The Collection of The End

Two thousand five hundred and eighty-three, Sherlock and the Tide of Darkness (6)

——Marvel, 2015——

——[Spiritual Interference]——


In order to cope with the possible war that will follow, Thor and the Asgardian reinforcements he brought dispersed and discussed the defense plan with Helem, who was temporarily elected as the leader - a city falling from the sky and full of enemies inside. , conventional tactics are basically useless.

"It seems that even if I get rid of 'Nidhogg' and you team up with others to eliminate 'Jormungandr', the problems in this country will still not be solved, and will even become more serious." Atreus said to Sherlock .

Perhaps because the people present are all "ourselves" and the "live broadcast" signal has been interrupted, Atreus no longer pretends to be the god of trickery, the god of fire, the son of Laufey and Kratos, Atreus. The second prince of Sgard, the dean of Loki Academy, and the identity of Lily Angelberda's boyfriend introduced the current situation to Sherlock.

"Hmm..." Sherlock glanced at the edge of the Ice Crown Glacier, Queen Laufey who was trying to establish contact with the "Inverted Jotunheim", and Kratos, who wanted to help but didn't know how to do so, and was running around in a hurry: "Those two dragons are also part of 'Twilight of the Gods'?"

"Although that prophecy has changed beyond recognition - such as the part about me, as for 'Jormungandr' and 'Nidhogg', although they have been eliminated in advance, the relevant content still has reference value," Atreu Si said: "The former is one of the initiators of 'Twilight of the Gods' and will set off huge waves to flood Midgard. The latter has been eating the roots of the World Tree and has almost no participation in 'Twilight of the Gods'. In the end, as The survivors arrive in a new world after the Great War.”

"When Jörmungandr was destroyed by us, it was already a subspace phantom. I was still a little confused at first," Sherlock shrugged: "Now that I heard that it would 'set off a huge wave to flood Midgard,' I knew it was What's going on?"

As he spoke, he looked at Ms. Laufey, his eyes seemingly inadvertently passing by "Magic Girl" Illya, whose clothing color scheme and whole body light were all bright blue.

"[This matter is a bit complicated to explain...]" Illya looked at the sky - the city above: "[Just think of it as my doing.]"

"The same goes for 'Nidhogg'. Since it has been eating the roots of the World Tree, it is basically not difficult for Heavenly Father to find it and eliminate it in advance. However, when it was eliminated for the second time, it insisted that it was Beaten to death by a 'gold-armored monkey with a club,'" Atreus continued: "That sounds like the ape incarnation Tyr used, but it doesn't seem right."

"Don't worry too much about things that have passed and are good for us," Sherlock tried to bring the topic back: "So what is your purpose of bringing them up now?"

"Because they all come from the 'Dragon Dimension', the predecessor of Jotunheim," Atreus replied: "In the legend of this country, they are also the 'dragon that destroys the old world' and the 'dragon that creates the new world'. dragon'."


"The following content is what I interpreted after studying all the obelisks in Jotunheim when I was free. There may be errors, embellishments, or deviations caused by the recorder's personal misunderstanding. Just listen to it roughly," Atreus said. After thinking for a moment, he slowly spoke: "'Dragon Kingdom' consists of two parts, 'Skyrim' and 'Sovngarde'."


Illya couldn't sit firmly on the "Firebolt" and almost fell off, and then started beating the broom.

Madam Vice-Principal seems to know something inside? But as the "Lord of the Ocean Dimension" who protects the earth, he shouldn't have anything to do with the distant Jotunheim, right?

Because he was talking to Atreus, Shylock did not turn around to look, but just waited for Atreus to continue explaining.

"The dragons soar in the sky, and humans, elves, dwarves and orcs are all slaves, and they are forced to fight with each other, just to compete with other dragons for territory, and those who die in battle, whether they are dragons or their servants, All will enter 'Songarde' to sleep, and when 'Skyrim' lasts for a certain period of time, or when the number of dead people entering 'Songarde' exceeds a certain number, Jörmungandr will wake up, destroy 'Skyrim', and cause 'Songarde' to die. Gard becomes the new Skyrim and falls asleep, and Nidhogg, who originally slept in Songard, will become the new Jormungar, responsible for destroying the new Skyrim at the end. Virtue', the cycle goes on and on forever."

