The Collection of The End

Two thousand five hundred and eighty-six, North American Mythical War (389)

——Marvel, 2015——

? ? ?

Steve Rogers is dead.

After fighting fiercely for a whole day and night with the "Dawn Lamp" who had obtained the power of stars, due to a brief mistake, he was attacked from behind and punched from the back of the heart and out from the front.

Not to mention that he is just an ordinary person who has been strengthened by the "Super Soldier Serum", even Dr. Bruce Banner in the form of the Hulk would be in danger of life if he took this blow.

Or because he was too confident, he shouldn't bet that he could catch the punch with his shield and disperse the "green light energy".

But if they are not dispersed, the "ancient Green Lantern traitor" who gradually becomes unscrupulous will beat those children away from the "Ring World".

Perhaps, I should change my mantra to, "I can fight with you all day long." The time limit of this sentence is still too short.

Everything in Steve's eyes was fading rapidly, first turning into a hollow gray base and dim white outlines, and then they blended together into a chaotic gray mist.

I wonder...where will I go?

Steve thought vaguely as his consciousness gradually faded away.

——Why don’t you ask, which god do you believe in?

No, of course not. I have indeed seen some powerful "cosmic demons", but I do not worship or believe in them.

--oh? why?

Because their position and existence form are too grand and lofty, they may give power to mortals who are in trouble, but they don't really care about them. And he, Steve Rogers, has been fighting against sodium brittle all his life, for the sake of the world. struggle for the liberation of mankind.

——So, according to your requirements, doesn’t the “Lord of the Ocean Dimension” who has always protected mankind not meet the requirements?

According to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s information, "Namor" in the first generation of Avengers appeared when mankind initially completed industrialization and began to discharge sewage into the ocean, and destroyed many factories in the early days of his appearance. I have reason to believe that, The "Lord of the Ocean Dimension" protects the earth and the ocean, not humans. If it continues to pollute the ocean, "Atlantis", which is currently in a friendly state, is likely to become the enemy of mankind in the future.

——Last question, if you were killed in a battle that was similar to a "drill", wouldn't you regret it? Even if you don't help those little players, their lives are not really in danger.

There are certainly no regrets, and if I had turned a blind eye to the people in danger, Captain America would have truly died, and now there are countless people who could wear the suit, whether Steve Rogers lives or not.

--is that so? I see.

So, now it’s my turn to ask: Who are you?

——I thought you would ask that from the beginning.

As Steve's consciousness gradually became clearer, the voices in his head no longer mixed with his own thoughts, and a familiar yet unfamiliar figure slowly appeared in front of him.


Steve Rogers smiles at Steve Rogers:

"That's you."


Steve looked around.

This is a clean and tidy room, like a hotel private room. There is a rotatable round table in the center with two sets of tableware placed on it. The surrounding walls are covered with light yellow patterned wallpaper, and beautiful crystal lamps are hung on the roof. The night view of the city can be seen through the cut-glass windows on the side.

Sitting opposite him was "Steve Rogers" who was dressed in gray casual clothes, had short snow-white hair and a short gray beard, and had deep wrinkles on his face. He looked ninety years old.

"Let's get to know each other," old Steve tapped the table with his fingers: "I am 'Steve Rogers' who did not fall into the Arctic Ocean and was frozen. After marrying Peggy, I lived a normal life for seventy years. The title 'Captain America' has been passed on to her niece 'Sharon Carter'."

"This..." Steve tried to understand what his "older self" said. There were many things he wanted to ask, but he didn't know where to start.

"Germany was defeated, and the Soviet Union did not disintegrate," said the old Steve: "All countries were divided into four or five factions, and they were arguing over the ownership of the colonies on the moon's surface. If the 'Moon Girl' was annoyed, they would It will be interesting if they all come down - the Mars base construction plan will take another three years to be implemented."

"...?" Steve's little common sense evaporated instantly.

"I'm not showing off," Old Steve spread his hands: "I'm just showing you a possibility - the possibility of the future development direction of the earth."

"They... are a good comfort to a person who is about to die," Steve finally said: "It seems that the so-called 'revolving lantern' also has various manifestations."

"Revolving door? Death? No, veterans don't die, they just wither," old Steve waved his hand: "I just think it's meaningless for you to refuse the solicitations of the 'Universe Demon Gods' one after another, so I'll ask you when you 'wither' Come sit down and have a chat."

"I didn't know I was so popular," Steve's heart dropped a little, "Then are you satisfied with my answer?"

"The answer is not important. What is important is whether you can answer it. As long as you strengthen your belief, you can-" Old Steve paused mid-sentence and turned to look at the door of the private room: "It seems you should go back. .”


Steve followed his gaze and saw the ordinary brown wooden door slowly opening, revealing the empty darkness behind it.

The next moment, he was engulfed in the darkness coming from the road, and only vague whispers came to his ears.

——Have you been waiting for a long time?

——No, I just arrived too.

——Your dishes are ready...

When you are eating and waiting for someone, grab someone over to chat?

Also, why does the waiter’s voice sound familiar?


team leader……

The chaos dispersed again, turning into a gray-white base and pale lines, which were then illuminated by bright green and cyan radiance, revealing their original appearance.

"team leader!"


Steve opened his eyes and found that Phil Coulson, codenamed "Hawkeye", had appeared beside him at some point and was using the ring on his hand to continuously release a stream of cyan light at him.

His punctured chest has been filled and repaired by green light dozens or hundreds of times more intense than before, and the "dawn lantern" that caused the injury, which can absorb all light, has been forced out of the "ring" by the green light. "World" is suspended in the universe, looking here with surprise and doubt.

He seemed to be trying to extinguish the cyan light stream, but to no avail.

And further away, the young players participating in the competition all looked shocked.

At times like these, it seems appropriate to give some inspiring speeches.

Steve thought about what his "older self" said for a moment and made a quick decision.

"'Captain America' is not a specific person, but a protective belief," he said slowly while looking at the lantern of dawn: "And belief will not be extinguished, nor can it be defeated by fists."

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