The Collection of The End

Two thousand five hundred and eighty-two, Sherlock and the Tide of Darkness (5)

——Marvel, 2015——

——[Physique variation]——


After a relatively childish "write the answers in your hand and compare them with each other" session, Sherlock and Moriarty began the next step of the discussion.

"It seems that we have reached a consensus, which is good. The next question is which god's power to use."

"[This is common sense, my dear friend]."


Moriarty instinctively wanted to dodge, but then he forcibly suppressed this instinct, pretending to be relaxed and looked at the "Destroyer" who called himself "Doomsday" who was once again illuminated by the "stage searchlight" and analyzed:

"As expected, it seems that the monster's 'attack ineffectiveness' only targets the ability to 'kill it'. It cannot resist a self-created magic like yours that simply lowers the defense and removes the hegemony."

Your common vocabulary has also been unknowingly influenced by Madam Vice-Principal.

"But it really has no lethality, so Asgard's warriors can only limit its movements." Sherlock did not point out this point, but instead said: "What do you think of our next attack?"

"Of course it is the dark power of our Lord Dormammu," Moriarty said without hesitation: "He was able to penetrate the power before to help me transform the drow spider, and now he should be able to invest more power to transform this Destroy monsters - don't forget, that is a powerful demon who can directly take away a 'Planet Dome'."

"Hmm..." Sherlock let his eyes wander unconsciously, as if he was thinking while observing the battlefield as the "magical girl" glimmered red around her.

"[Scoff,]" Illya mocked: "[If Dormammu hadn't taken away the 'Void Spawn', how would he have the ability to transform these spiders? The 'Lord of the Dark Dimension' has nothing to do with biological transformation. , that is more like the realm of power from hell, chaos or even extra dimensions.]"

That's so right, and the dependents who have been instilled with power by him are face to face with the incarnation of the "Ocean Demon God" but cannot see each other, which in turn proves that his influence on the real dimension is extremely limited.

"In your case, you should be able to use the power of the 'Lord of Magical Dimension, Veshandi'," Moriarty continued: "I have no objection to the Lord of Dimensions who gave power to the students of Hogwarts. But our attack just now has made the 'Doomsday' immune to all types of magic. Even the 'God of Magic' can't conjure a new type out of thin air that is not in the current spell system, right? This has nothing to do with strength, just logic."

"[Superficial, too superficial. With the size of 'Weishan Emperor', he can completely grant a kind of 'Weiyuan Magic', that is, it's not that it hasn't been invented or classified yet, but it really doesn't exist in this world. It doesn't exist in this world." Magic that is bound by the objective laws of the current world' - although that kind of magic should have a fight with the 'Lord of Extra Dimensions' to determine ownership.]" Illya commented.

"As long as the name is 'magic', it is equivalent to being restricted by the current magic system," Sherlock responded to the two people (?) at the same time: "If there is such a thing, I'm afraid I have to declare that I use [unintelligible] [incomprehensible] Name] launches an attack."

"[That concept belongs to the 'extra dimension', don't think too much, be careful of being 'watched' by Him - Oh, you seem to be very used to being watched, that's okay.]" Illya explained this issue, but It's better not to explain.

"...Is your mental condition okay?" Moriarty was concerned about other things: "I can't save you if you turn into a spider."

"I can use a searchlight to shine on myself at critical moments," Sherlock said nonchalantly: "You try your lord's magical power first. If it doesn't work, I'll think of a way."

"Oh, wait." Moriarty said confidently, then closed his eyes, and his whole body was gradually enveloped by the darkness that continued to appear from the void.

If there is no accident, there should be an accident.

After all, the vice-principal lady told herself the real name of her lance wand. If she didn't use it...

"[Oh yes, you can't use 'Lungominiad' for the time being," Ilia suddenly said: "[She was just used by you in the 'Unknown Realm' to help Irene clear away the undead, and she was also punished for it." 20 points will be deducted.】"


So was he the one who had the accident? !

Sherlock looked at Illya speechlessly, only to find that she had pulled out a small card from nowhere. On the light golden card surface, there was a depiction of an armored knight with a long sword in front of him.

Um? Why does that look a bit like the "Saber" chess piece that I got at the junction before?

"Drink! Get out of the way!"

Before Sherlock could think further about the relationship between the two, Moriarty had completed preparations and launched a "divine attack" on "Doomsday".

Countless threads of black energy, which looked very strange at first sight, surged out from Moriarty's body, rushing like a tide towards the battlefield where the fierce battle was taking place.

The Three Warriors of Asgard and Sif quickly evacuated, leaving only the "Devastator" who was unable to respond in time due to his low intelligence.


As the "black tide" washes away, the originally indestructible and self-recoverable pitch-black carapace on the "Devastator" quickly "dissipates", gradually revealing its true form - a man wearing dilapidated and old clothes, with a heart painted on his heart. Tall man in gray tights with bat.

"Very good, that's it..."


Just in the middle of Moriarty's smiling words, he was interrupted by the huge roar erupted by the "Destroyer". The black mist that originally washed it was sucked into the man's body. Then, the increasingly tough carapace began to It was regenerated at a faster speed and covered entirely, causing its size to more than double its original size.

"[Tsk, tsk, that's the 'Dark Knight', and it's also 'blackened'," Illya tutted: "[Unless Dormammu comes in person, the 'dose' can't be far away with just such a small amount of power projected." Far from enough.】"

When Sherlock looked over subconsciously, she found that the card had just turned into dots of white light and tiny feathers on her fingertips.

"[Quickly, light it up.]" She pointed at the out-of-control battlefield.

Doing this now feels like I'll seriously offend the "Lord of the Dark Dimension", but forget it.

Sherlock took a step forward and released a series of "fluorescent flashes".

[This is common sense, my dear friend. (Elementary my dear)]


A pillar of blazing white light appeared out of thin air, directly dispersing the mist-like "black tide" by the sudden appearance of light. It also interrupted the possibility of further absorption and strengthening by the "Destroyer".

Then, an old man wearing a white robe and holding a long staff slowly stepped out from the pillar of light. Everyone present looked very familiar.

"Hello, children," Professor

Can you violate the rules more than yourself? Oh, no, I should be "absolutely compliant".

"Mr. Principal! Please be careful! Divine power is of no use to that guy!" Moriarty shouted out of breath as he struggled to retract a small amount of black energy.

"Calm down, children, you have misunderstood 'divine power'. It does not refer to 'divine power', but to 'mythical power'. Since 'Destroyer' has the identity of 'Destruction Day', then it It will definitely be because of the same 'method of defeat' - You shall not pass!"

The devastater, who had almost no mind, obviously couldn't read the atmosphere. After a moment of sluggishness to clarify the situation, he did not hesitate to punch Professor X who had just appeared in front of it and was talking.




This behavior that seemed like hitting a stone with an egg did not unfold as expected. The relatively thin Professor He quickly "dissolved" and let out a roar of unknown meaning but with obvious pain.

"If you dare to steal the legend of the Greek hero Heracles' Twelve Trials, you must be mentally prepared to be poisoned by poisoned clothes." Professor This is just an advanced application of the ordinary 'Light Technique'."

There is a legend in Hogwarts that the headmaster has never used magic other than the light spell, and now it seems to be true.

Sherlock thought for a while and decided to cooperate with the expression of exclamation:


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