If the rules are understood, the remaining victor should deliberately control the number of deaths. It is not impossible to be more ruthless and directly assassinate the sleeping Jörmungandr.

After listening to the rules of the "Dragon Dimension", Sherlock first came up with a few ideas and felt that dragons must have tried it. However, judging from the fact that the cycle was still repeating, they obviously failed to achieve their goals.

As for Jormungandr and Nidhogg, they are obviously the two "dimensional masters" of this bisected dimension. They will not fight because they cannot meet each other, but at the same time they lack strength because they cannot monopolize the dimension. In the end, It failed to prevent the collapse of the entire dimensional cycle, leaving only ancient ruins that can be seen everywhere on Jotunheim where dragon roars can be learned. Then, the "Nibelungs" migrated here and began to live and evolve.

From this point of view, what the former Frost Giant Queen Ms. Laufey said about giants evolving into dragons does not seem to be a big problem.

"How about it? Does it sound completely consistent with the 'World Tree Cycle', 'Hall of Valor Resurrection', and the legendary 'New World' that will be born after 'Twilight of the Gods'? And Jotunheim has its own independent The reincarnation cycle," Atreus shrugged: "So, what is about to happen now is not only the battle between 'reality' and the 'phantom of the past', but also the second battle between Asgard and the 'Dragon Dimension' During the confrontation, under the influence of various factors, Thor and I led the Frost Giants and Asgardian warriors to appear here respectively. It is undoubtedly fate."

"So what's your plan?" Sherlock's mind was spinning and he asked while considering various countermeasures.

"I think it's ok-"

Tsk buzz——!

At this moment, a bright golden light was projected from the increasingly approaching "Inverted Jotunheim", accurately hitting the "Unmerciful Iron Fist" who had just been beaten up and fell in the ice pit.

His injuries completely recovered almost instantly, and he put on a set of bright golden armor with a distinct dragon style out of thin air, and soared into the sky along the golden light.

"[This is impossible, why would they recognize you as king?]" Ms. Laufey, who stopped communicating with the Inverted City, asked with a slight frown.

Judging from the queen's tone, this matter is actually not very important. She is just a little dissatisfied with the situation being out of control.

"[Hehehehe——]" Wu Ming's iron-fisted tone was erratic, and it seemed that he had not fully recovered, but his attitude had become arrogant again: "[Don't you understand yet? In the era when the 'Giant' had not yet become a 'Giant', a part of the relationship with Asa The 'Nibelungs' who are no different from the gods have moved to Asgard. The power of the 'God of War' I gave up is just an introduction. The ones who really summoned them from the ancient phantom are those queens who have survived to this day and have no regard for the queen who gave up on them. The hated 'pseudo-Aesir', in other words, this city is also qualified to be called 'Asgard', and I am the 'Lord of Asgard'!】"

"Heh..." Atreus looked up at the rising Iron Fist: "If he takes the initiative to enter Sognard, unless 'Twilight of the Gods' succeeds, he will never come out."

Don't put up a flag here... Sherlock subconsciously looked at Illya, only to find that the magical girl had taken out a bronze card at some point. The card showed a person wearing a hooded robe. A magician with a staff and a spell book.

That seems to be the image of a "caster" chess piece, but why isn't it gold? Did you draw an R card? Or N card?

Illya obviously had the same doubts as Sherlock. She stared at the card for several seconds before hesitantly throwing it away, and the card disappeared the moment it left her hand.

Almost at the same time, a huge canine shadow appeared on the ascending passage of "Unmerciful Iron Fist", and opened its mouth to bite the "ancient evil demon" who had fallen into the trap:

"Aww (The Lord of Asgard is so delicious)."

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