The Collection of The End

Two thousand five hundred and eighty-one, Sherlock and the Tide of Darkness (4)

——Marvel, 2015——

——[Unknown territory]——


"[Look, the one with white hair and long dull hair is 'Nyarlathotep', the one with short blond hair is 'Hasta', and the one with red twin tails is 'Cthugha'."


Although the "blind fish eating technique" that was said to be able to protect the mind was used, Sherlock still felt a headache from the information he received, and further doubted whether it could be relayed... No, it was probably okay to speak out. Yes, but it will probably either turn into gibberish or drive the people who hear it crazy.

He now regrets why he asked the vice-principal to explain in detail what the existence she saw was in order to "better analyze and formulate plans".

So, why are these "subspace evil gods" who are on the same level as the "Cosmic Demon God", and may even be comparable to the "Lord of Dimensions", look like harmless and even cute boys and girls?

Is it a tradition to pretend to be young? So……

Sherlock subconsciously glanced at the "magical girl" next to him whose clothing was mainly cyan.

Illya, who was weaving illusions with magic power, glanced at him: "[You must be thinking of something very rude.]"

"Ahem, no." Sherlock cleared his throat and looked away.

"[Be careful, the big ones are coming.]" Illya pointed with the wand in her hand at the images of the three boys and girls she had just drawn.

The next moment, the image of the three cute boys and girls, although a bit weird, suddenly changed qualitatively.

The white-haired girl in a black and white plaid skirt turned into a knot of muscles, her head was a huge tentacle, a giant roared on the top of the mountain, and he was wearing a bright yellow raincoat. The weak-looking young man turned into a surging filth wearing a dark yellow robe. Mud, and the girl in the bright red dress and red twin tails turned directly into a blazing fireball.

But that's how it would be, Sherlock thought.

"[I'm actually not sure what shape they are using now, but these are the origin images,]" Illya turned her wand and eliminated the last two images: "[And the one who might be causing trouble should be this one. .】"

As she moved, the image of the tentacle giant changed again, turning into a bald black man wearing a casual suit and a hearty smile.

"...Director of SHIELD?" Sherlock noticed the key element.

Illya was stunned for a moment, and then turned to look at the image: "[One thing to say, I really want to see the IF world line with that kind of setting, but in that case, what is the background of Hydra...' Gram A descendant of Sulu'?】"

"You mentioned before that it was an 'octopus head'," Sherlock continued: "A mollusk with eight tentacles and nine heads seems very reasonable."

"[Oops,]" Illya turned to stare at him in a daze this time: "[This Sherlock's SAN value seems to have returned to zero.]"

"Oh, if you go crazy when you see something beyond common sense, you are just a poor reasoning enthusiast." Sherlock crossed his arms and raised his chin: "No matter how weird the situation is, he can find out the inner meaning. Observing patterns and connecting them with logic is the professional quality of a 'detective'."

"[It's okay, this is only one-seventh. It's normal to have a few abnormal ones in the 'Thing Hall'...probably.]" Illya looked at the sky.

"I'm sure I'm normal," Sherlock emphasized: "You haven't said anything about 'this' Nyarlathotep."

"[Oh, this, did you know? Anyone who becomes a 'Cosmic Demon God' or goes to a higher level will have an 'incarnation' appear intentionally or unintentionally, whether it is an image used once in a while, or a false identity weaved, It is possible for 'self-awareness' to be born, and your current situation can be regarded as an 'experience version'," Illya said: "[This 'black man with a cheerful smile', 'girl in plaid skirt' and other images are all 'nai'. There is a certain aspect of Aratotip, but they are independent of each other, and they may even dislike each other and fight.】"

"Yes, I understand, very clearly." Sherlock looked at Illya and nodded in agreement.

"[My situation is not... forget it, you can just treat it like this,]" Illya shrugged: "[In short, the guy who met Hela is very keen on doing all kinds of things that are not harmful to others or to himself. 'Things.]"

"...Huh?" Sherlock was stunned for two seconds: "Just looking for fun? Then..."

"[Different from me!]" Illya hit the "Firebolt" she was sitting on with her wand, frightening the second half of Sherlock's sentence back.

"[Ahem, to be specific,]" Illya calmed down a little, cleared her throat, and then said: "[I might make a prank by breaking a one-meter board and causing people to fall into the swimming pool and make a fool of themselves, but I won't let people make a fool of themselves at ten meters. A misstep on the platform; you may be happy to see a dragon boat with a dozen people capsize around a corner, but you won’t let a cruise ship with thousands of people sink - if it causes casualties, there’s no point in having fun.】”

Take things on the water as an example... He is indeed the "Lord of the Ocean Dimension".

Besides, you didn’t deny that you were having fun, right?

"[And this 'black man with a cheerful smile'...]" Illya thought for a moment: "[He will first give the passenger a broken parachute bag, and then kick him off the plane at an altitude of 10,000 meters. Along the way, he encountered hot air balloons, hang gliders, flocks of birds, and hurricanes. His mentality repeatedly jumped between "I will fall to death" and "I can be rescued." Finally, when he hung on a branch and swayed and lamented his luck or misfortune, he was shocked to find that Below is the destination of his trip.】"

"If you let him have fun honestly, he won't get hurt, and he can still achieve his original goal with almost no losses. But if his random actions lead to death, it has nothing to do with him?" Sherlock guessed.

"[Absolutely, this is also a stereotype. After all, I don't have much interaction with him,]" Illya spread her hands: "[There is only so much information I can provide, what do you think? Great detective?]"

"I see."

"[Huh? So fast?]"

"The 'Drown Wraith', as a target that must be eliminated, will not be the target of 'Nyarlathotep's' prank, so his real targets are Jade and Erin, and Hela, as the 'Goddess of Death', Naturally, it is impossible to temporarily lend the souls of the underworld to this 'ancient evil demon' out of a fun-seeking mentality. Therefore, those souls will definitely benefit from this process and become more powerful. In this way, the answer is already obvious. " Sherlock asserted: "The final situation is that the undead souls under Jade and Irene were wiped out, the power of the dead souls in the underworld increased greatly, and the 'drowning souls' could not be controlled, and suffered a violent backlash - to that 'loving smile' For black people, it’s really a good show that ‘does no harm to others nor to self-interest’, unless…”


"Unless this is a useless plan that will strengthen outsiders' stereotypes of him, the original purpose is to strengthen outsiders' stereotypes of him," Sherlock said: "Does he plan to upgrade to the 'Devil of Mischief'?"

"[How can...huh?]" Illya paused in the middle of her retort, and after thinking for a moment, she slowly said: "[You just make arrangements according to your own ideas, and don't care about his true purpose.]"


"Very good, I have successfully cracked the conspiracy of 'Nyarlathotep' and sent back all the undead from the underworld of Helm. Next..."

After Shylock had a battle of wits and courage with "Nyarlathotep" in the void, and Niflheim returned to calm, the review was going on. Wearing a dark green tights and a strange headdress like a forked branch, "Goddess of Death" appeared in front of him:

"[Mr. Sherlock Holmes, 20 points will be deducted for destroying school property.]"


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