The Collection of The End

Two thousand five hundred and eighty-seven, North American Mythical War (390)

——Marvel, 2015——


"[Let the flame purify everything!]"

"[This world will burn!]"

"[Hulk - fight!]"

At this time, half of the huge red palace was in ruins. The flame elemental holding a giant hammer, the flame giant wielding a giant sword, and the green villain who was almost invisible in comparison were fighting in a ball, unable to avoid the small ones. Fire elemental creatures were either knocked away or trampled into the ground.

On a high slope some distance away from the "Fire Temple", two contestants from the Green Lantern Corps and Hogwarts were watching the battle.

"Well... forget it," T'Challa in the form of the flame cheetah turned his head and looked at [Afterglow] protected by the green light energy: "If Dr. Banner muddies the water, those two big guys shouldn't notice us. "

"But we can't get close to that palace either," [Can Guang] frowned: "According to the temporarily recovered 'Golden Tree Guards', the 'Fire Dimension' was supposed to reappear after tens of millions of years. We are close to the 'Land of Fire' in a very short period of time. Once it breaks through to the 'real dimension', the connection between this arena and Asgard will be completely interrupted. Even if those 'protective measures' for the players can ensure that we will not die. , and can't take us back - after weighing the costs and benefits of rescue, the Green Lantern Corps will probably mark me as 'Missing in Action (mIA)', what does Hogwarts say?"

"Uh..." The Flame Cheetah thought for a while: "Professors should be shouting 'no one should be left behind' while tearing down the flame dimension, right?"

"Although I don't know whether you overestimate your professor or underestimate the 'Fire Dimension', I like the possibility you described," [End Light] shrugged and turned his gaze to the "Fire Temple": "Have you noticed that? When the huge fire element fought against the flame giant, it never left its place. If I guessed correctly, its 'root' is what we want to find and destroy, the connection point between Muspelheim and the 'fire dimension'. The problem now is..."

"[The problem now is that you cannot protect yourself.]"

Following words that were familiar yet unfamiliar, with the crackling sound of burning dead wood, the [Nameless Se] who had betrayed the "Konoha Village" before rose up from the ground in front of the two of them, along with charred black branches like giant pythons.


[Ending Light] and T'Challa quickly retreated in unison, avoiding several charred vines that sneaked up from the ground while [Unknown Seer] was speaking.

"You traitor!" [Can Guang] shouted angrily, the green light around him became more intense, but it still failed to break through the radius of about one meter.

T'Challa didn't speak, but quickly changed his form according to the number of vines and branches that appeared with him, transforming from a flaming cheetah into a flaming tyrannosaurus - although the specific form of this creature that ruled the earth hundreds of millions of years ago is still open to debate. , but since Loa has granted this transformation, it can be used.

"[Traitors? When did you two become Asgardians?]" [Nameless Se] sneered with the crackling sound of flames exploding: "[I just helped the Fire Nation that was once betrayed by Asgard. 'What does revenge have to do with your Green Lantern Corps and Hogwarts?]"

"Uh..." [Can Guang] was in a daze.

"As a 'summon', you hinder us from completing the game!" T'Challa said very pragmatically.

"[Ah... Summon, you succeeded in reminding me of some unpleasant things,]" [Nameless Se] said with a bit of hatred in his tone: "[I need to give you a little punishment. If you can survive, Let’s discuss the issue of ‘betrayal’ again.]”

Boom boom boom——

Almost at the same time, fire demons, lava dogs, obsidian elements and lava giants emerged from the nearby ground.

"[By the way, they are all the results of my recent experiments. If you deal with them based on past experience, you may suffer big losses.]"



"It's hard to believe that they would be willing to be transformed by you like this..."

After struggling to defeat the group of "experimental subjects", [End Light] and T'Challa panted while staring at [Nameless Se] who didn't seem to take the loss seriously at all.

Not to mention the lava dogs that can resurrect and the obsidian elements that can self-destruct, the group of fire monsters can actually share life. Unless there is a sufficient distance, as long as there is a fire monster nearby that is not beaten to death, the other fire monsters will They won't fall down.

"[Transformation? No, no, they are the inherent characteristics of the aborigines of the 'Fire Dimension'. I just reproduced them in some way,]" [Unnamed Se] did not take the opportunity to continue to summon his subordinates for a sneak attack. began to discuss the issue of "betrayal": "[A dimension huge enough to confront Asgard, originally known as the 'Kingdom of Thunder', was betrayed and dismantled by them, turning into this kind of only scorched earth and wild Don’t the elemental creatures of Muspelheim have the right to revenge?】"

"Even if that's true, it's none of your business." [Can Guang] pointed out this point keenly.

"[It is true, but standing on your side will not do me any good. Maybe the other 'summons' you summoned are willing to disappear after the 'game' is over. Now that I have found a way to survive, I will not sit still and wait for death,] "[Nameless Se] said: "[An 'ancient dimension' is revived, and there are tens of millions of 'ancient creatures' that return to the 'real dimension' with it. I can naturally become one of them.]"

"When a person becomes the God of the Universe, domestic chickens and dogs will also fly to the sky." T'Challa said.

"It seems we have to stop you." [Can Guang] put on a fighting stance.

"[I came to see you just because of the friendship we had when we fought side by side,]" [Nameless Se] said: "[As long as you stand by and watch, after the 'Fire Dimension' returns to reality, I can send you back to Aspen." Gad, as for that ridiculous don’t think it’s still going on, do you?”

"..." [End Light] looked at T'Challa hesitantly.

"In other words, if we intervene now, we may still ruin your good deeds, right?" The Flame Tyrannosaurus grinned ferociously: "Let me guess, did you expect the appearance of the super giant Flame Giant? Outside?"

"[You are smarter than you look,]" [Nameless Se] raised his eyebrows in an unobtrusive manner: "[According to my investigation, that guy was once the king of the 'Fire Kingdom', and he wanted to conquer the current 'Mu' Spelheim sublimated into a new 'Fire Dimension', completely abandoning the one in history, and then was betrayed and destroyed by the fire element creatures affected by it. Now the 'Fire Dimension' is about to be reborn, and it is also killing people because of certain connections. I came back and wanted to kill the still weak 'King of Fire' and occupy the magpie's nest.】"

"Humph, so——"

"[But,]" [Wu Mingse] interrupted [Can Guang] and continued: "[No matter which one of them becomes the new 'Lord of the Flame Dimension', I am valuable to them all. The previous commitment Let’s still count, or should we continue the fight just now?]”


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