The Collection of The End

Two thousand five hundred and seventy-seven, North American Mythical War (388)

Ocean Dimension.

I was watching the situation on the field in a daze.

The current situation reminds me of a fable.

The content is about a devout believer who encountered a shipwreck and asked his god for help.

During the shipwreck, cruise ships passed by, fishermen passed by, and swimming rings floated by, but he refused them all and claimed, "My God will save me."

When he finally drowned and questioned his god, the god reluctantly responded:

——Who do you think sent those rescuers?

There are a lot of things to complain about in this story. For example, if you can interfere with the movements of cruise ships, fishermen, and even swimming pools, then you should arrange for people to forcibly rescue people. For example, if believers are really devout, they should not question why they died. Another example is that since this believer is so important that he can meet God just after death, then he should not be shipwrecked, and so on.

[The most important thing is that you should have a free meal after encountering a shipwreck. 】

‘Deprivation of food! ’

【ah? Tomoe, Miss Asami was shipwrecked? 】

‘...You did it on purpose, right? ’

I tried a tail flick attack on the stupid system in shark form, but it escaped.

Since there were too many "allet accounts" opened at the same time, I didn't have time to chase them down for the time being, so I had no choice but to beat up a Firebolt to vent my anger.

In terms of reading and understanding, the original meaning of this fable should be to let people seize opportunities and not wait for pie to fall from the sky, so these bugs are basically not dealt with, but for me, this matter is easy to explain:

Either the god is not powerful enough and can only do small things, or the god is too powerful. Once he takes action directly, the believer will be destroyed physically and mentally.

Yes, just like I can't directly swing people to deal with the "Laughing Reversal" caused by "Dark Tide".

The original power level is [Death] → [White Star] → [Rachel], just like a "series circuit". It's okay to occasionally switch to [Scarlet Witch] or [Illya]. The upper part is sleeping and the middle part is highlighted. The writing is grand, and the lower part can do whatever you want.

But once there is a direct connection between [Death] and [Illya], without the "resistance" of [White Star], then it will be easy for [Illya], the "bulb" with excessive "voltage" to blind people.

[The resistance of the Ocean Demon should be very small, right? 】

‘I see your resistance is very high! ’

Specifically, if I directly ask Phil Coulson to go to "Nidaville" to support Steve through Sherlock's "Call of the Forgotten", he will have too much contact with the breath of death when he arrives. And turned into a living corpse.

【True·Forgotten. 】

For another example, facing the "Ascension Plan" of the "Killing Machine", both Luna and Stark have the opportunity to occupy the magpie's nest. So no matter what choice I make, the result will only be an emoticon of an old man with a red hat and a white beard. .

【I want them all.JpG】

As for summoning Hagrid to beat the "Lord of Fire", driving Barbas to devour "Ares", and letting Gandalf deal with the "Destroyer", they themselves will be fine, but they will leave directly because of their "upgrade". Dimension of Reality", respectively becoming the "Fire Demon", "Dragon Demon" and "Principal Demon".

[Not to mention why the dog turned into a dragon, the last one sounds a bit scary. Think about it, a demon will appear silently on the back door window of the classroom...]

'It sounds more like a joke. ’

Relatively speaking, the safest place is the arena in Niflheim where Hela personally intervened. The innocent souls of drowned souls cannot make trouble at all.

[Even if it’s you, don’t do this casually. Once you are convinced that ‘this is’, it will trigger the trap of ‘it will definitely happen in reverse’. 】

'useless. ’

【I can't do what I can't do to you. 】

The most dangerous thing is Alfheim, because the Laughing Bat's behavior is inexplicably linked to the Elden Ring. If I mess it up again, no one knows what will happen next.

[It’s probably because lovers eventually get married. 】

‘? ’

All in all, in order to increase the "resistance", after I asked Gandalf to borrow the "Heim Underworld", I specially found Natasha and Pepper and asked them for the "secondment permission" and "relative signature".

Although this behavior may seem unnecessary, it is essentially equivalent to wearing a pair of "rubber gloves." The two men took actions respectively "after receiving orders from SHIELD" and "after listening to their mother\\/fiancée's opinions". I have no direct relationship, and the impact of [death] will be greatly reduced.

[Useless knowledge has increased. 】

‘If any Hogwarts classmate succeeds in becoming a god in the future, these experiences may be useful. ’

【You are joking? 】

‘No, no, in a magic academy there will definitely be students who become gods. This is a rule. ’

[Where are the rules! 】

As for Gandalf and the two followers, although it is still very possible to find the "Fire Dimension", "Dragon Dimension" and Principal Dimension - oh, there is no such thing -, as long as they do not directly "upgrade" and Leaving the real dimension, there is still room for maneuver.

Then, time starts flowing again.


"What? Where is this? Who are you?"

"Mr. Colson, please calm down, Mr. Rogers needs help..."

"Where is the captain!?"


"[Let the flame purify everything!]"

"[Let this world burn!]"

"Hmm...why can they still fight when they have the same purpose?"


"[I am Iron Man.]"

"[Give me my father! Back!]"



"Very good, I have successfully cracked the conspiracy of 'Nyarlathotep' and sent back all the undead from the underworld of Helm. Next..."

"[Mr. Sherlock Holmes, 20 points will be deducted for destroying school property.]"



"Mr. Principal! Please be careful! Divine power is of no use to that guy!"

"Calm down, children, you have misunderstood 'divine power'. It does not refer to 'divine power', but to 'mythical power'. Since 'Destroyer' has the identity of 'Destruction Day', then it It will definitely be because of the same 'method of defeat' - You shall not pass!"



"[This is impossible, why would they recognize you as king?]"

"[Don't you understand yet? In the era when the 'Giant' had not yet become a 'Giant', a part of the 'Nibelungs' who were no different from the Asa clan moved to Asgard. The power of the 'God of War' I gave up was just an introduction. , what really summoned them from the ancient phantoms are the 'pseudo-Aesir' who have survived to this day and hate the queen who abandoned them. In other words, this city is also qualified to be called 'Asgard', and I am the 'Lord of Asgard'!】"

"Aww (The Lord of Asgard is so delicious)."


"you are not me!"

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