The Collection of The End

Two thousand five hundred and eighty-four, Sherlock and the Tide of Darkness (7)

——Marvel, 2015——

——Disruption of order——


In the deepest part of the Elven Court, there is a huge tree hole that can be vaguely decorated with exquisite decorations and beautiful furniture, but now it is covered with weird scarlet flowers.

Their vein-like roots cling tightly to all surrounding objects, causing everything except themselves to appear uniformly the purple-black color of decay and apoptosis.

And in the mid-air of this huge hollow, there is a "Valkyrie" holding a pair of narrow swords, wearing a rusty dark gold armor, with a pair of dark bird wings on her back, and her pale skin is covered with countless crystals of the same color as strange flowers. ", she was fighting against "Spider-Man" who was wearing a red and blue spider suit, constantly shooting spider silk, and moving flexibly in the air.

On the whole, although the "Valkyrie" has been launching attacks at super high speeds, and the flashing sword light frequently covers nearly half of the tree hole, as if it has the upper hand, the results of the battle are not touched at all except cutting off a lot of spider silk. The opponent's body has already lost in a sense.

"[Damn spider!]" After another large-scale attack failed, she let out a roar with dull echo.

"Hey, lady, I'm not a spider. Although I can spray webs and climb walls, I don't have eight legs or compound eyes." Spider-Man swung his webs and passed by the edge of her attack range. "Please call I'm 'Spider-Man'~"

Valkyrie stared closely at Spider-Man's movements. When he reached the highest point while swinging the spider silk, and his body was temporarily suspended in the air due to the need to project new spider silk, she suddenly flapped her wings and turned into three strange red and black streaks. The erotic illusory figure slashed at Spider-Man's head, neck, waist, abdomen and legs.

Almost at the same time, dozens of dark "threads" seeped out of Spider-Man's body, pulling him in a circle in the opposite direction, just in time to avoid this "anticipation attack."

"[Corrupt monster!]" The phantom dissipated, and the reappeared Valkyrie roared again.

"[Hey, this - ow!]" Those black threads made a sound, as if they wanted to imitate the words, but in the next second, most of them were cut off by the arc-shaped sword energy thrown by the Valkyrie, and they were so frightened that they hurriedly "shut up". Take Spider-Man far away from the attack range.

"I seem to be unable to intervene for the time being..." Sherlock, who was watching the battle on the edge of the battlefield, turned to look at the "magical girl" who was glowing with bright yellow light and wearing the same color costume, trying to get off-site prompts.

"[If you think about it carefully, 'get out of class is over' and 'Corrupt Monster' are indeed very similar, don't you think?]" Illya didn't seem to understand his hint, and was looking at the strange flowers in the tree hole with great interest. : "[Although this is just 'catalyzing evil thoughts'.]"

"I have seen many similar parasitic organisms in 'Galeed'. Although the properties are similar - they are also parasitic and change the host form, the actual performance is quite different from that of 'symbionts'," Sherlock commented Said: "At least they can't speak, they are simple monsters."

"[As long as there are 'similarities', we can 'establish connections'. The subspace is so unreasonable," Illya looked at the ever-changing aerial battlefield: "[That's why the confused 'Valkyrie' put the common The organism recognizes the 'corruption' that caused her to fall into this situation.]"

Can subspace explain everything?

"[You seem to have never been to the 'Holy Tree', I might as well give you some general information about its 'original' version]" Illya said: "[The 'Valkyrie' in the 'Junction' and the Asgard side There was more than one of them, and all of them were affected by the 'corruption' and turned into monsters. The 'Marenia' that the 'Faded One' was scheduled to defeat was the strongest among them. Instead of turning into a monster, she successfully controlled the corruption. A bad power, but he fell into madness and wanted to kill all the other fragment kings.】"

It does sound similar, and it's not impossible... Sherlock looked at the battlefield.

He had seen the guy spreading 'corruption' before. It was a weird monster with many limbs, resembling an insect, and could spray out a series of spider-like objects to attack. It was a subtle parallel to Spider-Man.

After the ancient hero [Yu Qi] treated others and abandoned his body part and was affected by the "Catalyzing Evil Thoughts", instead of being a puppet who obeyed the orders of the "Laughing Bat" like other entities with evil thoughts, he used some kind of "Contact" transformed into the "Dark Valkyrie" and wanted to kill everyone who was treated by [Yuqi].

Although this [Blackened Yusu] has no information about the border area at all, due to the influence of the unreasonable subspace, she now regards Spider-Man as the mortal enemy who spreads corruption, without even looking at Sherlock— —Obviously he also has magic support.

Although he is obviously a victim, but he is on the side of the enemy, the "Laughing Bat" must have laughed like crazy - seems to be crazy?

"[Enough!]" After Valkyrie's attack failed again, she did not continue to pursue, but soared into the air and rose to the top of the huge tree hole: "[I will bury all you annoying insects, and then I will liquidate those ungrateful ones." Mortal!】"

"Dude, according to the Biology Encyclopedia, spiders are not insects—"


Valkyrie finally found a way to deal with Spider-Man's talkativeness - ignore it. She emitted a chaotic red-black dull light in mid-air, sucked all the weird flowers in the tree hole into the air, and gathered around herself into a weird and evil star. Red sphere.

"[Oh... an attack that combines corruption and evil contamination... Although it won't affect Spider-Man, but...]" Illya muttered beside her, but did not explicitly ask Sherlock to do something.

Got it, additional questions of your choice.

The key word is "fusion", and the sphere has an entity, so...

Boom boom!

The red ball was condensed and briefly suspended in the air before it began to fall at a high speed. At the same time, it produced a strong suction force, which seemed to be intended to suck Spider-Man, who was always flying around. Judging from Spider-Man's frightened and hasty escape, it seemed that efficient.

"[Split into pieces!]" Sherlock didn't have time to think about it, and raised his hand to cast the magic spell he thought was appropriate on the sphere.

Boom boom—bang!

The crimson sphere crashed to the ground like a meteorite, and then suddenly bloomed like a huge flower.

The huge "petals" stretched out in all directions, pulling Spider-Man, who had escaped from the impact of the red ball two seconds ago, back into the "flower core" one by one.

Almost at the same time, the "Valkyrie" whose wings, armor, and body crystals were all replaced by dense red petals slowly rose from the stamens, and then looked down at Sherlock.

Sherlock was very convinced, and there was a little surprise and confusion in her eyes that were originally filled with madness and hatred.

"[Anyway, anyway...]" Since the enemy was facing him, he did not dare to look away. Ilia's suppressed laughter came to his ears: "[You deal with her for a while first, and wait for Peter to break free or [Feather] Qi] Just come here and don't strengthen her connection with the 'junction'... Puff."


Is it normal to provide fun to the Vice-Principal Madam?

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