The Collection of The End

Two thousand five hundred and eighty-eight, North American Mythical War (391)

——Marvel, 2015——


"Unfortunately, you have no choice, Mr. Nameless."

Following streaks of red current blooming from the void and flying bats, a man wearing dark red tights with a white bat pattern torn by black lightning on his chest appeared out of thin air between the three people who were confronting and negotiating:

"Someone among them has limited my speed in some way. If you don't solve them, the time for the 'Fire Dimension' to come again will be greatly delayed."

"!" [Afterglow] and T'Challa quickly retreated, one once again activated the green light energy, and the other directly converted into the "Flaming Nine-tailed Fox" posture that could restrain high speeds.

"[This is different from what you promised at the beginning, 'Red Death',]" [Nameless Se] looked at the "ancient evil demon" with an unhappy expression: "[Or do you plan to take the opportunity to retaliate?]"

"Originally, I really didn't need to be so fast, but there was an unexpected obstacle, that stupid big guy over there." The Red Death nodded his chin in the direction of the Flame Temple: "'King of Fire Giants' and 'King of Flames' 'The competition for the qualification to become the 'Fire Demon' slows down the arrival of the 'Fire Dimension' to reality three times. If left alone, it will take at least sixty days, or until they decide the winner."

"[You heard it,]" [Nameless Se] turned to [Wang Guang] and T'Challa who were on guard: "[If you want to accept my proposal, lift the 'speed limit' on this guy.]"

The two players looked at each other. The fighting side by side for this period of time was enough for them to barely exchange some information through their eyes:

--is it you?

--not me.

——Is it Dr. Banner?

——That’s out of the question.

"It seems that we have to reject your proposal," [Can Guang] replied: "When you were doing experiments on the roots, you may not know that this guy can accelerate other people's time to cause anything with a limited lifespan to die early. If it is lifted Without the protection of Konoha Village, we may die suddenly."

It has nothing to do with the golden forest. What resists the accelerated passage of time is actually the high-density green light energy and the characteristics of the nine-tailed fox itself, but there is no need to tell him this kind of thing.

"It's a pity that the negotiations broke down." The Red Death took a step forward, and the phantoms of red lightning and black bats began to appear: "As long as I kill you all, it doesn't matter who did it, right?"

"[Yes, it's a pity,]" The charred vines and branches connected to [Nameless Se]'s body surged up: "[I will have to kill you here.]"

"Yeah...huh!?" "Red Death" seemed to be preparing to charge towards [Afterglow] and T'Challa, but was attacked from behind by those python-like vines. He used his high speed to quickly dodge and instantly Pulling away: "You guys, are you—"

Bang! boom!

Before this "ancient evil" could finish speaking, a violent explosion occurred where he landed, but what exploded was not a lethal thing, but a thick red liquid and net-like vines.

The incident happened suddenly, and even through the mask, one could see the frightened and angry expression of the "Red Death". He had no time to continue questioning, turned around and tried to escape, but no matter where he settled, he would inevitably arouse different types of emotions but with the same purpose. The trap of restrictions and restraints made him clumsy and very embarrassed.

"[What are you waiting for?]" [Wu Mingse], who had not moved, glanced at the two of them: "[I think it was you who suggested that this guy was too dangerous and therefore refused to cooperate?]"



There was no time to retaliate against the taunt. [Afterglow] and T'Challa didn't even have time to discuss tactics, and subconsciously launched attacks based on the coordination they were used to when dealing with the "Red Death" in "Konoha Village".

The "Red Death", which was exhausted by the "Throwing Net" and "Sticky Rat Board", couldn't even put up any decent resistance. It was quickly stuck by the red liquid, wrapped and entangled by vines, and was finally killed by [Nameless Se] Swallowed by control of charred branches and vines.

"Damn it...if it weren't for you..." When the "Red Death" disappeared among the vines, it was still glaring at [End Light] and T'Challa viciously.

"You...?" This betrayal, or backstab, happened so quickly that [Wang Guang] and T'Challa didn't even think of asking [Nameless Se] for the specific reason until the dust settled.

Could he be a double agent?

"[Don't be too self-righteous, children of the new generation,]" [Nameless Se] said as if he guessed what they were thinking: "[I did betray the Asgardian side and swore allegiance to the 'Lord of the Flame Dimension' , but that doesn’t mean that I will regard other guys who take orders from that stupid big guy as my companions, and I don’t care much about ‘who will be the Lord of the Flame Dimension’.】”

"..." [Can Guang] was speechless.

"I just want to be the wife of the county magistrate, but it doesn't matter who is the county magistrate?" T'Challa seemed to understand, but then he seemed to misunderstand.

"[I am deeply worried about the teaching methods at Hogwarts,]" [Nameless Se] glanced at T'Challa: "[The reason for dealing with that guy is very simple: I cannot allow the matter of 'causing the birth of the Lord of Dimensions' The key to the matter is not under my control, especially since the spirit of this 'key' is not very normal.】"

"Then what's next..." [End Light] tried to find the figure of the "Red Death" among the tumbling vines and scorched branches, but failed.

"[I will control him and continue to perform the work of 'making the flame dimension float up to the real dimension' - it is only three times the slowdown, and it can be solved by three times the output,]" [Nameless Se] said: "[Or rather , you want to rescue him?]"

"Um... no, of course not." T'Challa shook his head repeatedly.

"[Since your 'speed limit' behavior is a little help, the previous proposal is still valid. As long as you stand by and wait until the 'Fire Dimension' comes again, I can make the decision to send you back to Aspen." Garde,]" [Nameless Se] looked at the two of them: "[Friendly reminder, after controlling this 'high-speed bat', the difficulty of defeating me will increase exponentially.]"

"Let's... think about it." [Wang Guang] looked at T'Challa and decided not to start a war with this "traitor" who showed limited goodwill for the time being - mainly because he might not be able to defeat him.

"[Wise choice, if not necessary, I don't want to provoke an obviously restrained powerful enemy like the 'Lord of the Ocean Dimension' for my future lord,\

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