to accidents, the 'Heim Underworld', as the 'Kingdom of the Dead,' is connected to the 'Kingdom of the Living' and cannot be cut off, even if Odin himself takes action." Gandalf complimented her smoothly.

"[Hmph, so you are going to support the students in trouble?]" Galadriel glanced into the void again: "[Are you going to do your old job? Fight against a super huge fire element?] "

"No, no, that means having to 'die' with it for a while," Gandalf shook his head: "I have to deal with the 'Doomsday' that is evolving infinitely. Let's let 'Hagrid' do it this time."

"['King of Fire Giants' versus 'King of Fire'? Haha, you should know that no matter who wins, it may lead to the rebirth of the 'Fire Dimension'? Or is this your purpose?]" Galadriel Without waiting for an answer, he continued to ask: "[What about that stupid dog?]"

"Since the prophecy says that Fenrir can swallow Odin," Gandalf replied, "then there must be no problem swallowing Ares."

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